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    GX640 Replacement on it's way back... A little help on things that might need updating?

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by CraigATerry, Nov 10, 2010.

  1. CraigATerry

    CraigATerry Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hi folks,

    Some of you may have been involved trying to help me resolve my issues in this thread:

    Thanks to any that assisted there, I ended up RMAing it and it's now on it's way back

    If you'd like details on what happened, please check out the thread.

    The main reason for this thread is to clarify exactly what needs to be on what version once I get this beast back.

    Can someone please provide the following for each of the items in the list

    A)The most up to date version
    B)Directions on how to check the current version to see if updating is required

    • Catalyst Control Center
    • AMD 5850 Driver
    • BIOS
    • VBIOS

    I'm still convinced that an out-of-date version of one of the items above caused my previos problem.

    I really appreciate it, thanks in advance!
  2. NotEnoughMinerals

    NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity

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    GPU-z will get you driver info/CCC and vbios

    doing a quick "dxdiag" in the run command will get you to the bios
  3. saturnotaku

    saturnotaku Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Alternatively, to check the system BIOS, simply go into it when you first boot the machine and take note of the version and date. The system is likely going to be created from a restore image, either from your machine or a generic disk used by MSI. As such, most of the drivers are probably going to be out of date. For things like the chipset and Intel Rapid Storage Technology, this won't matter a whole lot unless you're planning on using an SSD in which case having the latest drivers will be beneficial.

    The video drivers/CCC also will probably be well out of date. For example, the ones that came on my GX740 are from December 2009. Catalyst 10.10 is the latest, but I've personally found the 10.8 drivers to be more stable. AMD's driver archive is a pain, but there's a direct link to download the 10.8 mobility set from Guru3D. Make sure to properly uninstall and clean out the existing drivers before updating.