I have a problem with my sound card now that WoW has released their new patch 4.0.1. It is causing the game to crash as soon as the Log-in screen appears. If I disable the sound card, the game does not crash. When it crashes it gives an Error #132. WoW says to upgrade the drivers, so I did. The sound card driver I have now is 5.10.0000.5735. This is from MSI website. I also downloaded their nVidia upgrade but it was apparently corrupt as it would not load. Nineteen of its components could not be found. I re-downloaded from nVidia and it seems to be fine. I also upgraded DirectX 9 to 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904). I am unable to find anything that will tell me if the nVidia 9600M GT will work with either DirectX 10 or 11. According to RK Computers this sound card is not upgradable. They said it is still being used in similar computers now. So, my questions are:
Is anyone here familiar with similar problems with this card in WoW?
Is anyone here aware of any other sound card that could replace this one in a GX720?
Will DirectX 10 or 11 work with a 9600M GT?
I can Dual Boot XP and Vista. I play in XP because my Framerate gets shot to pieces in Vista. Will increasing the Ram help this? I have 2 GB, and I am thinking I need at least another 2 GB to run WoW in Vista.
First, go to realtek.com & dnld the lastest HD drivers, ver2.53, released this week, your sound is soldered on your motherboard - not upgradable, the 9600GT is a directx 9 card not capable of anything else. In vista,Rt click on the shortcut>propertys>compatibility> check run as XPSP3>apply. See if that helps. good luck
OK, I went to Realtek and downloaded 2.53. It appeared to install OK, at least it gave no errors. Device Manager says I have driver, dated 10/5/2010. Is this 2.53? If so, it didn't work. WoW still crashes as soon as the Log-in screen starts to appear. I just checked an older log of DXDiag and it shows I had version 5.10.0000.5735, so I did get an updated version. It just didn't change the result.
GX720 Sound Card by Realtek
Discussion in 'MSI' started by tucchase, Oct 14, 2010.