As a potential GX660R owner, I've come across conflicting information on SSD drive compatibility with the GX660R. I've read in various places that only Intel SSDs are compatible. So I'd like to start a thread where GX660/GX660R owners can post whether or not not non-Intel SSDs, work in your laptop. I figure laptop model, SSD model, and controller, (if you know it), would be sufficient. Just from the ~GX660(R) Owner's Lounge thread posts, and/or sigs, I've noted a couple;
tenikis' sig includes;
GX660R OCZ Vertex 2 120GB SSD SandForce Controller
thessdd also posted here;
GX660 OCZ Vertex 2 SandForce Controller
PTRob's sig includes;
GX660R Crucial C300 128GB RealSSD Marvell Controller
and if the GX640 shares any SSD compatibility similarities, then NotEnoughMinerals' sig includes;
GX640 Crucial M225 256GB SSD Indilinx Controller
Feel free to correct these, or add others..
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
Any 2.5" SATA SSD will work
The intel chipset only limits you to intel processors, beyond that anything that fits the port will work -
Thanks.. -
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
Wow... that's really weird.
Well one thing you could say is that although it may be affecting the GX660 it's not affecting the GX640/GX740.
We've seen ppl put in all sorts of SSDs and have it work.
Maybe this is a new BIOS problem with MSI starting to implement multiple drive systems -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
I did have a Sandforce-based drive when I first got it--an OCZ Vertex LE EX--and I had problems with it. Computer sometimes wouldn't detect it on boot.
I eventually sold it, and the new owner--I think he said he had an Asus G73--has not come back to me with problems. I'm assuming that some SSDs and some chipsets don't play well together.
My Intel G2 has had zero problems. -
Kingston SSDNow V Series 30GB (with desktop installation kit)
DOESN'T WORK: won't be detected by GX660 BIOS American Megatrends Inc. E16F1IMS VER1.0J, 28/03/2011. The BIOS shows "Empty" ATA port even if connected. -
Non-intel SSD drive in my sig works perfectly, no problems.
I have the Corsair Force SSD in my GX669R. It sometimes is not detected on boot and therefore needs a reboot to work. Apart from that, it works perfectly.
I have an OCZ Vertex 2 200GB with firmware 1.33 in my GX660R and sometimes it is not detected.Bios is vers. 3.0 H.
Another problem is when i have an external HD connected to USB i cant boot . -
Intel 320 series works great!!!!!! no issues and not fake boot
Confirmed Intel 320 Series have no issues. Never.
Probably all Intel SSD have no issues with this laptop and its current BIOS.
GX660(R) SSD Drive Compatibility
Discussion in 'MSI' started by jas, Dec 19, 2010.