Sorry.. Som3 k3ys ar3 brok3n. Lol. G3tting fix3d soon.
Any\/\/ays, about ho\/\/ long do3s th3 batt3ry on th3 MSI GE60 2OE-003US r3ally last?
Thanks. I n33d this for coll3g3 so I don't \/\/ant it to b3 2 hours lik3 th3y adv3rtis3.
L3t's say I \/\/as on Microsoft \/\/ord and googl3 chrom3..
Lol I love how you have improvised. Anyways, I cant give you personal experience with a GE60 2OE, but I can give you this. I have been in the same boat as you for a while now and I can tell you that its terrible lol. Between Lenovo and there Y500/Y510p and the GE60, its been one big pain in the @ss. I am too a college student (Well soon to be one in August) and I too was worried about battery. But after researching I found that the GE60 with half brightness and on balance mode, people have been reporting only 2-2.5 hours MAX. Thats just terrible for a college student. Also people have been reporting heat issues. So personally if this laptop is going to be your "College Laptop" and you want battery, I would think twice about the GE60.
I know you personally had problems in the past with Lenovo and there Y500. But in full honesty I think you should at least rethink looking at a Y510p again. But again thats just me. I love mine and have zero problems with it. I also get around 3-3.5 hours of just browsing. -
Thanks for th3 complim3nt bt\/\/ lol. -
I have the GE60. You can pull out almost 3 hours if you lower the brightness all the way but you won't get more than 2 hours 10 minutes at the standard "web browsing, medium brightness" test. Sorry, the battery capacity is just lower that it should be, and I wish MSI would make a higher capacity battery available, I would buy it. It's a real pity because all the other faults with the computer are pretty minor.
what up FSU Logan!
well i guess with gaming laptops, 2-3 hours is all we will get lol. someone suggested me a tablet to do light work - browse internet, email, etc. i got an apple ipad so i guess that would work and maybe that will work for you as well? -
I am looking at Sony Vaio's curr3ntly.. It is stupid of m3 to buy a 'gaming' laptop if I n3v3r gam3.. -
If you don't plan on gaming then you need to look at solutions with integrated graphics only
If they carry 8 cell or more battery with new Haswell CPUs, you can get around 5 hours more or less, depending on the rest of your hardware config. I can get 5 hours with my GT60 when not using the dedicated GPU and just browsing or using office apps
If you do not game, you can check out CX series of MSI NB. Gaming laptop is design to preform for gamer.
Ho\/\/ long..
Discussion in 'MSI' started by FSU Logan, Jun 25, 2013.