hi everyone, I am wondering which notebook cooler is the best for GT725? Zalman NC2000 or Cryo LX? As the fan of zalman NC2000 and cryo LX in different place, nc2000 is in the front and Cryo LX is the back and I do not know which one is better for GT725. Thanks.
i would probably say the nc as the 725s main fan is in the back of the lappy itself, but thats just me, we need actual people with these fans to compare temparatures
I think some will post soon enough. -
Some guy posted abt using NZXT bt with no benefit.
While Zalman has showed benefit of at least 5*C. -
I don't think any laptop coolers provide drastic reductions in temperature, most only offer ergonomic advantages. I've really wanted to buy one for quite some time, but this fact deters me.
i saw The Antec Notebook Cooler 200 on the eBay and it seems good for GT725. Someone wrote the review for this cooler as
"Another important point that you should consider is the layout of the vents (if any) on the underside of your laptop. Having no vents at all (as do many Applebooks) will not get the full benefit from this cooler, as it blows cool air from the ground-up and hopefully into the vents within your system. Make sure too that you are not one of the unfortunate ones to have a fan vent that blows downwards on the underside of your laptop, as it would immediately conflict with the cooler's airflow in the opposite direction and possibly damage your machine."
Wondering where is the fan vent of GT725? will it conflict with the cooler? Thanks. -
I found this on the internet and this is the buttom of GT725 and the ram is in the front and wondering if the cpu or gpu is in the middle? In this layout of vents which cooler is better?
Cryo LX, NC2000 or The Antec Notebook Cooler 200? thanks! -
The main heat source is the GPU.
so Cryo LX is good for GT725? the fan of cryo LX is blowing the air on the back and middle of the notebook which is about the place of GPU. thanks
I bought the Zalman NC-2000 and I must say that I'm really impressed. Without it my gpu would go to 50C on idle and up to 80C when OC and playing games. Now with the Zalman, my idle temperature is about 42C and on load I got about 72C. Bringing down the temperature by 8C is a lot for me and I like a lot this cooler. It's sleek, completely silent and it gives just the right inclination for my hands. I can't say for the other laptop cooler but this one is great. I would also not advise to buy something from Antec because I got the feeling that their build quality is quite cheap compared to Zalman.
Yeah the 1000B is for the 15inches and the 2000 is for 17 inches.
GT725 cooler
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Juvade, May 7, 2009.