So after reading hundreds of pages about the 16L-G-1080 laptop on the Forum thread, I decided to take a chance and order one from HID. It's a custom $3k laptop. Unfortunately my experience has been vastly different than what is reported in these forums. Short story: so far it hasn't gone well:
-I ordered my custom laptop on 3/21/17 (a month ago!)
-HID shipped me a different laptop than the one I ordered.
-HID actually completed my laptop build over a week ago and shipped it to someone else.
-HID has promised to make me another one and ship it right away as long as I accept it as a full warranty replacement.
-HID emailed me today saying my parts are on back order.
In my initial call to HID to let them know they shipped me the wrong laptop, I spoke with technical support. They contacted Donald who then called me but had no idea why I had called. I outlined the scenario for him and was told they would "take care of me." The way Donald offered to make it up to me was to let me repack everything, tape it all up, print a mailing label and drive the laptop to a Fed Ex site and ship it to their customer. HID would generously then ship me the correct laptop sometime in the next day or two. Unfortunately I have MS and packing, carrying and driving would be a big deal for me to accomplish physically.
Given the challenges, I didn't think this was enough to make me happy as it's exactly what ANY company would do. Not a boutique laptop manufacturer who has the kind of reputation HID supposedly has here in the forums. This wasn't making things right. This was doing the bare minimum required to finish the sales transaction. I objected and asked for HID to throw in an extra power cable. You'd have thought I asked for his first born child.
Donald said that it was extreme, that it was a "big ask" and implied I was being unreasonable for even asking. Honestly after spending fifteen years working for three resellers in IT sales, I was surprised by his attitude and nearly cancelled my order. I've never spoken to a customer in that way. I want to be clear that he was professional, but extremely off putting. The entire time it felt like it was MY problem that HID shipped me the wrong laptop and that I shouldn't try and "extract" so much from them for the mistake. Not exactly the experience I've read about here in the forums.
After mentioning my physical limitations, Donald came up with an idea that would save me trouble and actually saved this order. He agreed to have someone from HID drive to my house and pick up the laptop in person. I thought this was a very nice thing to do given that I live about 30 miles away. Donald also apologized and offered me Steam credit for my trouble which I thought was very nice.
So here I sit today, a month after ordering, with my laptop now on back order waiting to see if HID can live up to their reputation. So far my experience has been a mixed bag. I'll give them the chance to show me that their work is good and the challenges are only logistic in nature. Count on seeeing an updated set of comments once the correct laptop is finally sent to me. I hope it's perfect.
hfm likes this.
Pretty surprising that they sent you the wrong machine. Was it still a 16L just specced out wrong or something totally different?
Not gonna speculate on what happened, @Donald@HIDevolution can respond here if he wishes. I'm glad it at least sounds like you both kept it civil. Hopefully everything will work out.
While for many without MS bringing it to Fedex wouldn't be that big of a deal, I do get what your saying about expecting a little more. It's funny because their international warranty often involves sending a courier to come pick up the machine if something is wrong. Offering someone to get it and offering steam credit seems a lot more like them/him.
Also not gonna lie, pretty jealous you're like 30 miles from HID. That's pretty cool.
I think you'll still enjoy that beast when it arrives! Good luck!Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
I'm still excited about the machine. Can't wait to get my hands on it. I want to make sure it's clear that I am not angry at HID. I think we resolved things fairly. I just wanted to put my experience out there so everyone can learn from it. Plus if the machine is awesome this could turn out to be a come back win for HID.
Galm likes this. -
Feel free to ask around here if you have questions about your beast. The owners lounge is full of users like Mr. Fox and talon who know that machine inside and out! edited: Apr 19, 2017 -
Extremely unfortunate to hear, it is lucky at least that you live close enough for them to come get it. Hopefully they get the parts in quick and get you your rig!
P.S. HID you might want to double check shipping labels from now on -
It's little things like this that divide the lesser outfits from the great ones. Should probably be a learning opportunity from this that the default option should be not making the customer do any work to make it right. The cost is really not that high to do it and the good will and reputation you get from people talking about this fantastic positive experience outweighs making a phone call to FedEx by orders of magnitude.
Edit: just amending to read Donald's post below and that it appears the pickup option was communicated.Last edited: Apr 20, 2017 -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
However I must point out some facts that were a bit shaded by the post by Stretch002.
On Tuesday, when he first reported that he got the wrong computer, I was told about it around closing time, so I called him right away. He originally offered to drive it to us since we were so close. I told him that given the traffic, it would take an hour each way, and that it would be better for us to just email him a shipping label, and that we could arrange for FedEx to pick it up. He was fine with that until he realized he did not have any packing tape to re-box it, at which point I suggested he could take it to his closest FedEx drop off where they would have the necessary tape.
I was totally unaware of his MS condition when I suggested the drop off at FedEx. He only told me of that afterward. Once he told me of his MS condition we offered to come and pick it up ourselves, which we did on Wednesday morning.
He asked for compensation for his troubles, and wanted a $165 330W AC Adapter...not just " extra power cable." The cables are $10. I did tell him that I did not have the authority to make that decision, but that I would be his advocate with management to get him a reasonable compensation, and that a $165 330W AC Adapter, under the circumstances, was a tall ask...not quite my first born child, but a tall ask nonetheless. What I was able to get for him was $100 in Steam credit, for which he said he was most grateful.
Around 4:18 PM Wednesday he called me to find out about the email he received saying the SSD for his build was back ordered...our 2nd dropped ball. However I was able to tell him we would have it next day, on Thursday. He said he was pleased with that and looked forward to receiving his new unit, and that he was pleased with the fact that we picked up the wrong laptop, and with our final resolution.
Then, about half an hour later he came here to make multiple posts, in this and other threads, about how badly and I had treated him. I am replying to each of those to at least relay what we did to resolve our mistake. I will let the readers come to their own conclusions.
Unfortunately the end of the story is, after seeing these multiple posts, and knowing the history of this case, management concluded that the best way to resolve this once and for all, was to cancel his order and give him a full refund. He will keep his $100 Steam credit which will hopefully mitigate some of the pain.
.Last edited: Apr 20, 2017Shivi Vats, toughasnails, JaredJ and 5 others like this. -
Wow. I am even more shocked to read your reply Donald. Over react much? It's true I posted in a couple spots as it took me awhile to find the reseller feedback area.
As I stated above, I was still excited to get the laptop and was giving you guys another chance. Cancelling my order is extremely immature and I hope other people who are researching value added resellers will choose another one after reading this. I don't think posting my feelings and experience on a forum warrants your response.
This is definitely strike three for HID. Too a bad as I've been excited for a month about your hardware. I wish you could have lived up to your forum reputation. -
Strike three for HID. Please don't listen to the forum feedback as this place must be fillled with people who are paid or subsidized by HID. My experience with them has been the polar opposite of what I've read here. Cancelling my order due to three forum posts is pretty poor business.
You should be owning up to your mistakes and posting that you are sorry and that my laptop will be great. Thanks for saving me the trouble of doing business with you company. I'm sure there are many other VARS who will be pleased to sell me a $3,000 laptop. -
leftsenseless Notebook Evangelist
praetorianx, toughasnails, JaredJ and 5 others like this. -
I definitely don't think everyone here is a shill or anything. After reading all these positive threads, I guess I was expecting a great experience.
You can imagine the frustration of saving up $3k, ordering, waiting a month, getting the wrong thing shipped etc. I wanted to post my actual experience while I was still in the middle of it. I envisioned this being a really nice success story for HID since the laptop was going to be great. I never for a moment thought that posting my experience and my feelings about it would result in them canceling my order.
I am not an unreasonable customer who can't be happy. I am an enthusiast who read 400+ pages about this laptop, chose a vendor and then posted about my negative experience. Also, even though I agreed to their solution doesn't mean I can't voice my opinion about the situation. -
leftsenseless Notebook Evangelist
Fair enough. I'd say there is room for blame on both sides. I definitely think this forum community is amazing. I've read and learned so much here. I look forward to reading and contributing on the Eurocom thread about their version of this MSI barebones laptop.
leftsenseless likes this. -
leftsenseless Notebook Evangelist
bloodhawk, Spartan@HIDevolution and leftsenseless like this. -
I find it suspect that a company that everyone speaks highly of can have such a mistake happen. Donald said it it's a once every five year thing. So why not offer to do more than have me return ship and send me the laptop I ordered? That's not great customer service, that's fulfilling your end of the sale. That's not earning a great reputation, it's doing the minimum.
The fact they picked it up and gave me some steam credit is nice. I said so. That's good service. The fact that afterwards I was sent an automated email saying my parts were on back order was annoying. I called and spoke with Donald who said they usually come in a day or two. Not exactly confidence inspiring after my initial dealings with them. So I posted. I wanted my actual experience to be posted here...not a white washed version of what happened. I assumed they would ship me the laptop I paid for and I'd write a nice post saying how amazing it was and that the trouble was worthwhile etc.
My experience with HID has been very poor. Your experience may vary. Buyer beware.James D likes this. -
leftsenseless Notebook Evangelist
Papusan, praetorianx, hfm and 5 others like this. -
I'm going to have to pile on and say the above post and the ones similar are correct. Seeing all the evidence, you're definitely acting immature. I completely understand being annoyed by the back-ordered part(s), but that's just reality. Things rarely work out perfectly and companies are filled with humans who make mistakes just like anyone else. Expecting things and people to be perfect, you will be constantly upset and unhappy in this life. It seemed like they ultimately made more than good on their end and you blasted them anyway, it not a fair move.
Hell I waited a month for mine to be completed because of parts on order. This is par for the course. $100 steam credit was pretty generous IMO. That's not a trivial amount of cash.
And the forums being full of paid shills remark is just absurd. People here, though extreme sometimes, are just passionate and helpful.saturnotaku, Spartan@HIDevolution, leftsenseless and 1 other person like this. -
Stretch, while I doubt what anybody can say will change your mind, it's perhaps worth to note a few things that will benefit others understanding the way this outcome came to be.
One of the methods of main stream media, and advertising in general is the original message weather fact or not, carries weight in the minds of people who read them. Any attempt to in subsequent reply's to alter the first post is diminished returns. As such a media apology tucked away into a corner keeps them legal, but they know the real outcome has already been achieved.
So here's the rub, HID saw the various locations of the post coming of their poor performance. While they acted with the knowledge they had, and did what they could to, however regardless of if they fulfilled the order to your satisfaction or not, there is no way they can recoup any potential loss of business. Even if YOU went to each location and said a happy ending was achieved.
So HID taking their bat and ball and going home is to them a reasonable decision as the potential damage is already done.
Stretch, your posts may have been a bit premature, should you have posted the results post an actual outcome, you may have avoided this outcome and allowed HID a right of reply through their actions. While you say strike 3 was for them, I think in this game you struck out.
Note: While I've ordered from HID, I'm no way affiliated with them, nor do I speak for them.Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
Secondly You giving HID a "strike 3" for them cancelling your order is to again overreact.
After all you did make it sound like HID was completely unreasonable in not even wanting to give you a power Cable. While you actually asked for a 165 dollar power adapter for a 1-2 days delay (+ the wrong shipping of a few days).
Like previous poster Said. You are basically boosting HID.
Anger and disappointment is normal and ok. Taking out your anger by bashing someone else, Be it a company or a private person, is however not ok.
ESP not masked as "buyers beware".
Man they let you keep 100usd steam credit and they cancelled your order. If they were greedy ****ers they would send you a mediocre system and take your hard saved 3k usd.Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
Seriously..... After working out an arrangement with them, OP comes here to make a s...storm ? That's not right. That's low, in my book. I would have canceled that Steam credit too.
Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
I don't know @OP and I have never used HID.
Offering a sub 5% of value compensation on a high value item is insulting ($100 is not a lot in this circumstance).
Cancelling the order of a customer that has already made payment because they complained about their experience on the forums is pretty pathetic.
@Donald@HIDevolution wouldn't it be great if the closing post on this thread was from the @OP stating about how you personally had turned around their experience? -
leftsenseless Notebook Evangelist
What if HID only has a small profit per order? On top of that, if they are expected to give large handouts per mistake do you really think they could survive as a smaller business without passing those costs onto the rest of their clients? The steam credit seemed generous enough. If HID had made several mistakes repeatedly, then I would agree with increasing the stakes.
The customer definitely has the right to complain, but if you've reached an agreement then that tells HID that they have done their part. Blasting them after accepting the deal seems a bit two-faced. If you don't like the agreement, don't settle. Keep at it until you are happy or cancel the order. HID aren't the only vendors. Now HID knows that they couldn't make amends and can expect to see negative feedback. If I had read a post with that conclusion, I would have sided in opposition to my current stance.
I think many more people may have sided with the OP had this been the case.Last edited: Apr 23, 2017Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
Customer obligations in transaction - pay for goods.
Resellers obligations in transaction - legal requirements vary by region.
(As an aside I have received compensation from a tech firm for their screw up of over a 100% of value of transaction and will still advise people not to purchase from them - see sig).
@Donald@HIDevolution cutting a sale to customer because you don't like a post/s they have made is a terribly poor show. They gave you as a business their money for a transaction you got wrong. From reviews about HID, this doesn't happen frequently so why cancel the order and piss off someone willing to spend 3 grand with you? It just shows disrespect to those that have not had a great experience as a customer.
Like I said previously wouldn't it be great if the closing post on this thread was from the @OP stating about how you personally had turned around their experience, or is there an excuse as to why you cannot.Last edited: Apr 23, 2017 -
leftsenseless Notebook Evangelist
You said HID made multiple mistakes. I read about one. They shipped the wrong laptop. Parts go on back order. That isn't a mistake. That happens. They admitted their mistake and offered a solution. The problem begins when the solution was offered and accepted it should have been seen as a willingness of the company to make amends for their mistake. If the OP didn't like the terms then why accept them? Spending 3000 can be a monumental expenditure for some. If it is perceived that the company isn't living up to expectations, then cancel the order yourself and complain about it. Accepting the offer leads them to believe that things were fixed.
After accepting the offer, we have three ways we can deal with it. First, be grateful for the fix and explain to the community (or not) that a deal was given. Secondly, take a wait-and-see approach. Finally, accept the deal and complain (or not) about them in a forum that they frequent. The OP took to using ideas from the last two. I would think, out of respect, that the first two options would be more appropriate.
I don't understand that we don't have a commitment to being good consumers. Companies like HID are few and far between. If we want more companies to be like them then we vote with our dollars AND our ability to see things from their perspective and willingness to spread information fairly. I think many people found their solution to be satisfactory. The OP didn't. He didn't have to keep the order, and, frankly, HID didn't have to either. Sometimes you dodge a bullet or a potential disaster by refusing service. HID has to consider if the client is going to be more damaging in the long term. People can be impossible to please. Some companies don't have the time or money to deal with them. Both parties have the obligation to do what is best for them. In HID's case it is usually best to serve the customer and make amends for the complaints. That is what they did. Then they were called out after their efforts and decided the order may be a problem down the road. I can't say I agree, but I don't see the problem with them protecting their interests.
I completely agree that it would have made HID look even better for having fixed the problem, offered the gift card, and taken the negative post without concern. Ultimately they had to do what they thought was best, and I can't fault them for that.hfm, praetorianx, bradleyjb and 1 other person like this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
This is the first time I have seen a wrong order sent to someone by HIDevolution in the 2 years+ that I've been on these forums. So.......a mistake happens........fine, it can easily be rectified! It's not like they shipped him a boat, it's a computer for God's sake! They offered to come to his place and pick up the laptop to have it replaced.
A few points to note here from what I've seen this OP scatter around multiple threads.....
1) He accepted the solution that HIDevolution gave him, if he didn't, then he could have opposed their solution until they all reached an agreement, which made HIDevolution believe they did, as the OP agreed. Then comes on to the forums and instead of saying the truth that a mistake happened and was rectified, he starts spamming every thread/owner's review/feedback thread saying how HIDevolution dropped the ball! What ball?!it's a rare mistake that's the first we've seen to happen, and can be easily rectified.
2) He then comes here making a thread saying that they refused to give him a power cord which to be honest, at first, I thought was strange because of their great reputation here and high customer service, wouldn't seem like a big deal. Then we learn from what Donald posted, that he did not simply ask for a "power cord" he demanded a power adapter worth of $165 USD!
3) A reseller's obligation is to deliver the system ordered, they are not a charity organization giving freebies although as compensation, they gave him a generous $100 USD which again, the OP just said, " They gave me some steam credit"........ some??????? it's a $100 USD!
Then after doing all this, the OP made this thread, no one can hold anyone liable for voicing their opinion, that's his right, but what's really low IMHO is offering you (the customer) as solution, and you agree to it, then not only do you come and make them sound like a bad company from the thread title, no, he was copy/pasting this thread across multiple sub-forums and multiple threads in both the Sager-Clevo/MSI sections as if they had really treated him in a very bad way when they tried their best to accommodate him and own up to their mistake.
So seeing how he is bad mouthing them everywhere despite them trying to accommodate him in the best way they can, they figured its best for both parties to end it here to avoid more drama in the future. That's what I would do if I had a business and faced such an issue. And no, the customer is not always right, there is common sense and being reasonable in what you ask, or demand for in this case.
To add insult to injury, the OP starts accusing all the positive feedback that was given honestly by members here as "paid shills". The reputation and experiences speak for itself. I don't need to convince you or anyone else for that matter. Read the threads and feedback here: Reseller Feedback Forum
And my personal experience:
HIDevolution - The Best Company I ever dealt with
HIDevolution's Warranty!DukeCLR, steberg, praetorianx and 4 others like this. -
leftsenseless Notebook Evangelist
Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
HID culled his order because he posted a bad review(s) of his experience.
Attention is still being brought to the matter as HID acted in such a pathetic manner.
As a business I would love to understand what benefit they thought they would see in treat a high ticket customer in this manner, @Donald@HIDevolution , you want to chime in here rather than your customers?
And to claiming $100 compensation is generous, it's the same as being given a buck compensation on a $30 spend. It's the percentage of the spend that is insulting.briedfox likes this. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
I love free speech. Everyone is entitled to give their own opinion, and the audience can then judge the credibility of each one.
. -
1 Problem less, or 10 problems in the near future?
Also every business reserves the right to refuse service.Last edited: Apr 24, 2017DukeCLR, jclausius, praetorianx and 1 other person like this. -
leftsenseless Notebook Evangelist
praetorianx and Spartan@HIDevolution like this. -
Holding the order may have caused problems? How exactly? Too happy a customer is rarely cause for concern.
I prefer to work with the actual situation, there is no need for analogies.
HID are being thin skinned (very Trumplike).
Ignore what I said if you saw it... Not what I was hoping to hear.Last edited: Apr 24, 2017Spartan@HIDevolution, leftsenseless and MiSJAH like this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
I was surprised at first, then more surprised when I came to know the truth that he was offered someone to collect his laptop and replace it without him going through the hassle of going to the courier company and was given a 100 USD credit which he mentioned "they just gave me *some* credit" ........ that was all after he happily ended the call with them according to his OP then comes and spams the forums with all these same messages that HIDevolution did him wrong. That is not customer feedback. That is trolling.
Last edited: Apr 24, 2017DukeCLR, bwolmarans, praetorianx and 1 other person like this. -
leftsenseless Notebook Evangelist
Using your 30 dollar scenario let's say that the company makes a 10% profit on each order. Their profit is 3 dollars. You think it is unfair for them to offer 1/3 of their total profits in compensation and it should be more. Now they build a great reputation for taking care of their customers above and beyond. Other customers feel that their experience was similar or worse than what they had heard about and decide to try their luck for a hand out even if their experience could be considered a good experience overall. In order to maintain that goodwill, they decide to continue forward with this approach. The lower profit is going to force prices to go up and/or R&D spending to go down. I certainly don't want to pay more money for everybody else's handout especially when I thought the initial offer was gracious. Which I honestly believe it was and more so. Instead of allowing the situation to snowball, HID decided to cut their losses, deal with some criticism, and let this all blow over. I can understand that decision. It is logical. Not everybody is going to see this. I expect it, and HID, with their experience, certainly does as well. In the end, was it better for them? Maybe. You cannot say that it was definitely bad for them, because it may just be a hiccup.
It can be argued that you are being thin skinned by being so upset by their decision. I am neither upset with the OP nor HID because I can see both of their perspectives. I tend to agree with HID on this one more than the OP, but that is just my opinion.toughasnails and Spartan@HIDevolution like this. -
@Donald@HIDevolution offered some more insight into this, so I'm just pulling out, don't have time for another hot topic like this right now. He (donald) seems more in the right to me, that's all I'll sayLast edited: Apr 24, 2017 -
leftsenseless Notebook Evangelist
bloodhawk and Spartan@HIDevolution like this. -
leftsenseless, bloodhawk and Spartan@HIDevolution like this.
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
This thread is going no where.....
Papusan, praetorianx and yutzybrian like this. -
And i can point you to a bunch of people who have posted and post over these forums, who are never happy no matter what and how far the reseller goes to make them happy. There is a line to be drawn, in this case they chose avoid the whole (probable?) hassle all together.
For example me, @Ted@HIDevolution will tell you how annoying i am xDLast edited: Apr 24, 2017Papusan, praetorianx and Spartan@HIDevolution like this. -
OP ranted.
This is a forum.
A place to share experiences.
About notebooks and resellers.
Good or bad.
"(probable)" - This is an assumption, ergo a guess.
HID screwed over a customer that had already paid for a service because they didn't like his post and/or his request value of compensation, either way pretty pathetic for a 'professional' business. -
leftsenseless Notebook Evangelist
Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
Did HID expect to pay 100$ for a silence? Because to me that should have been as a good will response of a good company for their boldest mistake as a shipping product to a wrong customer. The "you had one job" kind of bold, just stick a label to the right box mistake.
P.S. And yeah, I can totally choose the right side here after HID decided to cancel the order on their own after customer told the truth. In my country official seller can't choose who he doesn't want to sell, no discrimination. While this case looks to me like a bazaar deal. "Hey, i made a stupid mistake but I payed you 100$ so now you must to stay silent otherwise you get nothing at all aside of lost month of your awaiting time!"Last edited: Apr 24, 2017 -
You sell something to someone, you make a mistake. And try to fix it, like literally offer to have someone (or yourself drive to the buyers place) to make amends and to make amends, you give then a rather nice gift card or something.
Even after the resolution, the person goes to your feedback thread and posts full negative feedback all over.
Maybe now it will make sense?
You guys are literally missing the part where the OP went on a post rampage. Im not saying, dont post feedback. But do it in a sensible manner and list out accurate information instead of poorly describing a power adapter as a power cable :\ -
leftsenseless Notebook Evangelist
As it sits both parties offered their explanations for what had happened and based on those responses I can easily say that HID have handled this situation with the type of professionalism I would expect, whereas the OP not only went after HID, but called out the forum as a whole for being shills. He retracted that comment and has handled things better for the most part.bloodhawk and Spartan@HIDevolution like this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Mistakes happen in any company, and companies try their best to help and accommodate the buyers in their best efforts, but there is a thin line between what is called compensation, good will, and *demanding* free stuff.
HIDevolution from the posts I've seen here, never told him to be silent. Where did you fabricate this from?
He shot himself in the foot by doing this and got denied service to one of the best system builders out there that has the best customization when it comes to product specs, superb thermal paste applications, Prema BIOS, warranty, customer service. Don't believe me? Visit the Clevo/Sager resellers feedback forum and enjoy reading the 10s of threads there of happy customers,
Cancelling his order was the best for both parties, he seemed not pleased despite the compensation that was offered, and they figured it's best for both parties to part on good terms, heck they left him the $100 USD Steam Credit along with his full refund. One has to have reasonable expectations and try to solve things in a civil manner rather than having such deceptive behavior.
PLUS, the OP has left this thread long back, what are you guys stirring the pot here for?Too bored?
praetorianx likes this. -
Because believe it or not but most people have heads not in their butts and can decide on their own based on the written info and if not its their money anyways. So when they read the whole story (be that 1 or 10 same topics) they will make their own mind. And finding info about multiple 10 same reviews from one guy fact mentioned by DC wouldn't be unnoticeable in their conclusion... same as a fact of forced order cancellation.Last edited: Apr 24, 2017 -
Jeeze, this just goes to show how valid my little writeup was. People chiming in having read the OP and nothing further then coming in here with their 2c of rage demanding things and declaring bandages for their salty wounds.
Fact is, only the OP and HID know the true facts of all that occurred.
For people asking @Donald@HIDevolution to comment. He did twice.
For people wondering if HID should have done things differently, will only have to deal with them themselves, or wait for other customers to post their feedback in the appropriate places. Speculating on what should have been done in this case is fruitless as it's concluded.leftsenseless, Papusan, Spartan@HIDevolution and 1 other person like this.
HID Evolution drops the ball. Twice.
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Stretch002, Apr 19, 2017.