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    How does one go about getting individual replacement laptop components?

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by Giskard, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. Giskard

    Giskard Notebook Enthusiast

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    To be more clear, I'll explain my current scenario.

    I recently purchased an MS-1057 from A few days ago, while taking the system apart to partake in miscellaneous mischief, I broke a tab or two on the touchpad/palmrest component. I managed to superglue one of the tabs back on, but due to clumsiness got some glue on the left part of the palmrest. In a state of crisis, I ended up removing the glue, but the finish got partially rubbed off, and so now the area is ugly. My desire is to purchase a new palmrest/touchpad component, so I can replace my currently mutilated one. I know any warranty support for the part is null, for I cosmetically screwed up the thing, but I think I should be able to just purchase the individual component.

    As of right now, my 30 Day RMA return time period for the notebook has expired so RMAing to is not an option, nor do I think they would be willing to replace it if it's already cosmetically damaged. From browsing the site, it seems they only RMA the whole whitebook, and not individual components, so that rules out totally.

    In summary, my question is this: What is the general procedure for purchasing individual replacement components? I know it's possible with Dell, at least, because I've managed to buy obscure plastic pieces from them even after warranty. Does MSI do the same thing?
  2. ejl

    ejl fudge

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    i dont' know their procedure for this. however, i would try calling msi and seeing if they will sell the part you want. unfortunately, i suspect that they will not allow sale of chassis parts.