I'm looking to sell my MSI GT627-218US. I bought it July of 2009, it's in perfect condition except for a minor crack on the red plastic trim piece. Originally purchased for $1200. What do you think I could get for it now. I have a buyer who is a friend; I just want us to both get a fair deal. Does $600 sound right?
Windows Vista
Intel Core 2 Duo; P8600 2.4GHz
Nvidia 9800M GS
320 GB HD
15.4" 1680x1050
Blu-Ray Drive
For price check : http://forum.notebookreview.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1062
For sales and stuff : http://forum.notebookreview.com/forumdisplay.php?f=18
700-800 sounds about right. 600 for a quick sale. If he's a very good friend , 600 seems ok
Post it there , you should get a better estimates. -
Oh I must have missed that forum. Thank you.
No prob , good luck
How much is this worth?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Crossfire26, Mar 23, 2010.