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    Help MSI GE75 8SG with i7 8750 and RTX2080 Overheat on simple tasks

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by faisal alsalm, Jan 30, 2021.

  1. faisal alsalm

    faisal alsalm Notebook Enthusiast

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    hi every one i have my MSI GE75 8SG with i7 8750 and RTX2080 one of the MOSFET was replace by repair shop after broken up, now the laptop GPU thermals very high and the GPU keep thermally throttle in any simple game like dota2 before even the fan don't run when i play dota and gpu temps was at 60

    what i did i replaced the thermal past for the gpu and the cpu twice and still the same i used Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut Thermal Paste , and replaced the thermal pads with Fujipoly Ultra Extreme XR-m Thermal Pad - 100 x 15 x 0.5

    i reinstall NVIDIA drivers still the same ,

    i reinstall the factory windows image and still the same

    this is the videos shows the temps rise immediately after launch dota2 and fans was at max speed

    what can i do ? if any one has an idea i appreciated , what can be the problem

    video link

    and an image for GPU-Z and MSI afterburner results
