Here ya go. This is at all stock drivers/no overclock/IC Diamond Thermal Paste
at 1x
at 16x
Looks like it's handling heat just fine
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
I'd use hardwaremon for all-in-one monitoring.
PCIe @ x1 and a somewhat low GPU score, I see. Can you do what's mentioned here?
Yep these arent the proper scores
This is an equavalent run on my 4850
Get the bus back to 16x and then re-run -
Those temps arent too bad. Id like to see what hardware monitor looks like after a good amount of gaming. How is the keyboard? and how are you liking the 820QM so far? I must admit Im jealous.
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
Well considering my last processor was a T5500 I'm loving every second (because things actually occur every second now).
The keyboard takes some getting used to. The flex in the bottom left is kinda unsettling when you first start typing on it but you'll soon realise it's fine.
I'll get the PCIE to 16x and try again later tonight -
Any chance you can run it with a OC? @_@
Temps are very good , but like cata said , that ain't a proper score .. should be higher.
I got P7144 with 9.12 drivers on my 4850 GDDR3
How's the screen brightness ? Is it grainy ? Are you happy with your 1st MSI ? -
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
I am happy with my first MSI, I think the backlit of the power button is brighter than it should be lol since it distracts when I'm trying to see the time.
The screen brightness is just fine, brighter than I'll ever need it to be. Not grainy imo -
Haha, awesome to know, now notenoughminerals, get that bus running at 16x
i want to make you go wow before the end of tonight
Im certain we should be in the p8k range + -
Not above P8k, I think. The GPU score should be around 7k, though.
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
okay dumb question, how do I know it's at 16x for sure?
good stuff man, looking forward to seeing the x16 scores.
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
man, new problem.
Okay really trying to get these numbers for you guys but this is what's going on now. So I start everything and it shows 16x in GPU-Z, but when I run the benchmark and check the GPU-Z afterwards it's back for 1x.... grrrr
any ideas? -
What was the score?
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
6000-6200s on gpu
Is it possible the unit is strugling with power draw?
In what way? It comes with a 120W adapter, which would surely be adequate.
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
Updated first post, temps still look great
What resolution do you have your screen set to?
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
1680x1050 10char
Ahh. Love everything so far still stuck on the screen resolution.
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
Even on a 15"? 1900x1200 seems unnecessary, then again it depends what you're using it for I guess
Please resize or thumbnail your screenshots, they're so huge.
so how does one enable 16x in gx640?
Looks like overheat to me, but then again you have an 8600m gt, people say they are bad cards.
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
Now I see why you like to have uber high res
In order to get 16x all you need to do is start your laptop while plugged in and make sure the CCC is set to maximize performance while plugged in, pretty simple -
Well that will suck for those times when Im not plugged in and have too much open to restart easily, but in all honesty this card will handle any game I play to its fullest at 1x.
What drivers did you use? -
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
standard drivers provided on the cd
Odds are the drivers are also outdated, apparently when the g73 was released, they upgraded with proper ati drivers and their frames went sky high lol.
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
updated to 10.3b drivers yesterday
gonna try the vbios update today then I'll benchmark again -
I'm surprised you got P7144 with the 4850, that's the general range of what most are getting with the stock gx640. What processor are you using? -
3dmark with new driver plz. and do you have 3dmark06?
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
I don't currently have 3dmark06 because many people consdier 3dmark06 as a meh benchmark these days.
Here's a screenshot of the 5850 at 675/1000
Uploaded with -
Very nice indeed. That's almost an HD 5870 you have there, and with good temperatures.
Did you want to try making a nice graph? -
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
might make a pretty graph, haven't got too much time to play with it considering my router crapped out and spent all weekend trying to revive it
Does anyone know where I can get an extra bottom panel? Want one normal for RMA and use a modded one for temps -
50mhz oc sure gave a very nice gain.
It seems to me like the Vantage GPU score is pretty much directly related to the core clock speed. I guess there aren't any other notable bottlenecks when it comes to Vantage
For example, the 5870 gets 7.7-7.8k, the stock 5850 gets 7-7.1k, and 675Mhz is two thirds of the way from the 5850 clocks to the 5870 clocks, and it's pretty much two thirds of the way for the GPU score as well.
Your temps look great given the overclock, too.
It's my suspicion that if you want to get the most out of 5850/5870 without driving the temperatures too high you should leave the memory clocks alone, because the GDDR5 is fast enough already. In fact, if you clock the memory lower that might give you even more thermal overhead. -
BenLeonheart walk in see this wat do?
My mind = semi-blown
Of course, different applications will have different bottlenecks, but at least for 3DMark Vantage it looks like 1GHz GDDR5 on a 128-bit bus is more than adequate for the 5850 and 5870.
Yeah defo, lacks nailed it really, and its pretty unneccesary to overclock it too, although pushing memory is probably more safer then pushing the core, giving alittle bit more juice.
If mr cheeseis right with the comparison between the 5850 and 5870, anyone who wants to should be able to bring the clocks up to 5870 with no performance stability problems and if you want to go mad with power then you should be able to go way above that (Bear in mind you dont want psyco temps and i'd advice sitting in sub zero when overclocking
It's possible the 5850 runs on a different voltage to the 5870, which would restrict the clock speeds you can achieve without changing the voltage.
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
well the CCC goes all the way up to 800, although I'm not going to risk anywhere close to that...
albeit these temps are with me performing benches very soon after boot (maybe 10-15 minutes) but it's without a cooler on a wood table -
Scores look good, temps are warm but still decent. But Im wondering is the pciX issue with ac and battery power cleared up yet?
GX640 w/ 820qm temps!
Discussion in 'MSI' started by NotEnoughMinerals, Apr 17, 2010.