So my original Delta ADP-230EB T 7.4*5 230w PSU finally died today, confirmed after removing the battery and trying to power the laptop with it turning off (LED Light Still on) once it loaded up the GPU Drivers in Windows!.
I have been looking around and it would seem Delta ADP-230EB T 7.4*5 PSU's are gold dust, @1GreyGhost1 has helped me find a Zbook HSTNN-LA12 Omen 230w PSU with the same Output Voltage and Amps (19.5v / 11.8a) it also has the right size barrel connector 7.4*5 (Just not a 45c Angle connector).
So looking for ideal replacements as a backup plan.
Original PSU Specs:
Code:Input:100-240V~3.2A 50-60Hz Adapter Output Voltage: 19.5V Adapter Output Current: 11.8A Adapter Plug Size: 7.4x5.0mm Pin: 2 Pin
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
Perhaps you can find one here:
hacktrix2006 likes this. -
try cmos reset
30s power button when run
,.,I've already got it a few times "orange indicator" - battery low voltage + ac -but not working recharge
after reset -my nb normal works
delta or chicony is MSI oem
,.,. delta 230 or 330 -no problem
,..some PSU is positible monitor on HWINFO
gpu tab .,,.ppinput - PSU
,..,or "multi-meter 20V measurement"
try find info works or not ?? ""inside is + ,..,is out - ,.,.but it doesn't matter "you see 19.38 or -19.38V"
"4pin "2x up is +" down holes is -"
edit ,.,when use any auto-update app
remove acpi battery / second battery drivers in windows + reboot
use only oem windows build driversLast edited: Mar 20, 2021 -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
@zipperi Thanks for the link have had a look will have to see what import and customs will be from USA to UK.
@NeXt3R I have CMOS reset and even EC Flashed and reset it still does it (First thing i tried).
The fact is that the PSU is 5 Years old (Its the Original), thats been running 24/7 almost the entire time above 160w+, the PSU used to get very warm now it no longer does so.
I used a KillerWat meter and found that if i placed loads Whilst in dGPU mode it would get to 150w or even 180w before bombing down to 80w and going into battery mode.
Currently i have tested so far that if i can keep the PSU below 100w using the iGPU right now i can safely use the laptop without it bouncing from AC to Battery, also PSU isn't getting warm like it used to but at least i have access to all my files and i don't have to put up with the crappy 1280x720 screen on the Thinkpad R61e (Once you've used 120hz 60hz seems a slideshow).
As far as the barrel its the 2 Pin one and not 4 pin one.
The Zbook HSTNN-LA12 Omen 230w PSU has been ordered and should be here on Thursday hopefully the polarity is correct as its the same spec (Looks like the same PSU i have just without the 45 degree angled jack).
I know the dGPU is sound and good i checked when i did maintance last week the VRM's looked fine and if i down clock the target Power from 100% in Afterburner (78w) down to 50% the issue stops and whilst i increase the target power to 125% 90-100w it does it even more often.
So to me its the PSU (Checked the jack and it still looks solidly connected and the joints looks good during maintance) -
need only same Voltage and connector
ideal DELTA ,.,.is OEM
when use 330w get same limits ,.,.but not all time run on MAX "PSU overheat"
my 230w oem - when run all time on max ,..,sometimes get random drops
330W for my OC ,.,.still gets all time same stability "long usage 230w"
the only problem is what is possible EC or something ,.,.verifies the connected power supply
,, but I think only voltage is verifies
recharge on more amperes ?? still locked - 30W recharge,.same results for 11.8A or 16.9A
,.,.minimal battery wears "my gt75 7re ,.,.230W oem"
edit .,,translation fix .,,mind errorLast edited: Mar 20, 2021 -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
@NeXt3R so only the output voltage matters?
So basically i could technically use an Alienware X51 /M17x PSU @ 330w -
need spec 19.5V // correct connector + inside/ - out
when check actual PSU -- marks or images "but not exist conversely ??"
,.,.AMPERES -19.5V x 11.8A -230w ,.19.5V x 16.9A - 330w
and diffident not exist ,.,.NB still draw maximum what is in EC FW or BIOS setup
only battery recharge speed is problem ,.,.but on my GT75 this look identical ,..,same EC limit 30W recharge lock
it's been about a year ,.,.i still get same wear level // others info -
delta 330w
only matter on EC ,.,.when verifies PSU ID
when this exist
but as i wrote i think it only controls the voltage ,.,or get message on boot
voltage is same -- OK ,.,possible try this AC
full info "same yours alien ?"
and this stronger ,.,. input 3.2A on old ,.,.this DELL is 4.4A
out is same for 330w // MSI 4 pin is 3.5A
dell look more stable in load
ideal find 330w your connector + marks "info"
///// MSI 330w ,.,same pin type " input 4.4A for this connector type" liteon - delta
look sameLast edited: Mar 20, 2021 -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
OK, you can find from UK, Adapterworld for instance:
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
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here is good info about "Tip Size"
if you are sure that alien is the same as MSI ,.,possible try this PSU
,..,output voltage is still 19.5V .,,.OK -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
Sent from my SNE-LX1 using Tapatalk -
this is for compare
when need buy new .,..,ideal no-branded "DELTA" is native MSI
this should be compatible list for 330w + need correct pin
edit -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
The only PSU I have is from an old Sony VAIO which is very old under 120w and is 20v, even the barrel is off.
But thanks for the other links, I now have 2 PSU's total ordered the Zbook one at 230w and the Alienware 330w which now leaves the only original parts in my GT72 being the CPU heatsink, main board and 2 of the 4 sticks of ram lol everything else has been basically replaced now.
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hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
Update the PSU has finally gone gone, Whilst i was on iGPU the battery was 100% charged went to have something to eat it was at 92% whilst still plugged in and the AC light on the laptop did come on.
So yeah back on my R61e for now. Oh well only have to wait till tomorrow now. -
you should check all this
drivers - this must be only OEM windows
ppinput when exist - enable graph "check any random spikes"
battery .,,.voltage vs info on battery // wear level
GT72 - 11.1V battery "minimal allowed voltage ??"
and ideally MUTiLIMETR 20V measurement - check AC
when is totally dead -- this will confirm it
or in system "ppinput"
not use DC -battery master or try remove battery calibration
.,,.full recharge cycle 90./. trigger "90 starts recharge -100./. cycle"
100-90./. --battery protection "recharge starts on 90./."
or is bad only PSU ,.,.,will see
for any extreme total power draw - more stable 330w "for my gt75 7re"
all limits is same "I think it is for 230w it is 250-260w max .,,.AC recharge and still discharge in extreme stress" ,,.but it will be more stable "because it is at 330w tested"
best is DELTA - direct
or some older MSI - CHICONY
but mine is liteon - works normal "but liteon .,,..,is still delta "
good luckLast edited: Mar 21, 2021 -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
New Delta electronics PSU from Amazon has arrived will test shortly.
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hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
New PSU arrived, tested and Laptop boots to Windows and under full load draws 169w from the wall.
Ran 3D mark firestrike it switched off on test 3.
However on aida64 it hasn't done this.
GPU clocks are stable at 2.012GHZ temps @ 77c and 83.8c Hotspot.
Will test FS again in 5 minutes.
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hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
Right, I am now typing on my GT72 with the Delta 330w PSU, after the gremlins went as it was doing the same for a few minutes everything is running at 100% Battery is charging a 8w due to being at 96% charged. The game that was showing the issue up is no longer doing the dropping FPS like mad. GPU and CPU Clocks are now more stable i mean on my Bench SSD i was getting 2.012ghz on the core during full load on the GPU with out it bouncing up and down like an muppet.
So i guess the issue is now solved. Now time to report my thread to get it marked as solved. -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
And it's started to do the battery thing again on GPU test 2 and does the same on Test 4 of firestrike.
Test 4 drops down to 4fps before bouncing back to 20 then back to 4fps again turning it into a slide show. just reset the IS and uninstall the Windows drivers for battery and AC just incase.
HWInfo reports the GPU drawing 19.42v and battery wear is 0.9%
Going to run a logging session I think.
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hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
@NeXt3R Need your help Bud, Right i have included my HWinfo logs of running FireStrike on both the GTX 1060 and the GTX 970m (which i have currently in).
The issue is not happening on the GTX 970m however after putting that in Windows BSOD'd so booted into safe mode removed the driver and it BSOD'd once then has been booting normal again thus far.
WhoCrashed shows
Code:On Mon 15/03/2021 20:26:31 your computer crashed or a problem was reported crash dump file: C:\Windows\LiveKernelReports\PoW32kWatchdog-20210315-2026.dmp This was probably caused by the following module: ntkrnlmp.exe (nt!IoUnregisterShutdownNotification+0xF84) Bugcheck code: 0x1A1 (0xFFFF818866B06080, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) Error: CUSTOM_ERROR
Last edited: Mar 21, 2021 -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
Right so the plot thickens, so with it still having the issue I swapped out the GPU aka gone back to the GTX 970m however the issue is still present but it's so much worse now not only is it going from AC to battery the CPU is completely throttling down to 800mhz.
I have done a clean install of Windows, reset and reflashed the BIOS and EC firmware and the issue is still present. It's now looking like the mainboard. Will wait till Thursday to rule out the 330w PSU (LED stays sold.
I have also checked the PSU with a digimeter and shows 12v before going to nothing on both PSU's as there is no draw on the other end.
I am now at my wit's end I can't even afford a new laptop and can't for a very long time. Not only that as I can't socialise in person due to the human malware and my personal issues it's going to really take a toll on me.
So please can some one help me please.
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,..these random limits are often EC
when use IGPU + cpu -- works normal ?
"GPU switch when is possible"
i check logs
take a look event viewer - kernel power FW limited CPU or similar -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
I have loads of them.
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try discharge NB on battery - around 70./. "not fully"
30s power button for reset "need defaults configuration" "now using still under volt ,.,..,and 100 /200 ac/dc - you think ,.,.loadline on VR domain" ??
,.after reset \ add AC "recharge nb fully" ,..,,not in full stress
on battery - d-gpu not works "get fake signal ,..,temperatures limit + vram lock"
,.,.,.in HWINFO - must disable EC tab "cpu/system fans speed" in sensor ,..,,when exist !
,.,reading EC -- some randoms problems
and best is MSI kombustor - here is possitible scale power -static
kombustor // cpu burner
last version not works .,,.4.1.7 is best
in device manager ,.,. any missing drivers ?? "ACPI devices ,.,.this must be OK"
or get similar problems
SMbus ,.,.ene ,.,,,,steel ,watchdog,..,best install all drivers for working power management
what do you use for VR pads // thermal paste or LM ?? -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
Thanks for you help @NeXt3R, Everything is running correctly again.
Can't believe the fact it was Intel XTU that caused the issue due to my Intel ME being disabled.
Everything on the GTX970m has been solid since now testing the GTX1060.
Update: just charging the battery right now but tested the GTX1060 and it performed like it did stock. Now it just wait for the battery and then redo my fine tuned. Thanks for your help and information given (tips).
Sent from my SNE-LX1 using TapatalkLast edited: Mar 22, 2021dmanti likes this. -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
I played COD all evening and it's been the smoothest game run going. No issues thanks everyone
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if it was just this,.,. it's good for you
xtu compatibility vs disabled ME ??? "I mean mainly watchdog function need ME"
or only bad configuration "from xtu have -0.90mV undervolt LOG" but last config is only "-0.51mV" -51 -TS
for my configuration - bad drivers for ME or most version FW "is difference in FSB and OC" + for last ME fw ,.,I think it will never be used again "XTU infernece -enabled"
or currently it is impossible to use this vs last ME FW // all tested versions of XTU ""plundervolt fix or similar ?"
,.,.good is control most time POST VS bios setup .,,ideally create OC only from BIOS "or undervolt" ,.only this use correct numbers vs correct domains
or LL -on VR DOMAIN works similar "80 AC /DC" is like -100mV
this zone ,.,.,.when use more apps for EMULATION for OC ,.,.and recommended DISABLE - EC tab in hwinfo ,..,it's also problematic at least for me "random full fan speed or not keyboard ,.,.or random sleep ,.,,similar is RWEverything + EC ,.,,..random problem
POST VS bios setup
,.,.send bios name ,.,.when works for you NB IMON bypass .,,.get all time 3.5GHZ
E1782IMS.10C --contains all for OCLast edited: Mar 23, 2021hacktrix2006 likes this.
GT72-6QD Power Supply Replacements [SOLVED]
Discussion in 'MSI' started by hacktrix2006, Mar 19, 2021.