GPU:GTX970m 3G
nVidia control panel can't found G-Sync.
So.Enable G-Sync need special vBios for support?
Your version might not have G-SYNC, I have the same model and it doesn't have it - unfortunately MSI sells two versions, to tell if you have G-SYN - there will be G-SYNC sticker on the Laptop and the brown outer case will say just "Dominator", if it has G-SYNC it will say "Dominator G"
Where I bought mine they stated that it had G-SYNC so I complained and I got a rebate, it was a honest mistake on their part since they weren't aware of it either. -
but i think G-Sync can be enable..
u can look for this.
this vBios can force enable graphics card's G-Sync module..but can't support GTX970m 3G,just support GTX970m 6G.
any one can bak an G-Sync GTX970m 3G vBios and upload??Last edited: Mar 2, 2016 -
G-SYNC is a screen feature not a card feature, the 970m does support G-SYNC the laptop screen does not however.
Vbios for gsync is different there are gsync vga cards and non gsync vga cards. VBIOS from Gsync VGA is not compatible with VGA without Gsync .
Non G-Sync and have G-Sync card's hadrware are different?They vBios can't mutual flash.? -
No, same hardware. It's all down to the screeen. I ran gsync on my non gsync gt72. More info here.
just only use 347.88 drivers?can't use new drivers force enable G-Sync?Last edited: Mar 2, 2016 -
You are wrong belive me. In msi it is not the same vga card. Just try to flash 970m/980m non gsync with bios gsync
. Goooood luck.
It was not working good on those drivers not as good like on new hardware with gsync vga card.
Read the other thread. Google those that have done it. It works exactly as the gsync models. The difference between the g and the non-g gt72's is software/license based only. I've posted in the other thread my results using gtools, still smashing 10k in firestrike. As long as you have the correct screen and drivers it works fine.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk -
Just G-tools Beta 2 version too low,only support nvidia drivers 350 under。。
so sad。。T_T
How can enable G-Sync for GT72 6QD
Discussion in 'MSI' started by ?tyle, Mar 2, 2016.