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    Help deciding on MSI Laptop through GentechPC

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by AVInstaller, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. AVInstaller

    AVInstaller Newbie

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    I am ready to pull the trigger on a new laptop (most likely through GentechPC) that will partially be a desktop replacement. I've researched and narrowed down my selection to an MSI laptop unless convinced otherwise.
    Leaning towards a 15" to increase the portability factor.

    I will do zero gaming on this laptop, but will do the following tasks often..

    -Edit/mix music
    -Edit 1080p 60fps video from a Drift Ghost-S action cam on Adobe CS6, maybe using some After Effects as well.
    -Hopefully something with half decent battery life (for simple Web browsing)
    -Creating sketches for business
    -Controlling an animation laser using Pangolin Quickshow software
    -Program URC remote controls using CCP complete control software
    -Creating documents using Microsoft Office (excel and word)

    Using the above list, I've primarily leaned towards a workstation, although a gaming computer is not out of the question. I've heard conflicting information, but it seems that the Nvidia Quadro gpu's are better suited for adobe video editing, but I realize some others work well too.

    Currently, I'm considering the MSI WS60 and the MSI WT60, although the WT series may be just a little too big to lug around comfortably, and even though it has a 9 cell battery, it seems the battery life may even be shorter than the WS60.
    Unsure about if the 3k screens in either will be smart based on decreasing battery life, and small font issues, otherwise I'll pay the extra for it.

    Also, I will invest the extra money to remove the HDD in either of them, most likely running (2) 512gb ssd's in raid config, and and additional internal 1TB ssd for faster storage with less impact on battery life. Having the thunderbolt 2 connection in the W series will allow a fast 3rd ssd for better premiere pro performance.
    16GB max ram in the WS60 should be enough to do what I need, but I realize the WT60 has a 32gb ram capacity for even better after effects performance.

    Either of these options will bring me over the $3k hump, but I am willing to pay this if either laptop satisfies my needs for the next 2 years or so.

    Can anybody add their advice/recommendations? There aren't any reviews for the MSI WS/WT series laptops yet, so I can only compare with the current GS/GT models.

    Thank you in advance for any comments.
  2. ryzeki

    ryzeki Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    What sort of advice are you looking for? If GT series are any indication, battery life is good when not taxing the system (5 hours, can be more or less depending on tasks) and performance is excellent. Going for a WT means you want the extra capacity in terms of RAM and possibly better cooling, albeit louder at that. Since you will be working on effects and overall use software for video/image editing, the 3k screen might be a good investment. Regular font usage can be tweaked via DPI, but the thing is, the 3k Screens are IPS and boast better colors, contrast, viewing angles etc.

    I think your needs will be more than satisfied, considering the WT even comes with Core i7 4810 which is a great CPU, and you can add a bit extra performance using intel XTU to overclock it a bit more. Honestly, will you be moving a lot when working? I have used my GT60 and other bigger laptops for a long while and I rarely was inconvenienced. Recently I use lighter notebook for work, but mainly because I tend to use office software and not anything too demanding.
  3. AVInstaller

    AVInstaller Newbie

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    "What sort of advice are you looking for"?"
    Thanks for your reply ryzeki...

    I could have probably created a post, simply by asking if the MSI WS60 would be sufficient to meet my needs, but I added the WT60 into the equation as well. The obvious answer would be that the WT60 would do most everything better, but if the thinner, more portable laptop would satisfy my needs, and not have major heat issues, it may be the better choice. Since nobody has reviewed either of the W series, I wasn't sure if the Quadro video cards were different enough from the G series GTX video cards, and possibly ran cooler etc.

    I currently carry a Dell Inspiron N5110 which is not terrible for size, but probably even smaller than the MSI WT or GT series.
    I agree, the 3k may be a better choice, so thanks for helping me make that decision.
  4. AVInstaller

    AVInstaller Newbie

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    How about an operating system selection with the 3k version of the WS60 or WT60? Would Windows 8.1 be the better choice due to handling the dpi of the higher res screen, or would you suggest Windows 7 Pro that generally comes pre-installed?
  5. GenTechPC

    GenTechPC Company Representative

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    Windows 8.1 would be a better choice to handling DPI since it can handle independent DPI settings per screen and Windows 8 or Windows 7 can not.

    After Effects is more complicated, you would want pretty much every horse power you can get on GPU, RAM and GPU.

    It really depends on the effects you are using, if you duplicated each layer then you would want more RAM otherwise you will get a message saying system out of RAM and ask you to save your project file.

    On this project I am working on it has 45 layers, I got 32GB of RAM and it's not enough, I had to closed all my browsers and programs just to render it fast and not running out of RAM, the CC Motion Blur Effect you see on the falling rocks really slows everything down, the 13 seconds video took 1 hour to render:


    If you added CC Motion Blur effect then it's GPU does the job, you will probably notice your rendering slow down quite a bit because of CC Motion Blur that's because slow GPU can't render fast enough. The Quadro GPU does better job than GTX series.

    Other effects such as Fractor Noise, Particular, Shatter, CC Pixel Polly, Partical World are based on CPU power to calculate each pixels and physics.
  6. AVInstaller

    AVInstaller Newbie

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    Thanks for taking the time for the detailed information, however, considering I placed the order for the WS60 with you on Monday, sounds like I'll be able to answer the question of just how bad the WS60 performs using After Effects with its 16gb of ram

    At least I did select Windows 8.1, and the 3k screen.
  7. ryzeki

    ryzeki Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Excellent response Ken! No wonder you have those fancy videos on your site and youtube haha.

    AVInstaller, well even if 16GB of RAM is not enough, it should still be plenty powerful. When you need power though, always go for the bigger system :D In the end you are working, not worrying about looks and portability! :D WS60 is still very powerful and at most you might eventually run into large projects that might be better of running on a dekstop with far more specs. So don't worry! Try it out and I am sure it will still work for you :D
    Kevin@GenTechPC likes this.