I am having an issue (tried a few different drivers), where the audio wont play for a video until a few seconds into the video.
Happens on Netflix, youtube, etc.
as far as I know, i've tried the latest MSI direct driver, the original (whatever was first on here), latest on realtek's site.
Not sure what to do here.
sound and video work fine, just that initial delay is bothersome.
saturnotaku Notebook Nobel Laureate
Go into the Realtek control panel and in the lower-right part of it there is a cluster of three buttons. Select the one that has the battery icon, then click the radio button that says "Power Management Enabled" which actually disables that "feature." That should fix your problem.
I...I Love You!
this has been bugging me forever, but I just let it slide. -
Haha same problem here but the quality of the sound is so good I've just been letting it slide.
GX640 Sound lag issue
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Sethisis, Sep 14, 2010.