Hey everyone,
My GT came stock with 2 Seagate 500GB 7200RPM Momentus HDs. While working on some CPU intensive software, I got the BSOD. When I restarted, during the Intel Rapid Storage Technology screen. I got the message that my Raid 0 Failed. Below that, one of the disks read 0.0GB (instead of the typical 465.7GB) and it also read Non-RAID Disk. The other drive still read properly as Member Disk(0).
My feeling is that one of the drives failed. I've only had this computer for a few months. I called Tech Support, and they took my phone number and said that they would call me back in an hour. It's going on 3 hours now.
I've tried researching some data recovery methods but I haven't tried any yet. I did remove each drive from the laptop, and connected them via an external USB enclosure, one by one, to my older computer running XP. I'm aware I won't be able to retrieve any data that way since they are raid disks, but I just wanted to see what would happen. Both drives seem to have connected via USB. I was able to see the one disk in both My Computer and also in the disk management window, but the failed disk didn't appear in either.
Is there any chance of recovering my data? If so, any suggestions?
there is no chance of recovery if one of the raid drives has failed
the data is split between to two drives, and there really is no way to recover if half the data is gone.
raid 0 drives need to be backed up to a seperate drive
GT780R Raid failure. need help
Discussion in 'MSI' started by jorge1973, Jan 4, 2012.