I have 3000mhz ram in the laptop but for some reason it's running at 2400mhz How can I fix this?
its a bios profile setting.
Go into your bios and look for ram clock speed settings. If it isnt there, you may need an unlocked bios to access the settings... -
I haven't seen anything in my bios about ram. Msi claims this computer should run at atleast 2666 but I see no way to change it
Is there a way to unlock my bios to change ram speed? or a work around?
asm1 likes this. -
I had to get Svet over on the MSI forums to make me an unlocked bios to get my 2666 Mhz ram to run at that speed.Attached Files:
not official or warrantied, Post on the forum.
you could also try the non permanent key combination from within the bios:
alt+f2+control+shift.... from the main bios screen. Then cycle through menus you should get the extra options. Make sure you press F2 last.
dont change anything you arent sure of or you will break laptop.... but memory profiles should be straightforward. -
To modify the RAM profile go to here, select XMP profile instead of custom profile:
If XMP profile isn't showing you can just select custom profile and key in the timings according to the grayed out chart on the top of the same page in BIOS. -
Just lost 300 points in cinebench. Intel xtu cant lock a -.140 undervolt
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Ge75 raider ram issues
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Brian umphrey, Apr 19, 2019.