Hey everyone.
So I'm the proud owner of a new laptop (specs in sig) but I'm getting a TON of BSODs with error code 124.
They are more frequent in Balanced mode and less frequent in power Saver. I'm running a clean install of 32bit vista Ultimate (no updates yet). Unfortunately, all CPU temp utilities report me at -21C.
Here's the info from the BSOD:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 124
BCP1: 00000000
BCP2: 9271C1D0
BCP3: B6200001
BCP4: 0002010A
OS Version: 6_0_6000
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1
Files that help describe the problem:
Run this http://www.resplendence.com/whocrashed it will analyse and let you know what causes it.
-21c ? -
this was my machine, and i had it for a minute and i ran it non stop with no issues whatso ever so im somewhat concerend as to what the issue is. i ran a battery of stress tests and it passed all of them with no issues. its a brand new HDD, the cpu is stable and so is the GPU i found that it might be a driver related issue with the video card so far in my prelim investigation, but im still looking....dont buy that program though...if we do have to i will. the temp reading concerns me too. it read fine while i was using it.
The home edition is free and will help track down the issue.
whats the newest bios for this? maybe we need an updated bios....its just wierd that it had not ONE issue while i had it and ran it to the bone.....sigh. need to make sure all the proper chipset drivers are installed as well, anyone have a link where we can download these?
The latest is 1.14 http://eu.msi.com/index.php?func=downloaddetail&type=bios&maincat_no=135&prod_no=1529
And use this tool to flash it (registration needed) http://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=108079.0
Is everything seated properly ? -
heres a link that you can use to downlaod all of the drivers for it.
this one points to the chipset which is th emost important, but you can get them all from this page.
it sounds like maybe its like the alienware's where you have to install all of the drivers after a fresh install of windows.
also try reseating the memory i ran memtest86 and it was fine but try reseating it the 124 seems to lead that way -
Thanks for all your help everyone. I installed chipset drivers and set it to Balanced so we can see what happens.
so apparently it still BSOD no matter what we do. installing different drivers didint help im at a loss.im gonna suggest re-seating the cpu & gpu doesnt make sense since it gave me no problems, and started when we tried to install Windows 7 any other thoughts? n
thanks -
It BSODed once in the install of Vista you had on it which is why I tried to install 7... lol.
ohhhhh i didnt get that from our talks. my texting skills are not up to par i beleive =)
Haha I was half asleep too. xD
Quick update -- Got XP to install but I REALLY don't want to be stuck with it as my primary OS.
From a Dell disc -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
I would first download this tool:
Use it to do two things, first it will let you check your ram, second it willl update your bios in a very easy way.
Also, with this notebook it's really easy to disconnect the CMOS battery, do that and leave it disconnected for 20mins.
Run intelburntest also to check that the cpu is stable.
And you might want to try this:
Make sure the first thing you do is check the ram. That is most likely the problem, maybe just one bad stick.
Don't flash the BIOS or EC with an unstable notebook because the flash might fail. -
Thanks, I'll look into that when I get home from school. I did get vista installed but the first BSOD was when I installed intel 5300 drivers off the intel website. So this time I downloaded the 200mb drivers off MSI's site.
thaks for the help moral, Ben sorry didnt email you back last night i passed out on the couch like the old man i am...=). i would avoid flashing the BIOS for now, dont want to brick. after some looking im thinking its a ram issue. i have plenty of sticks so well get it fixed.
Haha no worries. I wonder why XP seems to be working and the newer OSes aren't? I guess I can try with the discs you send
running BIOS 2.something at the moment, so it looks like I need to update. I have to do math for a couple hours but then I will definitely do all the updating and burn testing I can do. It seems to be working fine so far in XP, I don't know what the difference is.
Okay, reset the EC, and am now on minute 20 of Orthos with no errors. Which is odd. I might do a memtest now.
GX620/ MS 1651 BSODs... Please help! :(
Discussion in 'MSI' started by iMpathetic, Apr 25, 2010.