I was going to buy a Sager NP8150 until I heard that the MSI 780R has phenomenal audio. I'm half deaf so that is definitely an enticing feature for me.
So tell me about the machine's gaming performance if you own one. How does it look when compared to Sager's NP8150?
same card ? almost the same performance
580m on sager ? you can guess it yourself (msi currently doesn't support 580m) -
niffcreature ex computer dyke
^ Yes. ^
Well its almost an inch bigger, if you didn't notice. And much prettier
But yea, that 570m is looking AMAZING -
niffcreature ex computer dyke
Pictures of which?
LOL, there is a picture of the 780r at the top of this page for me with an army guy sticking is gun out of the LCD.
You don't need a picture to know for sure that the gtx 570m is going to score 13k 3dmark vantage.
By prettier I don't necessarily mean better looking, it has a multicolored backlit keyboard and probably some lights. Clevo doesn't offer backlit keyboards at all. The only thing the Clevo really has on it is subtlety, graphics power at a price and the option for a better screen at +100$
You can't get the multicolored keyboard in all regions.
Of course thats not the only thing, its an interesting laptop like all of their newest 16 and 17" high end gaming. The lid has kind of a ridge vertically down the center and it its a little pointed at the top, with the corners all very rounded and at more than 90 degree angle.
You can see some pretty good pictures on xoticpc.com
Oh and the speakers are much better than the clevo.
I would go for it or while your waiting order the gt683dxr which is the same but 16" with 570m. The same keyboard isn't an option tho I think.
How is the MSI 780R when compared to Sager's NP8150?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Proudclad, Jul 26, 2011.