Newest MSI 780r with best Graphic card wont beat my old msi gt725 dont believe it ?
well take look here
Review MSI GT780R Notebook - Reviews
scroll down to the Cinebench CB R11.5 CPU 64Bit CB R11.5 OpenGL 64Bit
and see scores LOL i7-2630QM GTX 560M ddr3 8gb
CPU 4.96
GPU 39.57
well I have MSI GT 725 or rather copy of itcalled Advent, my laptop cost max 300$ on ebay
and my laptop q9200es ddr2 8gb ati 4850 kills msi 780 or at least the GPU.
my scores
cpu 4.28
gpu 51.93
So what the point in Buying MSI 780 ?
You can get Cinebench from here MAXON: CINEBENCH
Really? .
basically my q9200es overclocked to 3.7 Ghz working together with ati 4850 not overclocked kills MSI GT780r in Gaming performance -
Thats not necessarily my point. However if you do want to brag score, please run 3dmark vantage or 3dmark 11 instead. And dont worry they have a whole cpu score area for you to show.
this test was done with SuperPI so only for the CPU
in few min I will run 3dmark 11 and we will compare results again -
4850 isn't a dx11 card. 3DMark11 won't run on that card.
will run 3d mark 06 -
3d mark 06 is rubbish did the test and at the end it show window asking if i want to view results on-line and to view my results i have to register and to register i have to pay LOL
honestly I don't trust benchmarks tools! I tried it on many computers that are older than my desktop scored higher! try games on it and I suggest GTAIV and Crysis2!
some benchmarks are ok Cinebench is good cuz it test rendering with use only the CPU and gaming performance cpu+gpu.
superPI is good to if you want to test the CPU only
I can play every game even without over clocking at all. -
benchmarking tools bearly represent anything! my good ol' GTX295 didn't scored any higher than GTX260 back in 2009 using this cinebench!
try out any intensive game! I would like to see the result! -
I have a 28" monitor with resolution of 1920x1200. Usually use the notebook with that.
i have no problems with any game on my laptop screen is full HD bought from ebay but dont play games on full HD.
and really i dont play much games the only thing i use that need a bit of power is 3ds max and AE thats why i was talking about bench in Cinebench cuz it has rendering test just as if you were using Mental-ray.
the point of this thread was is really worth spending 1000£ on a laptop which will work really only a little better than laptop worth 300£ >? -
1200p and advanced level, no patches.
and before the GTX, 1280x800 advanced with the GTS and no overclock on cpu. -
To OP, if you can't even run directx 11, then that automatically makes your computer inferior. But if you think that you're computer is better, then obviously don't go buying a new one...and what is this thread even for? to brag? Because there are already tons of gt780R/DX/DXR benches on this site that you could have read.
most of games run on directx 10 and even 9 so no point upgrading to 780 and new graphic just to have direcx 11
780 with its 2635 if you would like to use it with 3ds max and metalray will be only few milliseconds faster than q9200 when renderings and it wont be faster at all when modelling
the same is in AE the only good thing is the vram like for example 560 got 3gb so it would help but if you have 0.5gb vram and 8gb ram thats enough too.
you get my point ?
gaming performance aint better or if there are any its only when you play in full HD and not really to much.
people who use 3ds max do know max doesnt even support directx10 it still use directx 9 and opengl -
Looks like you have it all figured out. Then instead of buying a new computer, just upgrade the GPU? There are also a lot of games that utilize dx11, such as the Witcher 2, crysis 2, BF3, etc. I know that I can run the first two games on high settings @ 1080p. I usually get around 30 fps.
both ivy and ddr4 use much less power comparing to current ram and cpus while being much faster. -
desktop ddr 4 may come out this year
Samsung DDR4 modules offer 40% power saving ? Computer Chips & Hardware Technology |
ivy sandybridge we will see in the middle of 2012
none of current desktop laptop mobos support ddr4 and ivy bridge -
Unless you are talking about the performance increase of on-board Intel GPU.
DDR4 in 2012, not quite sure about it, as it has been delayed for quite some time
Would DDR4 provide noticeable increase in gaming performance?
Only time will tell, but most probably it's just a minuscule increase. -
ddr4 will consume half of the power of ddr3 will run at 2.1Ghz and more this will help with for example rendering and help the laptop run cooler less voltage
starting speed for ddr3 was 1066
starting speed for ddr4 is 2100
ivy will help with rendering for sure it will run cooler less power needed it include graphic it will have more than 4 cores
there is no info yet on how many cores will ivy have but for sure it will have more than 4 on some websites you will find info ivy may have 8 cores
ivy and ram wont improve gaming performance much i dont think so but if you use 3ds max or AE you should see improvement
the good think about ivy and ddr4 is that both need less power which mean laptop will be cooler and that is important isnt it ?
and once more here someone says ddr4 may come out this year
here is a piece of the article
"..By the middle of next year (if standardization is achieved in 2011) DDR4 pricing will have dropped to the same level as DDR3, it will be standard in new laptops..."
How good is your Newest MSI 780r did you benchmark it yet ?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by andy.lowel, Oct 22, 2011.