I recently walked into a nearby laptop store while shopping for a new laptop (weird huh?), and was pleasantly surprised when i recognized the chassis and keyboards (who can miss the red WASD keys?) of all their laptops were the MSi Barebones. This store is reputable, and well known for it's lifetime warranty. They have, however, become infamous in my mind for their high prices.
i found a MSi 1656 barebones with i7 720, nvidia GeForce GTS 250m, 320 gb hdd, 4 gb 1066 ram for, get this, a whopping $2400 after student discount. i can get this online for 1500, and can get the gx640 for 1200.
they do their own service in store, no sending anything in to msi at all, and i hear they're fast and efficient. it's not worth the doubled price though is it?
Not worth getting for the 250m on its own. For 1500 you can get the upcoming Gx*** from MSI.
thats what i thought. the guy was trying to sell me on it quick. barely let me look at the thing. at least I got to test the keyboard for myself =)
Reliable who don't want the customer have a proper look ? That says it all.
So how's the keyboard ? I know it's not the same as the one i'm using , the directional are now bigger etc.
It should be the same on the Gx i think. -
he let me have a look, but he knew i had done research so he knew that I knew there were much better prices. so he rushed the conversation. i actually like the keyboard on the 1656... don't know what people are talking about flex. and i don't ever use right shift. so that's not a problem. i really liked how it felt.
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
if you have $2400 ur willing to throw around for service you can just buy one online and if it breaks and you have bad service then buy a new one
yeah i know. =)
Do they want to buy mine for about $2000?
I'm willing to sell it right away.
Even I'll do them some discount!
I can't believe that this store still exist ... -
all we have around here is best buy, wal mart and costco. so a store that offers higher performance with "Free" lifetime service. last one around here that was like this went down after a couple years. so much for "lifetime" service.
Their lifetime, not yours.
Yep, not worth it, 10 years ago medion were like that, don't know about now, but they didn't sell expensive products either haha (Yep they were MSI rebrands
How important is Service?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Tree_Burner, Mar 17, 2010.