hello ,
does the msi gt80s have switchanle graphics such as in the alienware 18 , can i move between the dedicated sli gpus and the intel gpus .
How does it work , I cant seem to find any key or button which will allow me to switch the gpus .
The GT80 had the MUX switch through the Haswell and Broadwell CPU models.
The GT73VR has the MUX switch, but IDK about the GT83VR... -
Check out our main GT83VR, GT73VR, and GT80/GT80S threads:
***The Official MSI GT83VR Titan SLI Owner's Lounge (NVIDIA GTX-1080's)***
***The Official MSI GT80 Titan Owner's Lounge***
The MSI GT73VR series......
http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-msi-gt73vr-series.794968/#post-10390343 -
thanks so this means to save battery life i can not swtich to the intel gpu ---lolll i wonder why this is ...guys also wanted to know down the line can i use an external gpu via the thunderbolt port .
I really wouldn't count on any of these eGPU things working 100% down the road.
Get the vendor matching support - Razer, AW, etc, to make sure you have the best shot at it working long term.
Besides, a high end SLI laptop should play games just fine for a few years at least. By then you will want something else, if you can wait that long to upgrade
IDK, I never really expected my GT80 to be run on battery, except to move from AC plug to another AC plug.
I rarely use battery iGPU mode.
My other laptops have been dGPU only as well, and I was just fine with it.
If you need a long lasting laptop on battery, buy another laptop to do that for you.
High end gaming laptops, the real high end ones, are all dGPU only, and rightly soGuuD_SpeeD likes this. -
Anyways in my case I hardly use igpu, I focus entirely on dgpu. In the rare cases I do disconnect my laptop, I almost always am doing very light work, to the point the dgpu is not the issue but the constant CPU use I have. I end up eating my battery with several videos, chrome tabs etc, so I use my battery sort of like an emergency UPS haha.hmscott likes this.
How Swtich between Dedicated Gpu & Intel Gpu on Titan gt80s sli
Discussion in 'MSI' started by muhd86, Nov 18, 2016.