Hello people,
I got an i5-8300H + 1050ti in my laptop and i figured out a strange problem im having
When i am stress testing CPU only or playing a game without needing the nVidia GPU my CPU would be running fine at 3.9GHz and 45-50Watts Package TDP without any problems.
But when the nVidia gpu starts running my CPU starts power throttling and i start loosing frequency also it is capped at 35Watts Package TDP.
I tried every possible fix i know
I set Cache and Core VR to 800 in my bois
I tried undervolting my gpu to use less power
I tried limiting GPU VR Voltage but nothing works.
The issues i am getting is PL2 under core and EDP other under ring in throttle stop.
Please help.. and thanks in advance!!
Sorry I could not provide answer, but I have the same issue with a asus tuf FX504GD, when CPU and GPU are in use TDP drops to 25W, when just the CPU is being used this stays about 40W. This maybe the case in this device, potential tweaks would be to underclock the CPU and GPU to stay below the power limit and thus avoid the TDP drop to 25W.
Try dropping multiplier on CPU and locking frequency and voltage on GPU. Perhaps a BIOS update or roll back could fix your issue. -
To totally gey rid of your power throttling go to bios and disable hyper threading that fixed it for me but i am not sure if disabling hypee threading does affect performance or no i am worried about that and i dont have enough information
Second fix i tried was underclocking my gpu and setting it to 900mV to run at
But after about 10 mins it still triggered power throttling again -
EC control cpu/gpu load
some bad is - dragon center -set battery to 100./. recharge \ all time need AC adapter for full power
and bypass is IMON only ,,no need 200A for your CPUand no need raise TDP
temps under any load now ? 90C is ok ,,but not any potential for raising
25w -my nb 40C-50C all time under heavy load50w -60-75C ,,75w - up 90C-94C thermal limit
really no need raising -
Also what is the imon bypass? -
gpu test + run cpu burner all cores "set tessellation around your FPS" x4
from msi
no need any mod,,msi config 25w is maximum for some notebooks "cooling design "
example GF63 9RCX-- one fan
THIN nb - no space for better config ,,still need any limit iccmax or core ratio
only for specific usage need unlock "all cores load // or after mod cooling" --only
,,for all ---max temps is 90C for normal performance // 94C is first thermal limit
get 90C on 25w ?? ,,,no need unlock really
.. i tested this on some models ,,temperatures raising is fast + risk VR overheat /hwdefect and some similar
for games still better power limit and normal working TURBO ,,not lower setup //all cores - only bench
and your setup is bad ,,VR 800 no need and still not works ,,must set or disable TDC VR \ use cfg lock when still use app like Dragon center
your target - 75a 100amp max on LQ metal or any good paste"
,,but still get overheat "good for you CPU is only 8cores" and think some function is locked 9300H half locked
test app up really ,,8cores cpu burner for check current situation ,,but possible use only x4 - games load is not same like this
good combo + hwinfo - check data
battery recharge - full is best for performance / or on custom OC
https://pctuning.tyden.cz/ilustrace3/obermaier/msi-gf63-thin-9sc/soft3.pngLast edited: Jul 20, 2020 -
? no ""bypass"" --change power read to minimum "power limit not exist" ,,but must exist any new limit "cpu ratio or VR"
just believe that you will get an overheat all VR ,,cpu // localtest program up
,,and check current situation before set anything "my 25w -40C" and max 75w - 112amp "all cores 8x similar cpu" full modded cooling
I don't think you'll be able to set it up betterMSI config -- maximum for STOCK cooling
write here ,,better help for you ,,i must use translation
page 42 ,,only imon post --set same -- 1/3 real power under full load
and combo key for MSI in bios
f2 + L alt / R ctrl / R shift
and hw defect is possible ,,any boot loop - 30s power button when nb run "full reset"Muddii_yasser likes this.
GV62 8RD power limit throttling
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Muddii_yasser, Jul 16, 2020.