Hey there guys, I was wondering if i'm able to swap out my (terrible) screen for another one of the same size, i'm fed up with the horrid colors/screen angles/black levels. (it's the 1366x768 screen btw.)
for all your Gx660R owners out there, how's your 1080p screen?
I've also got a first gen hp envy 15 here with a wonderful 1080p screen. think I can swap it out?
I believe both are the same 40 pin connectors behind the lcd.
Hi GFY, yes you can swap your display without problem, the wuxga display have amazing colors/contrast, games suffers some drops of fps in a std machine, in my case with all my upgrades it works perfect, good luck
edit: i buy this display -
hi guys, i also plan on upgrading my gx660-260us screen with the auo b156hw01 v.4 screen that has full hd resolution, matte screen, and 95% ntsc color gamut. its supposed to be alot better than the regular screen, but its so rare to find and expensive, so i dont wanna make any mistake.
anybody tried this before? since i kinda worry that upgrading from 1366x768 resolution to 1920x1080p will cause some issue.
gfy, do you plan to buy other screen besides swapping with your hp envy one? if so, which one are you considering?
thanatospy, is that LP156WF1 screen of yours has 95% ntsc color gamut? hows the picture quality compare to the regular gx660 screen?
thanks -
Though I too would want to know where I can get (or if the one provided by Thanatospy ) a 95% ntsc color gamut screen, and if it works.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the link bro! I really appreciate it.Looks like a really good deal!
Say, just how far can you compare the original 1366x768 screen with the one you have right now? -
You are welcome guys, you kill me there i really don't know if the display have the 95% ntsc color gamut :s, what i can say is this display have much better viewing angles and blacks, also better contrast, the color of both screens are ok for me but in this one "feels" better i think because of the screentype, ill try to find something about the ntsc thing
Hi gfy,
The auo b156hw01 v.4 matte screen is really hard to find coz theres so much fake ones roaming around the internet, especially on ebay. Its pretty famous with its picture quality as u can search lots of review in this forum, but its pretty rare since i read somwhere in this forum that it is already discontinued (havent found confirmation on this tho), most reputable US seller like gentechpc and xotic already list them out of stock with unknown ETA.
The only reputable seller i could find that still offer this screen is lee from kuzotronic.com based in the UK. Hes a member here as well, and mentioned quite a few times from satisfied customers. Even him is pre-order only for about 3 weeks.
And to add to all this confusion, the price is ranging from 130usd to 250usd. Since gentech, xotic, kuzo and a few other thread that i found mentioned the price at least 200usd, i tend to find anything less than that is too good to be true. Anything less than 200usd mostly found on ebay.
Also, i havent found anybody that tried putting it in gx660, mostly people put it in gx660R or sager 8150, so i dont know if its compatible or not, still trying to make sure of this. -
Guys, think I need a bios update for the 660R's screen to work on mine?
I tried swapping my envy 15's 1080p screen in...works dandy, all except for red tint, and only around half the pixels are lit.
like IxIxIxI
I= Lit pixels
So I swapped back my old led.
(the hp envy led works fine when it's in the original unit.)
cripes, so this 95% gamut screen is better in what way? Does it beat the RGB led of the m17x r2? thanks. -
the 95% ntsc color gamut represent color as closest as the real color, so what you see is what you print, you can check out the review here http://forum.notebookreview.com/sager-clevo/553185-visual-differences-between-different-screen-options-photos.html
but if you think of it, the gx660 has one of the worst screen out there, in terms of color and contrast, so any upgrade should look better than the old one
i havent read any review or pictures for the m17x rgb led, so couldnt really compare between the two -
Thanks a million for the link! Seems this is what i need for I deal with photography and digital art.
Cripes, too bad it has reached it's end of life..
Maybe we can find a elusive one being sold somewhere? haha. -
i havent order anything as of now, but im 90% sure to buy from kuzotronic.com since everywhere else that seems legit sold out, and the rest is the cheaper ebay version, which is pretty shaddy as they are cheaper and always in stock, while the big sellers couldnt even get their hands on one.
the problem now is to find somebody who actually successfuly tried putting it in a gx660, reading thanatospy's post bout his success with the LG screen gives me comfort, but then your post with your envy 15's screen problem put me in doubt again --! dont wanna spend that much money if it couldnt work perfectly with my gx660. -
(reposting here as as it seems more proper)
Ok guys, need some help. I just installed the AUO B156HW01 V5, installed it, turned my msi GX660 (non R) on, and then now the screen looks like it's washed grey. The thing still displays properly, all except that upon closer inspection, the rows of pixels are "lit" alternately. like IxIxIxIxIx where in a normal screen is IIIIIIII
Get what I mean?
I can set the resolution to 1080p and the refresh rate to 60hz and everything.
This behaviour also happens when I tried to swap in my 1080p screen from my hp envy 15. But when I reinstall my 1336 x 768 screen, it works fine.
Any thoughts? Thanks.
can you post a picture to make it clearer?
i ask the guy where i pre ordered my v4 about your problem, he said he never heard of that kind of problem, but we might get the wrong idea tho on what youre talking about -
Thanks -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It's the cable.
I even consider swapping cable spare parts from gx680 or gx660r or gt683 that all have fullhd resolution, but i havent found any -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Well RKcomputers have them, so if you are in the US you just need to contact them.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Little upgrade packs where they order everything for you and charge a little premium would be a littler earner I would have thought.
Cripes, still no lvds cable. Aside from rkcomputers, who could we source it from?
im so so sorry about that i was just too happy with my upgrade that i totally forgot, yes i change my lvds cable, with the original one my hd screen was blue so i ask a friend that work repairing laptops and he sells me a cable that looks compatible with mine it was from a dead dell laptop, ill try to get some time this week to dissasemble again my laptop and find the serial number of the cable
Please do my friend. And perhaps your friend could get hold of another pair of cables for qloony and I? I'd gladly pay for it, just to make my screen work.
And do pm us when you get the photos/serials for the cable.
Thanks again! -
any chance you still keep the old lvds cable? maybe you could give me the serial/part no. to compare with mine. Turns out there are two lvds cable listed for gx660 by msi, mine the cheaper version, and another one thats more expensive by 5usd. I just wanna check if you have the same one as i am or the expensive one.
If both of em turns out not 1080p supported, i might as well go look for gx680 cables.
thanks ^^ -
Hi qloony tonight at home gonna take the picture of my cables ok? see you later
Thanks. -
@qloony i found my cable part btw, and my gx660's back, it's MS1FXSZ1A1119110053 (the standard non-hd cable)
so is your gpu really fried? do they cover it in warranty? your cable part no. is so different than all the no. that i already have, it should be in the format k19-xxxxxxx-xxx.
i got like 3 possible part no. with only one that confirms its 1080p supported, but dunno if it will fit the gx660, im thinking about buying all of em and try them one by one, what about your source? -
Oh lol! Sorry, here it is:
And yes, i'm shipping my 5870m to a friend of mine with an eeeprom (did i get that right?) programmer. and see if he can resurrect my card. I'd opt for him first than go to warranty and have the possible 2~3month wait for an RMA (that's how long my former asus g73 took just for a motherboard+gpu replacement).
Currently running off a 460m.
It's actually a beaut. -
i really think you should just upgrade for 6970m, lol, im eyeing on one and hoping for a price drop when the 6990m already widespread ^^
well your cable no. is the one the msi rep offered me the first time, and its different than mine, so crossing that out of the list, im down to two cables, one i got from the gx680 disassemble manual, dunno if its 1080p or not, and the other i got from a guy in msi forum that said its coming out of fullhd model of gx660, dunno if both is in stock or not.
the msi rep is not really helpful and i feel bad for keep hassling him for help, but i guess since im desperate and hes obliged to answer, i figure what the hell >.< hes my only source at this point
edit: turns out your cable is what they use in the gx680 manual, so i guess im down to one cable now, if its out of stock, then im done T.T
GX660 Screen upgrade?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by G.F.Y., Jul 29, 2011.