Hi guys, I'm trying to help a friends whose GX610 is giving him some serious troubles. Basically he wanted to try W7 so he did an upgrade(the idiot) from Vista Home Premium and everything started going downhill from there. W7 was slow and really crash happy so he decided to go back to Vista. Restore failed, he didn't give me the details but Vista wasn't put back on. He decided to try Linux. Nope that didn't work either. Never got X to load and wen trying the text install the process would freeze at some point. Tried to do a clean install of Vista but the install stops and gives a "stop 0x000000A5" error. We've been trying for a week to get an OS back on the thing but nothing works, even updating the bios Since he is halfway across the country the only help I can give him is instructions or remoting into one of his desktops to get the files he needs.
This situation is quite aggravating. Should he just send the laptop to MSI for repairs? He got it in the december january period.
Hmm might be worth sending it back, but if i was in this situation, I would use GPARTED, this is a partition shrinker that can shrink partition but also can format drives etc etc, i would totally format the drive and give it a fresh install of vista, use the gx610 disks if it came with them.
If your friend has important work, try dual boot the OS by using gparted and then resizing the partition.
Hope i was of some help. -
Could it be hardware related? Sounds like its putting up quite a fight, strange why it doesnt want to work.
The first thing I would look at right now is ram. Possibly a stick gone bad, or improper voltage if voltage is an option in the bios.
I remember when I was building my HTPC. Windows would crash left and right trying to install it. After a few hours of screwing around I increased the ram voltage up further and it's worked great ever since.
Of course a desktop doesn't equal a laptop, but this sure reminds me of my past build issues with that particular machine. -
We somehow managed to install W7 but then the display became corrupted and it crashed... I think that it was the final sign that the laptop need to be sent in for repair.
if he send it back, and its not a hardware issue.
they will charge money for that -
It was. I don't know what they did but he had to send it back twice, but now it's working fine.
GX610 serious problem
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Ayle, Mar 8, 2009.