So today happened twice on me.
Im playing bf Bad company 2 and everything is on low on gaming mode. My external fans are on high when i play this game. My game crashes and blue, green and red lines show up and I cant do anything on the laptop. I restart and it doesnt show up bios sometimes and makes a weird noise. Im guessing its my video card. But then again only happens when i play this game nothing else.
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
What video card is it?
the 9600m gt i was running fine but today it started happening. And after i turned it back on and tried surfing the web it did the problem screen started turning pinkish and just freeze.
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
That sucks, because I should have the same GPU soon, I hope mine doesn't die.
I would normally recommend baking. But I just tried that to an 8600m GT today, 3 times and it still wont work.
At least you still have the 4850 right? -
Espada, try it to reseat it. Clean the contacts of MXM connector. This should fix it. If not, then connect it on external monitor / TV and check for same problems. The pink color bothers me, because it usually appears when you have faulty inverter.
>.> If memory serves the 9600m gt has just recently been put back into the laptop?
yea its been two weeks since i had it ima try cleaning it again never had this problem with the 4850 ima try it again if it doesnt work looks like i might have to keep the 4850.
yea turns out what Genna told me helped its running good nothing wrong played bc2 for 4 hours straight like i normally do and nothing went wrong.
yea the pink colors come only when i move my laptop it freezes/crashes and pink colors come on? Ima get another gt627 heatsink and put my 4850 back in but just in case where can i get the inverter? is it hard to install? and how much is it?
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
ebay, I think they are under $100.
u think this will work? -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
There should be a model number on the inverter, search that if you can find it.
You can sort of see it in this pic:Attached Files:
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
I found the part number in the dissasembly SOP:
S78-3300450-SG3 -
Spelling error ..
Inverters are very cheap items - 10-15$ price range. Unfortunately they are not that easy to install, because you have to remove your screen first. And if you have faulty inverter you will have the strange pink color even with 4850, or any other card you put. So if you can cool your 4850, just for test, put it for a while and see for the same issues. If same happens then 100% is the inverter that causes it. Also after it appears only when you move it you can have problem with your connector cable - 40 pin one that goes to the screen.
Make some tests and write back. -
well it happened today when i was playing BC2 again. It randomly stopped froze pink colors came on the screen then turned green started to go black and then it flashed white figures on a black screen and kept making a sound. The temps on everest were about 64 and 71 on CPU, GPU hit about 74 with my fan on. and where it blows out air was really hot comparing then normally but im pretty sure it is the inverter.
edit: the only time this happens is when i play BC2, ive played css, team fortress 2, 1.6, warcraft III and none of this happens to those games. -
Then doesnt it sounds like it is not the hardware, but the software?
If it was the inverter wouldn`t you have it everywhere? Maybe try on some other not that old game with lots of stuff going on like L4D 2 ? Try finding some other soft that can make your gfx heat a lot and see if you get simillar effect.
I for example had some weird screen issues from time to time, when i had original gfx (4850) drivers for my vista ultimate and AERO on. I would get some pinkish interlaced squares (dont know how to eplain it) all over my screen, then I would get some beeps and in the end the black screen and bsod after a while. Turning off aero was a fix for me back then. With the 10.3 drivers no problems though. -
unfortunately i dont have l4d 2 i have l4d, t2, css, cs 1.6, wc3 and bc2 is the newest maybe aion but i never had a problem but bc2 my friend has the same comp as me and never had a problem wit his. ima try to see if i can do gpu stress test or sumetin.
So... this problem with pink color happens only with that special game? Or only the problem you specified in detail happened playing that game? Because if it only happens with one specified application it's 90% the application and 10% - something else. Just see if this appears on some other application and then go for inverter.
it really only happens when i play bc2 and only after my comp has been on for more than 8 hours or so. and after its been on for a while and i pick up my laptop it shows up. <--- after the 6 hours or so.
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
I just got my 9600m GT.
When I pick up the notebook with one hand, the screen goes funny.
After i restart, no problems.
My guess is that there is a problem with the MXM connector or maybe the heatsink is putting pressure on the wrong parts of the GPU when you pick it up.
Or your GPU is bad.
Anything but the inverter... -
I've heard of that happening too moral, that could be the possible problem.
yea happend again after 2 hours this time. pink lines start to show up turns colors and then goes black i can hear everything still hearing people on vent then white polygons decide to come on my screen and turns black and a sound like an error just like errrrrr the entire time then screen goes blank again and you hear the errrrrr sound and just stays like that.
edit: im just gonna wait next week to order my msi gt627 heatsink mod it again and see if i get the same prob with my 4850. and at least with the 4850 ill be able to play medium-high withought lagging! -
Medium high without laggy, you mean ultra with no AA
, 4850 tears through bc2 at 1080p
Its odd though, hard to understand what it possibly could be. -
welcome to the club. if i switch i might be narrow it down.
edit: wierd thing is it happens randomly sometimes i play bc2 for about 3 hours nothing go play some dota then go back to bc2 im good then randomly bam happens. -
well wont be able to try the 4850 for a week or so car tire popped on my way to PA and had to buy a new one on the spot there goes $150..
Oh dear, sucks that it had to be on the spot too,
you'l get it eventually haha. -
well noticed yesterday that my video card hits 73 on warcraft but then hits a good 80 and possibly more when playing Aion.
Mine hits 85C with eve online and uncapped frames, but boy does it fly
GX620 video card dieing?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Espada, Mar 24, 2010.