I have tried asking around and searching forums but unfortunately, no one has responded to my issue.
And even reps from Eurocom can't explain what is happening.
So, it first started with games completely crashing to the desktop. It would hang and then just close the game. I wouldn't get any notification about Nvidia driver errors or recoveries.
But this only happened in certain games. For example here is a list of games it would crash on:
Titanfall 2
Space Engineers (After 5 or 10 minutes)
The Division (After 5 or 10 minutes)
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (It varies, sometimes I can play for hours. Sometimes it crashes after 10 minutes)
Watch_Dogs 2 ( Instantly or 10 minutes after launching)
Dying light (within 5 to 10 minutes after starting)
Battlefield 1 (after about 30 minutes of play)
Games that I could play for 6 plus hours with no issues:
Just cause 3
Fallout 4
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Ghost recon Wildlands
Sniper Elite 4
Wolfenstein the old blood
Portal 2
After this issue became clearly a major problem and limited the functionality of my laptop I reached out to Eurocom. But unfortunately, my laptop is no longer under warranty so I cannot RMA it or send it in without it costing me an arm and a leg.
The only thing they had me do was flash the vBios to one they recommended and it only made the issue worse. Instead of crashing to the desktop, my whole system locks up, and power cycles and reboots.
I have tried re-installing windows twice, tried older and new drivers, I lost the old vBios file so I can't downgrade, I have tried installing the OS on a 2.5 inch SSD, and on different M.2 Drives with no change in the issue.
GPU never goes past 76 Degrees in temperature as I use fan boost when gaming.
Please, any help would be appreciated.
I am willing to do anything to get my beast working properly.
Core i5 7500
GTX 1070 8GB (Desktop)
32GB DDR4 3000mhz
256gb WD black M.2 OS
512 GB A-Data M.2 New games
1 TB WD Black HDD for old games
120hz 1080p LCD
230watt power adapter
I just happened to notice your post in the Owner's Lounge for your system a few minutes ago and I could not find where anyone responded to you. I looked on your profile and it appears your request for help was ignored. I apologize that nobody replied to your request for assistance. See quote below.
I am puzzled by the second thing you mentioned. You should not be using an AMD RAID driver and if the BIOS is set for AHCI mode the drives should not be showing as RAID SCSI devices in Device Manager. That is definitely not correct and I am wondering if something goofed up there is causing the NVMe drives to run abnormally hot. I never had an issue with them overheating to the point that they disable themselves until cool down in the Tornado F5. When you installed Windows from scratch (clean install) did that problem go away, or is it still showing up that way?
Are you still having an issue with overheating NVMe SSDs, or is that sorted now? If not, that could cause the problems with the games crashing if there are read/write errors from overheating.Last edited: Apr 2, 2018 -
EDIT: You can start monitoring the ram&vram usages and see if there is some weir behavior. If its ram related you are lucky because is easy to remove/replace. Maybe I'm going nuts and this is not even hw related!
Sent from my SM-G900F using TapatalkLast edited: Apr 2, 2018 -
If you want to go back to the stock MSI 1080 vBIOS, you will find a copy of it in this archive from my Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bwdqi25LDwZyVUhJdDhKNWFfSEE/view?usp=sharing
There are 3 vBIOS files in the package. All are stock and will flash using NVFLASH. The Clevo vBIOS and the stock vBIOS used for EVOC machines with 1080 will run hotter than the original vBIOS used by MSI because the Clevo and EVOC firmware are for a different GTX 1080 GPU and will allow your GTX 1080 to draw more watts than the original vBIOS provided by MSI.Izen likes this. -
Hello Mr. Fox,
I was hoping you'd see this since you seem to be very knowledgeable about these laptops.
About the NVMe Drives, it turns out the 128 GB A-Data XPG M.2 I purchased was faulty, although A-Data XPG M.2 SSD's have been shown to run extremely hot due to the cheap method of manufacturing. I ended up returning the 128 and keeping the 512 GB M.2 from A-Data for game storage and eventually purchasing the WD Black 256gb M.2 as it had better performance and didn't run as hot. After removing the 128 out of the combination the AMD raid Driver and RAID SCSI device issues went away after doing a fresh install onto the WD M.2
They no longer disable themselves and show up properly in device manager. I did purchase a heat-sink for the A-Data 512 just in case and it has shown no issues since,Mr. Fox likes this. -
I forgot to mention in my post I am running the GTX 1070. If you have a Vbios for this card that I can try flashing to, that'd be more than greatly appreciated.Mr. Fox likes this. -
Last edited: Apr 2, 2018 -
No worries Mr. Fox, thanks for the replies. Hopefully, someone will see this with the stock vBios for the 1070 in the 16L13.
Do you know of a V-Ram testing application by chance? Because I can run furmark for hours without an issue, I can run the unigine benchmark: Supercomposition benchmark and get the correct scores. But only in certain games as mentioned it crashes.Mr. Fox likes this. -
Hello Txordi,
Thank you for the reply, I have tried new ram, and even tested ram modules in different DIMM's etc. Unfortently that did not resolve my issue. I wish there was a way to disable or limit V-ram available to test this.Txordi likes this. -
Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk -
I posted this (below) in the 16L13 Owner's Lounge to see if going back to the stock vBIOS helps. Hopefully, someone can share theirs with you. I am a bit concerned that your GTX 1070 has a problem of some kind, but it's weird that it only happens with certain games. It could be a bad vRAM chip that only causes a problem when it is utilized.
Izen likes this. -
Download Video Memory Stress Test
Downwnload OCCT 3.1.0Izen likes this. -
Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk -
No worries, I have kept an eye on the ram and V-ram. V-ram usage I have pushed over 6 GB with no issue. I forgot to mention that I am able to play the witcher 3 maxed out completely for hours with no issue.
Do any of you think that this can be CPU related? I have maxed out my CPU usage and ram multiple benchmarks. But CPU stress tests don't cause anything to happen. But I wonder if its an issue with the PCI-e lanes or something that communicates with the CPU and GPU.
Also should mention that there are never ram dumps or crash dumps of any kind done. I always check after a crash and use the app "who crashed" and nothing is reported, unfortunately. -
Izen likes this.
I have used Video Memory stress test, but I couldn't ever get it to work.
I will try the other links posted and post an update with results. -
EDIT: the only difference is that mine has the SLI bridge connector removed @Mr. Fox
Here is an image you posted of the exact 1070 I have in my notebook: -
Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk -
@Mr. Fox
I just tried running OCCT and I got this Error: Your GPU does not support cuda, you need a Geforce 8 or higher card. Mem test disabled"
I will keep my fingers crossed someone that comes across this post with the vBios I need. But yeah I am not sure why I am getting that error.
I am unfortunately limited with parts and funds. I can't afford to take a dive on a new 1070 and have it end up being a motherboard issue and needing to replace the laptop itself. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
*edit* I saw your error. What version of OCCT are you using? I'm using the one that came out last year with NO problems with a TDP modded GTX 1070 MXM.Izen likes this. -
Sorry Didn't see your edit until after, I am using the link Mr. Fox gave me. It downloaded Version 3.1.0Mr. Fox likes this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
What the hell?
Mine is 4.5.1.
And that came out last year.
What's Mr Fox doing linking you to one that came out 10 years ago? LOL
Here you go!
@Mr. Fox
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
@Mr. Fox Just wanted an excuse to use the butt fumble, haha, all good!
Papusan, Mr. Fox, Izen and 1 other person like this. -
@Mr. Fox @Falkentyne
Hahaha, it happens. But that's a good reason to use the but fumble lol.
And no worries, I'll download the latest one and do some testing once I get back from work. I'll let you both know the results.
Thanks again for your advice! I hope to figure out what's wrong with this beast.KY_BULLET likes this. -
@Mr. Fox @Falkentyne
So I ran occt for 15 minutes on CPU and RAM, and 15 minutes on GPU, no crashes, not spikes in voltages or voltage drops. at 1080p, render complexity at 7, and I maxed out the limit for testing V-ram of 2 GB. No issues, no spikes or performance issues. Temperatures were low and stable. (CPU and GPU both stayed around 55 to 60 degrees)
Could this be a motherboard issue? (I hope to god its only a motherboard or software issue as the GPU is not cheap to replace as I could get a used barebones for half the cost of a simular model from eurocom on Ebay)Falkentyne likes this. -
Have you already received a stock 1070 vBIOS yet for testing? (I have to looked back in the thread yet to see if that happened.) It could be a number of things, but I would try that first if you have not already. -
Do you think I should try re-flashing the vBios Eurocom gave me? I still have that as they emailed it to me.Mr. Fox likes this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
@Izen please use imgur to host pictures. Photobucket and imageshack are useless now. Everyone uses IMGUR now.
Izen and Falkentyne like this.
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
@Izen i'm really dumb today. I really should have read the original post you made.
Do you have MSI Afterburner installed?
If you do, set an average core overclock let's say +150 (most cards are ok with this), then a +500 mhz RAM overclock.
(haven't seen a samsung RAM card that can't do this).
then, press CONTROL F and bring up the frequency curve.
Now, click the 0.950v voltage point on the graph after setting up your overclock. Then press "L"
Then press apply.
Now play your games and tell me if you get any crashes. -
Mr. Fox likes this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Should I try with the overclock? Is there a way to set this to load each time windows starts?Mr. Fox likes this. -
Just be aware that if the GPU is overclocked too far and unstable at the time of shutdown, it will re-apply the same unstable overclock at Windows logon. Better to save it to a profile. Then you can select it from the tray icon whenever you want it applied.
But can I be explained by chance why this works? Is this a fault in the vBios for voltage control? Or is the voltage set by vBios set too high? Or is my card just unable to handle the voltage used by the GPU boost when it clocks it self up?
EDIT: I will do the overclock tomorrow and report what happens, time flies when playing games. Need to be up for work in 5 hours lol.Mr. Fox likes this. -
Last edited: Apr 4, 2018
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
MSI refused to admit there was a flaw, and instead did band-aid fixes by supplying a "8A" vbios that prevented the card from using any voltage higher than 0.881v. Boost clocks still worked, but the card would not go higher than 0.881v. This was ok for some users with 115W cards, because in newer games and benchmarks, there was no difference in performance between the original bios on a fully working (no bugged) card, and the 8A vbios, because the power limit flag would stop the card from using the higher voltage and clocks anyway. But in older games, where the card could boost up to 1.0v and higher and 1900+ mhz (games where you always saw the crashes on bad cards), there was a noticeable performance drop with the .8A vbios.
Most Kaby Lake laptops (laptops made in 2017) came with the fixed revision cards. I was unaware that 16L13 users received the broken cards. I thought the form factor of the 16L13 1070 was different than the GT73VR 1070, but in fact it may be the GT62VR 1070 that has a different form factor than the 73VR 1070. But I don't know. Regardless, the form factor is irrelevant, if the same defective circuitry exists on both card layouts.
There was another vbios which disabled ALL boost clocks completely, a 'failsafe' vbios which MSI put on some people's laptops, even when they asked them NOT to.
This entire debacle, combined with the trade-in "Scam" debacle, caused MANY, MANY People to hate MSI. BGA vs LGA wars notwithstanding.
Eventually, late last year, MSI started actually replacing the 1.0 buggy cards with 1.2 revision cards, but ONLY if people actually asked them (well, demanded) that they did it. Since by now the cat was out of the bag and MSI knew full well that people knew the 1.0 cards were just defective.
That's basically it.
What I suggest is contact Tom Ho (tomh AT MSI DOT COM) and request VERY firmly and plainly if you can get a RMA replacement purchase of a GTX 1070 revision 1.2 (i don't know about revision 1.1 or if that is the highest revision for the barebones) card for the MSI 16L13. You need to explain VERY plainly that you have the defective 1.0 card with the broken 1.013v crash voltage step and you want a fixed card shipped from MSI, and see if there is a way to get a cross shipment under warranty, without having to send in the laptop. If Tom cannot help you, then you need to CALL MSI on the phone and ask for an escalated supervisor request for an RMA upgrade for a defective part. See if you can work out a way to get the new card shipped to you without having to send the entire laptop back, and then you ship the old card back, to avoid any downtime. This is assuming you know how to re-paste with thermal paste and repad with Arctic 1mm thermal pads.
If you are uncomfortable with that, then you would have to ship the laptop back to MSI, and God knows how long that will take. I've seen MSI completely butcher people's laptops, so I would fight VERY VERY hard to get the card itself shipped to you and set up some sort of cross shipment. It might be VERY hard but good luck.
I've attached the "8a" Vbios here. I DO NOT know if this will work on the 16L13. This is a GSYNC vBios, and I do not know if you have a gsync card or if this bios is whitelisted for your laptop. This vbios works for GT62VR's, GT72VR's and GT73VR's with 1070's and gsync, but not for non gsync boards. I don't think a "0.881v" vbios exists for non gsync models.
If this doesn't work, you have to lock the voltage like i suggested.
But I think you should just get that card RMA *UPGRADED* at MSI's cost (minus shippping). But you're going to have to be VERY, VERY stern and pushy. They can do it if they want to. But they usually do NOT want to. It's too much trouble for them because it breaks their "system" and makes them have to admit that "they messed up."Attached Files:
Last edited: Apr 4, 2018 -
I also have the Eurocom Sky x4e2, but that 1070 failed on me with in months of owning it and I never bothered to rma it as I have had my Tornado F5 since the gpu failed in the Sky. -
Izen and Falkentyne like this.
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
I want to see the form factor. But if the heatsink is blocking too much.....need to see the heat plate position relative to the MXM slot and see if that "tab" is on the card (the infamous 1070 tab which made the MSI 1070 (at least the GT73VR version) hard to fit in other laptops even though it would work in a Clevo P870 with some modification.Izen likes this. -
Mr. Fox likes this.
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Try to contact MSI. Go through Tom first.
Make sure he understands that you know PRECISELY the problem and that the vbios band aid fix is not acceptable.
If that fails, go through MSI support. You're going to have to fight the battle of the bulge for this.
Let them know that you want a REVISION 1.2 card that is compatible with the GT73VR and 16L13. Make sure to specify whether your laptop has gsync or not. I don't know anything about whether a non gsync vbios can be used on a gsync card or if your laptop was not designed for gsync originally, what would happen if you installed a Gsync card (most likely gsync would simply not work and it's business as usual. I think the PROBLEMS happen when the card itself is a non gsync revision and you put a gsync vbios on it).
Good luck. I want to hear some good news. -
On my sky X4 I reflowed the 1070 and it has been running Watch Dogs 2 completely maxed out ultra for 6 hours strait no crashes no artifacts or clock fluctuations. It seems as if I just fixed one of my beasts.
I'll be shooting an email shortly to Tom at msi as Falkentyne recommended to get the 1070 replaced in my 16L13
hmscott likes this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
@Izen What card did you have to re-flow and why?
I believe the gsync card will function fine, but gsync will simply not be available.
The problems were when users (this was discussed on the Clevo section) were flashing a Gsync bios into a non Gsync card (there are differences in the PCI ID and probably some Ngreedia resistors that determine if a card supports a feature or not), even though the CHIP is the same. It's all DRM, folks. Gsync= Adaptive Sync + DRM.
Free sync= Adaptive Sync+ FREEDOM.
FRREEDOOM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Izen likes this. -
I have a Eurocom Sky X4E2 with a GTX 1070 (The clevo one that requires external power and is a massive card) The GPU failed 3 months into owning it but I received my tornado F5 shortly after it happened and didn't bother touching my Sky X4 and honestly forgot about it sitting in my closet. The GPU was giving me lines and crashing constantly on the screen. I just started working at my job 2 months ago now and discovered they have a reflow/reball machine and asked around and was given permission to use it on my break. Took the GPU with me to work and reflowed it and it has been working fine for 8 hours now without a single issue. Benchmarks are where they should be, temps are good, clocks are stable and even with a 6gb Vram load it handles it fine.Falkentyne likes this.
Help with MSI 16L13 (Eurocom Tornado F5)
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Izen, Apr 2, 2018.