In the recently released Windows Insider build 15042, the microstutter that's been plaguing many MSI (and other brand) laptops with Optimus seems to finally be fixed!
To clarify, this is the stutter that occurs when:
You'll know you're getting this stutter if your GPU light changes color briefly when it happens.
- The wallpaper slideshow changes
- The taskbar is resized
- Some menus (battery, WiFi, etc) are opened
- Some newer (UWP) apps are opened
- Some other random things happen
I've tried every reproducible test case that caused my GS63VR to stutter from Windows 10 launch up to 14986, and I can't get it to trigger a GPU switch or a stutter on 15042. Finally!
This should mean that barring any regressions, this will be fixed in the upcoming Creators update.
Last edited: Feb 27, 2017
Vistar Shook Notebook Deity
Wow, great news...I don´t have a MSI but I do have the same stutters.
Vistar Shook likes this.
In the meantime you can download and run dGPUidle.exe from here: This app will run in the background, keeping the dGPU idle and awake but using minimal resources. It has to be run manually and NOT as part of windows startup. Let me know if this helps.
Vistar Shook Notebook Deity
- This app will run in the background, keeping the dGPU idle and awake but using minimal resources. It has to be run manually and NOT as part of windows startup.
Sent from my SM-N900 using TapatalkVistar Shook likes this. -
Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk -
Note: This is separate from the diagonal tearing issue. As of 15048, diagonal tearing in windowed/borderless programs has not been fixed.
Vistar Shook likes this. -
Vistar Shook Notebook Deity
I downloaded the Creators Update (15063.13) using the media creation tool.....and the microstuttering is somewhat fixed....I do get the slight freeze in the Windows GUI when the laptop starts up or wakes from sleep once, then after that it is gone. I still have a slight freeze when installing programs though. I am dissapointed the issue is not completely gone, but still a lot better than before, a lot smoother and less annoying.
Last edited: Apr 8, 2017hmscott likes this. -
Vistar Shook Notebook Deity
Update: I disabled UAC so that I won´t get the slight freezes when installing a program, and indeed it is gone. Also, with the Creators Update I don´t get the slight freezes when changing the background picture using slideshow.
hmscott, saturnotaku, Kevin@GenTechPC and 2 others like this. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Interesting, now we just need more confirmations from others on the new build.
hmscott and Vistar Shook like this. -
"Windows 10 1703 IS Preview Build 15063.13" , still stutters but less then before.
hmscott, Kevin@GenTechPC and Vistar Shook like this. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Perhaps we can assume that it's likely the issue cannot be fully eliminated except improved due to hardware design limitation. GPU <-> IGD <-> Int./Ext. Display.
hmscott likes this. -
I really hope MSI (and other manufacturers) fix their designs, then. The Dell XPS 15 has Optimus and was never affected by this issue.
The stutter problem is still here and even worse than before in fall creators update. So far the only work around is to use this open source tool TrayPwrD3 at
Open Nvidia Control Panel --> "Adjust image settings with preview" and don't close it.
This will keep the dGPU always on (The green Nvidia logo preview forces the dGPU to stay on and render the frames). I have been doing it for more than a week with my GE63VR, and I have zero microstutters.Kevin@GenTechPC likes this.
Great news: Optimus microstuttering should be fixed soon.
Discussion in 'MSI' started by D_Steve595, Feb 27, 2017.