I am going to buy GT725 soon for gaming but I have some questions about it. There are two different specs of GT725 in UK which come with P9500 and Q9000 and the cost £200 difference in these two models. P9500 is able to overclocked to nearly 3.0Ghz with the turbo button but Q9000 is only able to overclocked more 75Mhz. I would prefer Quad core for gaming in the future but 2.0Ghz is not enough compared to the dual core 3.0Ghz. Therefore, is it worth to buy the GT725 with the P9500 and change it to QX9300 myself and then sell P9500 to cover the cost of QX9300? (QX9300 QS cost 265 pounds)
I think unless you really need quad, P9500 is fine.
Cos at the end of the day, QX9300 is clocked at 2.53 Ghz, same as P9500. Unless you run too many multicore optimised apps at once, there wouldn't be that much difference.
In a year or two, games will definitely be better on on the quad, and QX9300 will be cheap. But for now, I'd just get the cheaper, cooler P9500 version. -
jep, the P9500 rocks
Even the P8600 is sexy!
If it is possible to OC the QX9300 @ 3.13GHz, I would also buy the QX.
The GT725 with Q9000 is kicked out of money.
Save your money and donate it for Germany.
fuc king Wirtschaftkrise
Our bankers are at least as stupid as your are been.
Lady Kacka (in german only) -
thanks, and the difference of the resolution between those two specs are 1680x1050 and 1920x1200. Is it true 1680x1050 is better for gaming? I do not need to watch 1080p movie so I do not mind the resolution. If 1680x1050 is better for gaming, I will definitely go for P9500 specs (1680x1050).
Who once with 1920x1080 or 1920x1200 has played, it no longer wants to miss.
But I think a QX9300 will be able to work in a GT725. I got it to work in a MSI 1722 (same chassis as the GT725) but it acted up after I loaded the GPU drivers (this can be fixed by updating the BIOS). -
You can play games at a 1680x1050 resolution on a 1920x1200 display, but not the other way around. You need to consider, however, that the image will look better on the native resolution. Therefore a 1680x1050 image will appear in a better quality on a 1680x1050 resolution screen, than on a 1920x1200. (in theory anyways, never compared irl).
So you have to ask yourself, how much the scaling of the monitor will bother you, because you won't be able to play games in the future at such high resolutions.
I am right now in the position, that I am so used to play @ 1920x1200, that anything under it does not satisfy me, however my 7900gs can't handle it anymore in recent games, so it is far more a psychological problem than a technical one IMO. -
MrButterBiscuits ~Veritas Y Aequitas~
Can I ask you a question... what is the price of the configured GT725 you want?
£1349 for the GT725 with Q9000
I can buy the one with £1349 but just thinking is it worth to pay £200 more. -
Now, I think i will buy the one with P9500. -
You want to spend 200 extra bucks?
Then get P9500 one, sell P9500 and get a P9600(2.66), T9600(2.8) or T9800(2.93). -
What abt heat?
It crosses 70*C. -
Hi Sili
Oh yes, and normally still more.
...after the change from the orig. thermal pad vs. Coollaboratory Liquid
My temperatures were just before ca. 80*C.
Other GT725-users reported by 88*C.
test with pics (but in german only)
Who wants to try it, please do not change the thermal pad from the northbridge!!!
Liquid is too thin. Liquid can not compensate the distance between Heatpipe und Die (Northbridge). is not closely enough to!!!
CPU = yes!
NB = no!
I've tested it! -
Also notice that P9500 has almost half the TDP under max load, 25W vs 45W of those quads.
The price for Q9000 is pretty much same as P9500, from intel. So unless you really want that WUXGA screen, I'd get a cooler dual core, its the better deal for normal users. -
What are normal dual core temps?
I get about 66C peek from the Q9000. -
Spiral Architect Notebook Consultant
Where would you recommend selling it? eBay? What would it go for? -
eBay would be a good choice, Its should be worth $140.00 on up..
hey guys, btw how hard is it to upgrade the processor. I know about computers, but I have never replaced a processor in a laptop, are there any guides? And one more question, what kind of quad processors would the GT725-212US support?
I believe the Q9000, Q9100, QX9300.
I am going to wait till my warranty runs out, then upgrade to a qx9300 or something similar as they will have dropped in price -
You can upgrade to a Q9000, Q9100, or QX9300..
Gt725 Cpu
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Juvade, May 9, 2009.