GTX 1070 VGA heatsink is different from 980M so you would need new heatsink or modify the existing one. Our GTX 1070 MSI cards are with GSync. We also have another GTX 1070 that is 82x105mm that is non G_sync.
Eurocom Support Company Representative
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
GT72-6Q series just needs a GTX1070 HSF from the GT72VR and that it. Unless you use the GTX1070 non msi, I am unable to test this though @eurocomsupport
You also have to make sure your boot order in the BIOS is set to UEFI and not uefi-csm or legacy else you'll get no internal display.
After that you'll need modded nvidia drivers in each nvidia driver update.
Further more you will loose G-Sync due to the lic on the laptop no longer matching the cookie. This also includes the 75hz option however I have saved the edid which can be used to get it back.
Hope this helps
Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk -
Eurocom Support Company Representative
Thanks. We will add this info to our MSI GPU Upgrade Configurator to make things easier for people upgrading their GT72.
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Keep in mind that the layout of the GT73VR 1070 and GT72VR 1070 are different. There are also the issues with the voltage regulation on older versions of the 1070, made in 2016, and it seems both the GT73VR and GT72VR had problems with the 1.013+ voltage steps causing crashes. There were at least five, maybe six different revisions of the MSI 1070 card.
If I recall,
1) Gt72s/GT72VR layout, voltage bugged, gsync (2016)
2) GT72VR voltage fixed gsync (2017)
3) GT73VR layout voltage bugged gsync (2016)
4) GT73VR layout voltage fixed gsync (2017)
5) Gt72VR non gsync voltage bugged (needs verification)
6) GT73VR non gsync voltage fixed (needs verification).Last edited: Oct 28, 2017hacktrix2006 likes this. -
So the best option for me is a card from 2017 kabylake gt72vr?
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
Or get one from eurocom which has the heatsink as well for it in the configuration options.
Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk -
Does Eurocom have any European representation, I'm kinda interested in jumping to a 1070, and the Eurocom prices are enticing, VAT is a given, but being raped by custom charges that will be over 150€ takes a bit of the fun/will to jump.
Eurocom Support Company Representative
You can order with VAT included option so everything is included and pay nothing on receiving [link to own site removed by moderator - read forum rules]
Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2018
GT72S 6QE 980m upgrade to 1070?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Sup3rKillaX, Jan 10, 2017.