Turned on my unit today, screen is lit but black can hear windows functions. Hook HDMI up displays on duplicate, for some reason my monitor is stuck in 640x480. Check Nvidia drivers notice one came out today so I assume that is the problem. I downloaded the last version which worked. During install select clean installation. Installer says it needs to restart to finish. No display output at all now I can here everything in windows but I can't get a video out to save my life. Any thoughts?
Do you have any System Restore points saved from when it was working? There's a chance the backlight has failed on the panel - shine a flashlight on the screen and look at it from an angle. If the screen is working but the backlight is out then you will see a very dim representation of your desktop that way.
So you are getting no video out from the HDMI port after the driver change? That is most likely still a driver issue or a configuration setting but it will be hard to troubleshoot blindly - does the laptop have monitor swap function using Alt or CTRL and a function key or number key?? That can usually override a bad driver issue.
If none of this works it's possible that the video card has gone out but you would likely get some kind of error or beep when the laptop starts up and goes through BIOS POST if that was the issue.
Do you never see anything on the screen when you first turn it on, like the BIOS logo or even any change in the "color" of black coming from the screen?
Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Can you see the Bios screen? -
Sorry for the delay I have a one month old. No logos at all nothing. Backlight seems to be on can brighten and dim with fn up and down. I have no command that monitor swaps and tried both HDMI ports . I have restore points but no idea how to engage blind.
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Hold the power button down for 60 seconds, release, power it on, then wait 3 minutes and see if this resets the BIOS or not.
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
You messed up your quoting.
Anyway this needs to be RMA'd then.
Sometimes the problem is the internal monitor cable or connection, either to the monitor or the motherboard.
It's up to you whether you think you have enough skill to disassemble and check it. If it's under warranty just RMA.
Does your laptop have access to the intel iGPU via the GPU button and MSI SCM?
On the GT73VR and GT75VR, a way to access the iGPU when you have no display output in windows with the dGPU due to the PEG Port bug (long story) when you know 100% the system should be working, is to load windows, press the "GPU" button (that brings up "Switch dedicated graphics to intel graphics" window), press Alt tab, Tab, Spacebar (this manually highlights "OK" and presses the button, by bringing the MSI SCM window to the foreground (the alt tab), highlighting the "OK" button (Tab) then pressing it (space bar).
Assuming of course no other programs are loaded on the windows desktop.
I don't know if your laptop has this "GPU mux switch" button or not.
If it does and you can blindly switch to the iGPU (the GPU light will turn off if the iGPU is active), if you still have no display output, then you know it's the monitor cable or monitor at fault.
I didn't read the above posts, but do you have external monitor output via HDMI or mini displayport ?? -
Both and they worked initially but not now
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
I see. Before you RMA, try booting the laptop from bios, with the lid *closed* before windows loads and see if you get output on the external monitor.
Usually if the lid is closed, it should automatically output to the external monitor.
If not, then just RMA it.Bobbert9 likes this. -
What computer do you have? A Google Search for GT93VR yields nothing.
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
You added RAM recently?
Can you please clarify exactly which laptop this is?
Anyway, if this is a GT73VR, try booting into Windows, and once on the desktop, push the button to switch over to integrated graphics, and try to blind hit the OK button as explained above. I want to see if the laptop reboots with video from the iGPU. When my laptop had this issue that actually worked. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
If this is indeed a GT73VR and he ran into the PEG port bug, then attaching a monitor to displayport won't help because the GTX 1070 is incorrectly deactivated (or under a code 43 error) by the EC.
Do the blind switch to iGPU trick and I'll tell you how to permanently fix this bug. Requires unlocking the bios unfortunately...one setting fixes this silly bug.
To boot to iGPU:
Press the GPU button in windows. (This only works if MSI SCM is correctly installed!)
Press Alt tab, Tab, Spacebar
This will select the ok prompt and reboot windows and switch to the iGPU.
However if the OP already tried clearing CMOS by holding down the power button for 60 seconds (which always will reset the PEG bug anyway and the display will work), I'm not sure if the iGPU will even display anything.... -
He had a GT80, so i believe that the laptop is GT83.
I'm sorry all I have a one month old and life is busy. I have a gt83vr.
Also it is out of warranty. I have tried every combination of button presses on the integrated graphics card button and can't make it do anything closed lid booting yielded no results.
GT83VR display problems
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Mantis Toboggon, Nov 26, 2018.