Hey I've had my MSI-GX630 for 6 months now and it seems to be always overheating even during Idle sometimes. When I am playing a game it gets really hot (71 C) and it doesent seem to go down. Ive bought a cooling mat but that doesent do much. I've tried to undervolt it but when ever I install Right Mark Clock Utility it never recognizes my CPU...
what should I do?
Have you cleaned your vents?
no I don't know how to...
wouldn't that void the warranty?
MSI seem to be quite flexable in that area, as long as you doing go shorting circuits, your in the green (Y).
I think theres something up now. It gets really hot and I got the Blue screen of death the other day. I think I'll open it and clean the dust out.
Yeah man, just post for more help etc, i think we can get some pictures and that etc,
Bluescreens quite bad so the sooner its cleaned the better,.
laptop froze a couple of times... Should I just send it to MSI? or should I open it and clean it?
Try cleaning it first, before doing anything drastic.
well if I open it I'll void the warranty...
Use canned air like Dust-Off in between air vents to blow some dust out. Other than that, if it is going to void your warranty for opening it up, why not send it to MSI.
It doesn't matter if you open it. It won't void the warranty. Just send them an email.
Send them an email saying that I opened my laptop? The warranty will void in january
What, dude they dont care, go ahead and email them asking about how the warrenty works, ask them are you allowed to take the back pannel off, its that simple...
People have opened it, changed thermal paste, licked it (ok maybe not), played chess on it, all sorts, it doesnt void warrenty, what will void warrenty is if you, and im emphasise YOU decide to mess around to the point where you will short something (thermal past on the actual metal of the chip or whatnot) then your done for, MSI Inspect your components, they dont just go nope, you opened it, now you must die, warrenties have come along way, and MSI is an upgradaBle book, thats why we have a door we can open to get to everything, even Advent of PCWORLD are flexible with my warrenty, and there Advent :S
GX 630 overheating...
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Twidizle, Jul 31, 2009.