I just dropped one of these bad boys into my GX640. I used the latest drivers from Intels site and I see 3 wifi networks where I used to see one.
For me this is nice, this will help with all the weak wifi in all the hotels I stay at.
Nice! Did you plug in the spare antenna? The old wifi card has 2 connectors but there is a spare antenna taped next to it.
yeah, the antenna wires even had numbers on them. This laptop is gonna get me in trouble. I'm not eating, I'm up late at night screwing with this thing. My wife is getting pissed I'm ignoring her. Hopeless hardware junkie.....
lol....well you have to set your priorities.
My Laptop, My wife, and then everything else!
you know "Genna".
=== Off-topic ===
Actually I don't know does "Genna" means something in english. I just like how it looks and it basically corresponds to the way my friend call me.
So, no ... I'm not a girl. -
GX 640 Ultimate-N 6300 WiFi upgrade
Discussion in 'MSI' started by turbochris, May 25, 2010.