I just switched from a 1680x1050 monitor to a 1920x1080. Both were connected via HDMI to my GT725. With the new monitor, the 1920x1080 resolution does not fill the screen. If I switch down to 1680x1050 it fills the screen. I tried the same monitor on another HDMI equipped laptop and 1920x1080 works fine.
Since I needed to reinstall the OS anyways, I installed the RTS version of Windows 7 64bit. Installed the OS, installed the video driver - works perfect. 1920x1080, full screen filled. I install the Audio driver.. and its back to the same problem. Note the audio driver messes with the HDMI functionality.
Has anyone else seen this problem? Any ideas how I can fix it? The only thing I can think of is to reinstall Windows again and not install the audio driver.. which is only a temporary fix, as I want to be able to output 1080P and surround sound over the HDMI to my entertainment center.
GT725 / HDMI / 1920x1080 problem
Discussion in 'MSI' started by projectgsx, Aug 12, 2009.