My video card died and the warranty sticker is broken soooooooooooooooo, im looking for upgrades. I wanted to see if anyone has changed the video card successfully. specifically to a 9800m
Soviet Sunrise Notebook Prophet
I think your high clocked memory fried your card, my friend. 1100MHz on the memory is too high, not to mention clocked higher than the factory rating of the chips. If you read the long serial number on the face of the chips, you can find out what the maximum rated speed for the memory is.
Highly doubt you will get a 9800M in that. I think the best you can get is possibly the HD 4650, other than that, you're SOL. How did your GPU die? Did you thoroughly stress test the GPU after OCing?
Think 9600m gt is MXM 2 only so no 9800m, the HD4650 should work
or another 9600 gt to OC crazeh
Thats true but, a 9800m GS will work with a heatsink mod, I was told this by several people of high knowledge.
Soviet Sunrise Notebook Prophet
I think we need to know if the machine can even POST with a G92/94 card first. Disregarding the thermal capabilities and the physical contraints, does the system BIOS support the card?
some of you guys are confusing the MXM slot type with the MXM card type (its 2 different standards.... 1 for the slot and 1 for the card)
YES the 9600m is MXMII, ALL THAT MEANS IS the card no bigger than 73x78mm and has a gpu die size of no bigger than 35mm. The card fits in a MXM v2.1 slot
the 9800m is a MXMIII, which means the card is no bigger than 82x100mm and the die size is no bigger than 40mm. The card still fits in a MXM 2.1 slot
I have measured with an appropriate measuring device and indeed the gx630 DOES have enough space for a type3. MSI even uses the same cooling solution for the 9800m GS in the gt627
SOOO now that all that jazz is out of the way and as Soviet Sunrise asked, we really just need to know if any other video card will post in this machine -
OK so now ill let you all laugh at me. First thing you need to know about me is i will disassemble and tweak ANYTHING i think i can. Its an OCD thing
The card did not die because of the OC or cooling. I decided for fun that I would lap the heatsinks flat for better contact. Everything went great for the cpu and chipset, made a HUUUUUUUGE improvement on CPU btw, i am proud of that. THEN CAME THE GPU, and in order to smooth that i had to remove the black non cunductive tape. I honestly thought there would be enough clearance between the heatsink and gpu that i didnt need the tape, and i was right.....for about 5 min then i heard a very high pitched whine and no video post lol.
and now here are.
BTW what exactly is that black insulation tape called? is it simply to prevent metal to metal contact, or does it have some thermal ability as well? -
I had a 9800m GT It fit into the slot in my 1722 but I never tried to boot it up due to heatsink problems. I am 90% sure it would have booted without any problems. I ended up selling the card. I didnt want to screw anything up and make my laptop unusable due to the fact I am kind of new to the laptop scene and dont know much about GPU's. I am currently using the 9600m GT which is more than enough for my needs. I guess it comes down to buying a 9800m card and getting the proper heatsink and trying it to see if it boots into windows. According to a source at MSI the GT627 uses the 1651 MB only thing changed was the heatsink. Not sure the truth to this.
I thought it was all mainly down to compatability?
But thats good to know =D, lets hope the gx 630's cooling solution is enough.
Thanks for the info.
Cata -
1st the card has to fit inside the case
2nd the card has to fit the slot
3rd it has to have appropriate cooling
4th the motherboard bios has to support the card
5th motherboard has to have the power to supply the video card
Has anyone changed the videocard in their GX630?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by nVidiaguru, May 17, 2009.