I have a new MSI GX660R-060US that I purchased from Newegg. The laptop is great and I am very pleased except for the fact that for the past couple of days I have been really noticing a very annoying noise coming from the internal fan. Can any other GX660R owners comment on the fan noise they have?
I have used lots of different laptops and I don't mind fan noise if it is just the noise of the air moving, but the noise I am hearing is a high pitched noise like you hear from a cheap fan or a fan that is going out. If I place my ear close to the left exhaust port, I can hear the noise change in pitch and it is a variable noise. This noise is heard when the laptop is idle and I am not playing games or pushing the CPU or GPU in any way.
I believe I just got a faulty internal fan but I wanted to check and see if any other GX660R owners were having any problems with fan noise. I would like to hear from owners that have had their GX660R for a couple weeks or more if possible.
Thanks all.
I use mine on office for about 2-3 hours per day and I don't even hear the fan on idle and office work. -
My fan is also silent until I start playing games then you can hear it ramp up and move some air.
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
I don't know if it's related, but I have occasional electronic thrums or whines coming from near the SATA port under the left palmrest. It's not the HDD I have installed, either, since the drive in that port is an SSD.
I'm wondering if that's what you're hearing. My fan is quiet like the others, unless I stress the computer. -
Might be the processor.
intermittent whining sound on my old Asus m50vm -
I called Newegg and got a RMA so I will be returning the laptop for a replacement. I just really hope the replacement laptop does not have the same problem.
It is going to be rough being without this new, powerful gaming machine for a week and a half as I am super pumped for Civilization V next week. I will have to play it on my old laptop until I get my new one back.
My old, 2 1/2 year old laptop (Gateway P-6831FX) is still totally quiet. The only sound I hear is the air moving, which is much less annoying than the high pitched noises I am hearing from the GX660R.
GX660R Fan Noise Problem
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Brett_B, Sep 14, 2010.