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    Help me decide the specs for MSI1029

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by jack99999, Nov 10, 2005.

  1. jack99999

    jack99999 Notebook Guru

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    Ok, so I have been all over the place to consider my new laptop. Currently I am sharing Dell 700m with my sister and I want to have my own (a little bit of gaming laptop). Lastest I almost order S580...but then I kept reading about how hot the laptop is(even with the recent bios) and the fact that it is fairly expensive.
    So, I stumble upon this new forum and read about MSI1029 and its great review from orijin. I am inclined to get this one. But I need some more info to make a sound purchase.

    1) Is AMD Turion processor going to fare better than Intel M in the future? I am not sure how 64bit come into play. Can anyone explain this in detail?
    2) I will be ordering from Ibuypower since they have the 30day money back guarantee and 5% discount offer and two free games (Bet on Solditer and Halflife 2 Bronze). I know that they dont have good resellerrating 7.61 lifetime 7.65 six-month and I chat with one of them using the online chat feature and the responses are not well-answered...Anyways are there better ones than this? or should I stick with this one?
    3) Is the processor upgrade from 1.6ghz to 2.0ghz reasonable (+90) or should I go with 1.6ghz to 1.8ghz (+50) or 1.6ghz to 2.2ghz (+130) for better gaming?
    4) At Ibuypower, they offer an upgrade from Major Brand ram to Corsair ram (1*1GB) for additional of +19. Should I get Corsair? I am aware of the issue of slower bus speed when using 2 SODIMMS so I wont get 2GBs or 2*512MB.
    5) Again, 60GB 5400rpm to 60GB 7200rpm for addtional $69...worth it? Major differences for gaming?
    6) I want to know SPECIFICALLY the noise level and heat on this laptop. I am very pleased with Dell 700m fan...not noticeable and rarely even turn on. I like to have moderate heat and minimum noise as possible. So, can owners of MSI1029 tell me how is the heat and noise while surfing and max gaming? (Orijin if you please)
    7) Of all the above mentioned, I have other contending laptops that I might regret since when I customize my specs (2.0ghz, 60GB 7200rpm, 1*1GB Corsair ram), the total comes to~1420 after the 5% discount. This is fairly steep since MSI quality and reliability is unknown to me. When considering the fact of comparable if not better contenders: DV4000 and Sager 5320.
    DV4000 is significantly cheaper since I can get student discount from hp website or 6month return period from costco website. Total~1300.
    Sager 5320 is known for quality and reliabiltiy and the review by Chaz is just as great. Also, the price is comparable.
    So, what are your opinions?

    Thks in advance :rolleyes:
  2. orijin

    orijin Notebook Evangelist NBR Reviewer

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    - 64bit is for the new windows vista 64bit platform.. according to some facts 64bit is much faster than 32bit.

    - read my thread about opinions of msi resllers. ibuypower and cyberpowersystems isnt on my list

    - a beta bios was release to one of the resellers i talk to. He isnt allowed to release it to the public because he'll get in trouble by msi but getting the ram problem fixed should be soon hopefully. So 2gb on the system would be great.

    - the noise level is tolerable. Fans turns on and off but doesnt really get annoying to me. Im tolerable to the sound even to the asus w3v fan so im not sure if other people are like me =].

    - temperatures i would say they dont get extremely hot but they get warmed while gaming on battlefield 2 however i would never put any notebook on my lap while gaming cause that cant work out for me lol.