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    GT725 US models?

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by ScubaSteveO, Apr 14, 2009.

  1. ScubaSteveO

    ScubaSteveO Notebook Guru

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    Im torn between MSI and Sager right now. I am having a terrible time making up my mind. Like a kid in a candy store right now. Im looking at the GT725 models and several Sager models. Between the two US GT725's, which would be a better all around gamer. The 74 has a lower rez screen and a p series CPU which is 25w and will draw less power and heat. So would that translate to better gaming? Or, would the slightly faster 35w chip and the high rez screen do just as well? I would think that there would be a real difference in battery life. It's only $250 difference in price.
  2. blademaster921

    blademaster921 Notebook Enthusiast

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    As long as you are plugged in they should perform close to the same. I would assume that the 074 would get better framerates if both were at native rez because it's easier on the video card.

    If your decision is based strictly on performance I would say go with the 074. For a better screen, a Blu-Ray, and other stuff not directly related to gaming, the 075 is better quality. Again, it depends on if the laptop if being used for strictly gaming, or as a general multimedia laptop.