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    GX620 / Powernotebook 15:3 esata issue

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by ohiorebel, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. ohiorebel

    ohiorebel Notebook Enthusiast

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    I'm' trying to operate my XP pro notebook ( GX620 / Powernotebook 15:3) with my external esata hard drive enclosure (inside the enclosure is a sata wd 2.5 320 drive). as a boot drive.

    The esata drive is connected to the "esata port"and is powered seperatly on my notebook. The bios is configured to enable AHCI mode. The drive is recognized as a esata drive. The drive will function normaly but it will not act as boot drive

    I also change the boot priority from the 160 gig internal drive (running XP Pro) to the 320 drive. The 320 drive (external enclosure) has a copy of the internal hard drive partition(to include XP pro) on it. I copied the entire partition to the new drive. Shouldn't this external drive boot up? All I get is a blinking cursor.

    Any suggestions?

    My goal is to run windows 7 on the external drive. Windows seven is currently on the internal drive and works as a dual boot. But I would prefer to relocate it to the external drive.

    thanks in advance
  2. ohiorebel

    ohiorebel Notebook Enthusiast

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    Have I made my problem clear? I guess my question is......can the gx620 or what ever you want to call it, boot from an external sata drive? If so how must I configure it?