02/27/2016 Updates from MSI USA Trade-in Team:
"Hi Scott,
Everything is good, customers are not angry anymore as we rolled out KB lakes models.
We decide not to roll our Q&A due to many of our general question are post on the forum for user already. This way to prevent any more confusion, so it we will be easier for us to handle cases one by one.
We did notice some people has not gotten our responds, we are narrowing down that list of people. Some of those people were people that signed up way ahead before this project was handed down to me and Michael. So, both us had no information for those people, so we wait for those people to re-email us."
02/02/2016 Updates from MSI USA Trade-in Team:
"Hi scott,
I still have a lot of emails to reach out to. Roughly a hundred cases left. Yes we do get a lot of repeated request to respond, roughly 70%-80% are repeated requests.
Right now, everything else has slow down, I am able to focus more of my time on the trade in. Hopefully, to close all cases by end of this month."
01/30/2016 Updates from MSI USA Trade-in Team:
"Hi Scott,
It’s kind of hard to figure whose is under those nicknames. I will try to reach out to as many people as I can on this week.
Hopefully, in my blast I can reach out to those people. PM jut gave me and Michael a Deadline to get answers from everyone on the list.
I will generate a prices list for the 15 models. I should have this up and maybe you can post it on the forum for me. I really hate to put you in this position to be the middle man."
"Hi Scott,
I just spoke with my PM, he said we will still honor the 2nd GPU upgrade. We will still honor the people submit their application later. The whole point of the deadline was to generate a list of people that are interested in the program, a list of who to reach out to for the 2nd GPU upgrade and who not to.
As far as I know, we will honor late submitters for US APPLICANT ONLY."
01/27/2016 Update from MSI USA Trade-in Team:
"Hi Scott,
MSI US doesn’t have any days off for CNY. We’re working on regular schedules.
Don’t worry I have been in touch with people about the GT trade-in. So far people are pretty pleasant to deal with after the holiday and New Year...
Happy Chinese New Year!"
01/26/2016 Update from MSI USA Trade-in Team:
"Hi Scott,
Chinese New Year is here, which means hq/factories will be shut down for 1-2 weeks. We’re just busy rushing orders before hq closes for the holiday.
Next week we should have some times to get back focusing more on GT responds."
Update 11/30/16 - "MSI HQ finally made an Announcement for the program on the website." - http://event.msicomputer.com/usagttradein/Guys/Gals, we have been through a lot in the past months, but now MSI USA has taken our input, and given us an upgrade path for 2 generations of GPU upgrades.
MSI is offering Pascal and Volta upgrades through trade-ins for Maxwell GT72/GT80 owners through the MSI USA trade-in program.
The time has come in this thread to work with each other to help everyone through the trade-in program.
If you are not happy with the trade-in program, there is nothing this thread can do for you any longer, please create another alternative thread for that discussion and I will put a link to it here in this 1st post.
Thanks to everyone for their hard work and persistence throughout this process![]()
- @hmscott
Update 11/21/16 - Trade-in contact email for UK Customers - [email protected]
Trade-in Contact email for USA Customers - [email protected]
Update 11/09/16 - MSI says to use the "expired" form with the old time limit of Oct 31, 2016 to submit trade-in requests, ongoing until further notice:
Quoted from an MSI email:
"The Trade-In-Program will be ongoing until further notices. I am pretty sure there will be a deadline or ending to this program somewhere after 2nd generation GPU upgrade. At this moment, I am not sure when will the deadline is."
"I have previously requested to post an Official notices, but it’s ultimately up to HQ to decide to do so. Currently customer that can still use the Expired form to submit their applications, I doubt there will be an updated one as the form will still be the same."
"I’m pretty sure there was a deadline on the form. I doubt they will change the form."
Update: 11/17/16 - Here is the official answer back from MSI USA on warranty and trade-in transfer to a secondary owner:
Hi Scott,
1) The MSI notebook warranty is NOT transferrable.
2) Only the original owner of the laptop will be able to participate in the trade-in program.
Thank you for choosing MSI!
Guys, a couple of questions very much of interest right now:
1) Is the MSI Notebook Warranty transferable to someone we sell our laptops to? Is there a way to transfer ownership to the buyer via MSI Support so they can use the balance of the original warranty service?
2) If we sell the laptop, will the new owner be able to use the trade-in program?
Thank you!, Scott
Update: 11/9/2016, 11/10/16 - Answers to questions received via email from various MSI people, posted in the thread and added here for easy reference.
Ok, I've received some replies to questions, we are still corresponding, I will post them here as they come in and summarize in the 1st post asap.
Hello Scott!
Thank you for reaching to us with your concerns and comments.
The evaluation process is a simple task that the inspector will inspect the trade-in units. The whole process is to check all OEM parts are there, not evaluation of the laptop value.
If there are missing parts, it will subject to retail charge of missing parts.
Everyone is treated equally with fairness, I swear there is no favoritism involve!
Well, we do give extra care for customer that had BTO upgrade parts. Customized laptop will be granted Ram and SSD swapping services.
Price of the trade-in are based on the chart we first e-blasted to the customer.
Lower model customers are able to upgrade to higher model (Base cost + MSRP differences upgrade model)
All cases are handled case by case according the sequences of submitters. We have an overwhelming of respond from this trade-in program.
While I’m at this, I will answer all your questions from the previous E-mails.
1) How long do we have to respond to the offer, no time limit or date was included in the offer letter.
When the applicant that submitted the Trade-In Form, there is no deadline for the applicants to opt in for the trade.
2) How long do we have to take advantage of the trade-in, many of us can't spend that much money on such short notice.
No time limit or final date for the trade-in was included in the offer letter. I was expecting to be able to pick my time to upgrade over the next 2 years.
There is no deadline for the applicant to decide to accept or decline the trade for the 1st generation GPU upgrade.
Applicant may opt out of the 1st gen GPU and wait for the 2nd Generation GPU upgrade.
3) My GT80 SLI-263 was the top model in the MSI offerings at the time, why can't I be offered an upgrade to the current top model of the GT83VR instead of the 1070 SLI?
The model that was offered to you is based on similar specs to your currently laptop. You may request an upgrade to better GPU by paying additional differences of the MSRP from the offered laptop to the higher GPU laptop.
Based on your current offer laptop and the upgrade unit will be GT83VR Titan SLI-069, $1400 (base cost) + $1300( MSRP differences of the two model) = $2700 for the upgrading to the 1080 SLI model.
If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask me.
Here is an answer from another MSI person with clarification on what the "evaluation" on incoming laptops for trade-in really means.
Hi Scott,
Not sure where you’re getting your info from, but we ARE giving everyone the same value for their laptops.
It seems that you are under the impression that we are charging people different upgrade costs if one person’s laptop isn’t in as great a condition as someone else’s.
That is not the case.
We are only evaluating the laptops to check normal functionality and that there are no missing components.
Since we are giving people a brand new laptop and not just the MXM GPU, we want to make sure that the laptop we’re getting back from the trade-in is at least in working condition with working parts.
Otherwise someone can just trade in a laptop with missing components such as SSD, HDD, GPU or one that has critical component damages like a fried up motherboard.
If there are simply some wear and tear cosmetic damages on your laptop, then we will accept it the same as someone whose laptop looks brand new.
With that said, we are currently in the stages of contact each person, one by one, about their case. We have quite a lot of submissions so please be patient and bear with us while we get to everyone.
More answers...
Hi Scott,
The Trade-In-Program will be ongoing until further notices. I am pretty sure there will be a deadline or ending to this program somewhere after 2nd generation GPU upgrade. At this moment, I am not sure when will the deadline is.
Yes, different regions have different or similar programs.
I have previously requested to post an Official notices, but it’s ultimately up to HQ to decide to do so. Currently customer that can still use the Expired form to submit their applications, I doubt there will be an updated one as the form will still be the same.
As the Chart, the first eblast is ultimately the best to give to everyone. Because everyone cases is different or unique, it’s hard to make one chart for all different situation. This is why we’re answering case by case due the differences of the laptop. I wish there was simpler and faster way, but there is no shortcut to this.![]()
Some more info...
Hi Scott,
I’m pretty sure there was a deadline on the form. I doubt they will change the form.
My partner was planning to eblast the entire Q&A, but he was also drowning in his pile of work too.
I have request an official announcement update of the Trade-In-Program, but I guess it was under some pile of paperwork. I’ll try to remind the Management.
Our effort for results will be acknowledged.
Thank you, Scott.
Thanks Scott! We will also be sending out an email blast soon with answers to a lot of the questions we’ve been getting from everyone.
More answers from MSI:
Hi Scott,
If you decide to opt in for the 1st gen upgrade, you will still be able to upgrade for 2nd gen.
Only users that previous purchase GT70(s)/GT80(s) with 9xx series will be qualify.
To be honest, we’re not sure what NVIDIA have up in their sleeves, but as far as we know the 2nd gen gpu that we are honoring will be 11xx series.
We do not know if NVIDIA will consider 11xx series as Volta or whatever name they come out with.
We do not know what the next gen GPU price will be, it may be similar, higher, or lower to this generations. Again, it’s up to NVIDIA.
Here’s update chart since the 1st eblast that I have been using to answer people’s cases, it has GT72S and GT80S update on the list. As you can see GT80 and GT80s have the same offered model.
We didn’t enlist the GT73VR due to not having an optical drive.
In some cases, this was a HUGE issue for a few customers.
But we have decided to list it up to give people choices and just inform the customer that GT73VR model does not have an optical drive.
I hope this can help. And be prepare, we are working on a full Q&A eblast for everyone to clear up some questions.
It’s seems like we’re getting the same question over and over again as we work down the list.
If you have any more questions, please feel free to let me know. I’ll continue my venture down the list again!
MSI answers how to downgrade your trade-in for a lower cost trade-in.
Hi Scott,
If someone wants to downgrade to a lower spec model, it’s possible. The formula will work the opposite of upgrade. For example, if your base cost is $1400 and the downgrade model is $700 MSRP lower, simply $1400-$700= $700 for a downgrade model.
I just recently responded to a customer that had a 980m SLI model and his trade-in cost for similar spec is $1400 for the new 1070 SLI laptop. But he asks to downgrade to a single 1080 GPU model, which is $700 cheaper in both model MSRP differences. So his downgrade cost will be $700.
If we made a chart with MSRP, we have so many different models that it would confuse everyone. It’s best to let us do the calculation as we know how to handle it.
Edit: fixed "typo" - changed 970m to 980m, asking for clarification.
Update 10/14/2016 - MSI US's emailed offer letter:
Greetings, valued gamer!
Thank you for submitting your forms for the trade-in program for your GT72 or GT80. The GT72 and GT80 with GTX 900 series are facing limitations of the power and thermal design, which will not be able to convert into GTX 10 series. We value our customers and in order to fulfill our promise for GPU upgrades, we can replace your laptop for a new model at the same cost as if you were to have been able to solely upgrade the GPU from GTX 900 series to the GTX 10 series.
Please see the details of the trade in program as outlined below:
Your Laptop
Upgraded Equivalent Unit
Estimated Upgrade Cost
GT72 w/970M
GT72VR Dominator w/GTX 1060
GT72 w/980M
GT72VR Dominator Pro w/GTX 1070
GT72 w/980
GT73VR Titan Pro w/GTX 1080
GT80 w/980
GT73VR Titan Pro w/GTX 1080
GT80 w/970M SLI
GT83VR Titan Pro w/GTX 1070 SLI
GT80 w/980M SLI
GT83VR Titan Pro w/GTX 1070 SLI
GT80 w/980 SLI
GT83VR Titan Pro w/GTX 1080 SLI
How to trade in your Laptop:
1. If your laptop was NOT originally purchased and upgraded from one of the MSI authorized Build-to-Order reseller below.
a) Unit must be shipped back to MSI without any physical damage and with all original components which includes the following but not limited to:
i. Power Adaptor
ii. CPU
iii. Graphics Card
iv. Memory
b) If you made any component upgrades to your laptop by yourself, you must remove all upgrades and return the laptop back to us with all of its original components.
2) If you purchased your laptop with upgraded components from one of the Build-to-Order resellers below, let us know and we will be working with those resellers to off you the trade-in program.
a) We will be contacting you once we have gathered everyone’s information and iron out the specifics with those resellers.
3) MSI authorized Build-to-Order resellers:
a) Xotic PC
b) Computer Upgrade King
c) EXcaliber PC
d) Gentech PC
e) Mobile Advance
f) HID Evolution Computers
4) MSI is not responsible for any files and data on the laptop that you trade in to us. It is your responsibility to back up all of your files as needed.
Please respond to this email with answers to the following questions:
1. Your name that you submitted the GT Trade-in form with?
2. Do you want to trade in your laptop for an upgraded unit with the equivalent GTX 10 series GPU?
3. Did you purchase your laptop from an authorized Build-to-Order reseller? If yes, which reseller?
4. Any other questions, comments or concerns?
Once we have received your answers, we will contact everyone on a case-by-case basis and provide further instructions on how and where to ship your laptops, as well as how you need to pay for the upgrade cost.
Thank you for your patience and support. We look forward to working with you to ensure your satisfaction with your purchase so that you can continue to game on!
Update - Reddit thread:
This thread is for all GT72/GT72S and GT80/GT80S owners.
Link to file a complaint against MSI with the US BBB.
MSI Current Status 8/22/2016:
Right now as I open this thread, MSI support is saying we should all buy new laptops instead of asking for upgrades.![]()
Of course we all know that MSI promised 2 generations of GPU upgrades for the MXM laptop models GT72/GT72S and GT80/GT80S.
We need to stick together and compare notes on the upcoming MSI Pascal GPU upgrades for our laptops.
Please post your communications with MSI, positive and negative, so we can see MSI's responses to fulfilling their promise to provide MXM GPU Upgrades for 2 generations starting with Pascal for our GT72/GT72S and GT80/GT80S laptops.
We all need to let MSI know they need to deliver on that promise.![]()
MSI's Support Ticket system for registered owners is what I use.
MSI's support login / registration:
Register your laptop, and use the Support option in the menu list to the left to open a support ticket to ask how to order the Pascal MXM GPU upgrade for your GT72/GT72S and GT80/GT80S.
Keep it simple and straight forward, focused on the one subject questions, otherwise they will answer the easy questions and ignore the rest.
I would ask how, when, how much, and will it be a user install-able kit or will it require an RMA return for installation.
Please let us know what MSI says.![]()
MSI US and International Contact information, click on International tab for lots of contact points, hopefully local to all of you.
Other regional MSI web sites may have additional contact info, check out your MSI regional site "Contact Us" web page.
MSI Social Media contact information
There are likely other conduits to email or feedback to MSI, if anyone else has other points of contact, phone, email, online forms, please post them.
The BBB (Better Business Bureau) in the US is one of the avenues we can use to encourage MSI to follow through.
Link to file a complaint against MSI with the US BBB.
The Better Business Bureau has an entry for MSI Computer us.msi.com , and currently has an A+ rating.
Here is an example of a recent complaint that MSI resolved, with the acceptance by the person that filed the complaint:
07/21/2016 Advertising / Sales Issues | Read Complaint Details
MSI refuses to honor the mail-in rebate offer, or a full refund for products with falsely advertised rebate conditions.
I bought three MSI graphics cards (R9 390) that have an applicable mail-in rebate offer. The offer clearly states that it's limited to 10 rebates per offer per household. However, MSI only processed one and is refusing to honor the other two, claiming that the offer is limited to 1 rebate per type of product, which is not indicated anywhere in the offer. I then asked that I want to return the two cards for full refund due to breach of the terms of sale, and MSI customer rep (***** *********) refuses to do so or to escalate the issue further.
Desired Settlement
Either process the mail-in rebate for the remaining products, as advertised, or accept returns for a full refund.
Business Response
Have spoken with customer and though we stand by our rebate policy and in the terms and conditions it is clearly stated what terms are. But as a courtesy and to provide a positive outcome to this complaint we will honor the rebate for the other two.
Thank you,
Consumer Response
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I received a call shortly after I submitted the complaint, and was told that the rebates will be processed. Didn't know how to cancel the complaint. I haven't received the rebates yet, but assume they will arrive shortly. Thank you.
Customer Complaints SummaryRead complaint details
82 complaints closed with BBB in last 3 years | 35 closed in last 12 months
Complaint Type Total Closed Complaints
Advertising / Sales Issues 15
Billing / Collection Issues 3
Delivery Issues 1
Guarantee / Warranty Issues 12
Problems with Product / Service 51
Total Closed Complaints 82
At least in the US a good rating with the BBB is a coveted award, well worth resolving issues filed with the BBB.
Maybe if every owner in the US files a BBB investigation MSI will feel motivated to respond.
File a BBB complaint quoting the MSI Support response to our promised MXM GPU upgrade inquires about the upgrade, showing MSI is telling us to "buy a new laptop instead" (paraphrased - use your actual response from MSI in the complaint).
MSI will feel obligated to respond to the BBB with a more favorable answer, like "the upgrade kits are in progress", and then the BBB can track MSI's progress through to delivery of the upgrades.
Update: MSI has announced a trade-in program for GT72/GT80 owners:
Official MSI News, Events, and all things MSI.....
Edit: Added when posted to the MSI Questions for Reps thread, here is the post for reference:
@MSI Myco @MSI Natalie @MSIGeno @snallygaster
[/spoiler]Eurocom has delivered a single 1070 upgrade for the Clevo P870DM where Clevo failed to do so, not applicable to MSI, more of an FYI:
It looks like Eurocom has figured out how to offer their laptop customers Pascal MXM GPU upgrades for their previous generation laptops.
When will MSI figure this out and follow through on providing 2 generations of MXM GPU upgrades for our GT80/GT72 laptops?
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Pascal upgrade in EUROCOM Sky X9 Desktop Laptop
Published on Sep 22, 2016
A quick and easy guide on upgrading a EUROCOM Sky X9 or Clevo P870DM laptop with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Pascal graphics.
This is a very easy upgrade. Once the new graphics card is installed the user simply needs to update the driver. Depending on your previous thermal solution you may need to purchase a new one.
Eurocom supplies the graphics card, thermal paste, thermal pads, heatsink if needed and drivers.
EUROCOM Sky X9 or Clevo P870DM Upgrade: http://www.eurocom.com/ec/upgrade(2,3...
EUROCOM Sky X9 or Clevo P870DM Benchmarks: http://www.eurocom.com/ec/benchmarks(...
EUROCOM Sky X9 / Clevo P870DM Drivers: http://www.eurocom.com/ec/drivers(347)ec
The EUROCOM Sky X9 Unlocked is a high performance PC enthusiast’s dream come true. Packing a desktop CPU cooled with liquid metal paste, and supported by an unlocked system BIOS, overclocking a laptop has never been so easy.
EUROCOM Sky X9 Specifications:
17.3-inch; FHD 1920-by-1080 or 4K UltraHD 3840-by-2160 pixels; IPS; eDP; with optional G-Sync
Chipset: Intel Z170 Express (Skylake)
Processor: socketed desktop LGA1151 CPU, up to Intel i7-6700K, fully unlocked
Memory: up to 64GB; DDR4-2133, 2400 or 2666; 4 SODIMM sockets
VGA Technology: NVIDIA GeForce: single GTX 980 (desktop) up to 200W or Dual SLI GTX 980M, SLI GTX 970M; two MXM 3.0 slots
Display Technology: supports 4 external monitors via 2x DP 1.2, 1x HDMI 2.0 and 1x HDMI 2.0 or DP1.2 (via USB 3.1 type C port); Nvidia Surround View
Storage: up to 5TB with 4 drives; 2x HDD/SSD (SATA3) + 2x M.2 PCIe Gen3 x4/SATA3; RAID 0/1/5/10; supports NVMe SSDs
Communications: two 1Gb LAN RJ-45 ports Killer E2400 + M.2 WLAN/Bluetooth; Killer DoubleShot X3
Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows: 10, 8.1 and 7
Card Reader: 6-in-1 MMC/RSMMC/SD/miniSD/SDHC/SDXC up to UHS-II
Keyboard: Illuminated, backlit with customizable 7-colours
Security: TPM 2.0, Fingerprint and Kensington Lock
Audio System: Sound Blaster X-Fi MB5; external 7.1CH audio output; headphone out, microphone in, S/PDIF and Line-in port; two built-in FORSTER Speakers (2.2W)+ Subwoofer (2.5W)
Ports: 1x USB 3.1 type C (HDMI 2.0/DP 1.2/Thunderbolt 3); 2x miniDP 1.2; 1x HDMI 2.0; 5x USB 3.0 (1x Powered USB AC/DC); S/PDIF; Headphone; Mic; Line-in; 2x RJ45 (LAN)
If you are looking for information from MSI about the promised Pascal MXM GPU upgrades for your GT72/GT72S and GT80/GT80S you can post questions (try to keep it to one post) in this thread:
[Official] Questions for the MSI Rep! #2
@Charles P. Jefferies is monitoring and managing that thread. No conversations, no arguing, just polite questions for the MSI guys -
Ok, on my front I went to a few inline PC Mags and sent a email or paragraph explaining what is happening and asked for help to raise awareness. PC Magazine and a couple other sites was easy I copied the same message and pasted in in the emails. now I'm waiting.. Tomorrow I will hit up News orgs. I want to do Facebook but to be honest I'm embarrassed
can someone besides me do that? and I'm easy to find and add look for my name and motorcycle stuff
Last edited: Aug 22, 2016 -
I sent an email to NBC news
mason2smart, temp00876 and hmscott like this. -
I started a support ticket asking for Pascal GPU upgrades @ MSI Support Europe (Germany). Same discussion about GPU upgrades here @ german MSI forums too.
Writing to/Informing some PC Mags is a good idea, but i still need more (official) input the PC Mags also can work with. -
MSI has deleted, sry, no, it's now private, the official " GT72 MXM Graphics Upgrade kit" video instructions @ youtube.
Nice work
Nice to have screenshots..Last edited: Aug 23, 2016bird2132 likes this. -
I bought my GT80 used from a friend 3 months ago after knowing the upgrade possibility. Can't believe I paid for it now.
hmscott likes this. -
nightingale Notebook Evangelist
we may likely be able to file for a class action lawsuit against MSI if they do not hold true to their promise of the "promised two generations of upgradability", as this was a core selling point in the marketting scheme and is what many of us were lead to believe when we went to buy our laptops.
Avitard, Rodri, mason2smart and 5 others like this. -
"Personally, I think that MSI will not fix the power problem because otherwise there would be a sharp drop in sales of gt83vr.
The difference in performance between the 980sli and 1080sli would be reduced and there would be no reason to switch to the new model or upgrade to new graphics cards.
(I own a 980sli gt80s)"
MSI aims to sell new models instead of giving a chance to upgrade old models . -
well, this makes me sad to read how this is going. Hopefully MSI makes good on the promise, or you can sign me up for the class action lawsuit, as well.
hmscott likes this. -
Aren't there any gaming lawyers around? Lawyers that game on the side or as a hobby?
hmscott likes this.
I really hope MSI is kitting up our upgrades right now, at least for their sake. -
adriano_banano Notebook Consultant
Wow, this false advertising almost hit me too (I was gonna buy a GT72 a couple months ago). I just hope MSI does well this time around :s
hmscott likes this. -
Anyone know those lawyers name I'll shoot them a email and call them takes 20 min most of the info they will need to verify are in the forums here so easy for them too
hmscott likes this. -
I'd at least wait until MSI comes through with the MXM Upgrades promised to thousands of customer before giving them another chance.
And, if MSI doesn't come through, there are plenty of other brands out there.Last edited: Aug 23, 2016luciela likes this. -
This is a big issue to a lot of folks. If MSI had its act together they would already have announced an "official stance" alongside the announcement of the new Pascal machines. The communication has been terrible and I think people have a right to be angry considering all current evidence points to something along the lines of a bait-and-switch.
Being noisily vocal about the issue right now is genuinely important, as waiting until everyone has forgotten and giving MSI the chance to sweep this under the rug will be fatal.hmscott likes this. -
My issue is not "we're not getting this tomorrow, omg the world is ending". It could come out next year, I don't really care. But they need to communicate that to their customers.
hmscott likes this. -
I have contacted [email protected] to inquire how I should go about ordering an upgraded graphics card for my MSI GT80 980 SLI from the new Nvidia 10 lineup.
If anyone grabbed a copy of that video before it was taken down, please let us know -
I think we can resort to cache'd copies. I remember finding an official MSI page detailing the Gt72 upgrades. I will try to find them now.
With all of this being said, I am truly hoping this is just a technical issue that MSI is able to resolve, so as to satisfy the original promise/advertising of upgrade-ability. If they can't do it, I would be perfectly happy with some type of purchase price credit towards the new GT83VR line. I don't think a partial refund would satisfy me, because I originally bought this laptop with the understanding that I would be good for another 2-4 years through GPU upgrades on this device...
I have a GT80 SLI-001 and the 980's keep me satisfied for the time being. However, I really don't want to read that they aren't going to honor the advertising that lead me to investing in the GT80 platform.
Is there any other form of contacting MSI to request upgrade information that concerned users should be looking into?hmscott likes this. -
I do think we have a good chance for upgrades, based on the fact that the GT72 exists with pascal GPUs. Since they just introduced both GT73 and GT83, I believe GT72 is going to be phased out along with GT80 in a design perspective.
If GT72 can have 1070, so can we. Maybe it will require a new heatsink, but they can also provide it.
Have you tried also posting on the MSI forums? It has helped me in the past when we were trying to fix an issue with GT80. At the very least it creates some awareness. Other than your email, contacting MSI rep, an even as others have done via news sites etc.
If I come up with another contact, I will let you know. -
MSI's support login / registration:
Register your laptop, and use the Support option in the menu list to the left to open a support ticket to ask how to order the Pascal MXM GPU upgrade for your GT72/GT72S and GT80/GT80S.
Keep it simple and straight forward, focused on the one subject questions, otherwise they will answer the easy questions and ignore the rest.
I would ask how, when, how much, and will it be a user install-able kit or will it require an RMA return for installation.
Please let us know what MSI says.
MSI US and International Contact information, click on International tab for lots of contact points, hopefully local to all of you.
Other regional MSI web sites may have additional contact info, check out your MSI regional site "Contact Us" web page.
MSI Social Media contact information
There are likely other conduits to email or feedback to MSI, if anyone else has other points of contact, phone, email, online forms, please post them.
(Added to the 1st post)Last edited: Aug 23, 2016 -
Upon consideration, I removed my own posts to avoid causing static here. Keep up the good work. If I have anything else to add, I will post it. If you need anything, feel free to contact me.
Sorry if I came on too aggressive.hmscott likes this. -
You hurt my feelingsI don't think I can go on....JK
hmscott likes this. -
Plus MSI will most likely answer sooner rather than later, after all the feedback we have given.
In fact, I have been following this situation since January myself, as I wanted to know what plans MSI had, way before we knew about pascal.hmscott likes this. -
The BBB (Better Business Bureau) in the US is one of the avenues we can use to encourage MSI to follow through. If you have a similar pro-consumer organization in your country, please post the info on how to file there.
The Better Business Bureau has an entry for MSI Computer us.msi.com , and currently has an A+ rating.
Here is an example of a recent complaint that MSI resolved, with the acceptance by the person that filed the complaint:
07/21/2016 Advertising / Sales Issues | Read Complaint Details
MSI refuses to honor the mail-in rebate offer, or a full refund for products with falsely advertised rebate conditions.
I bought three MSI graphics cards (R9 390) that have an applicable mail-in rebate offer. The offer clearly states that it's limited to 10 rebates per offer per household. However, MSI only processed one and is refusing to honor the other two, claiming that the offer is limited to 1 rebate per type of product, which is not indicated anywhere in the offer. I then asked that I want to return the two cards for full refund due to breach of the terms of sale, and MSI customer rep (***** *********) refuses to do so or to escalate the issue further.
Desired Settlement
Either process the mail-in rebate for the remaining products, as advertised, or accept returns for a full refund.
Business Response
Have spoken with customer and though we stand by our rebate policy and in the terms and conditions it is clearly stated what terms are. But as a courtesy and to provide a positive outcome to this complaint we will honor the rebate for the other two.
Thank you,
Consumer Response
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I received a call shortly after I submitted the complaint, and was told that the rebates will be processed. Didn't know how to cancel the complaint. I haven't received the rebates yet, but assume they will arrive shortly. Thank you.
Customer Complaints SummaryRead complaint details
82 complaints closed with BBB in last 3 years | 35 closed in last 12 months
Complaint Type Total Closed Complaints
Advertising / Sales Issues 15
Billing / Collection Issues 3
Delivery Issues 1
Guarantee / Warranty Issues 12
Problems with Product / Service 51
Total Closed Complaints 82
At least in the US a good rating with the BBB is a coveted award, well worth resolving issues filed with the BBB.
Maybe if every owner in the US files a BBB investigation MSI will feel motivated to respond.
File a BBB complaint quoting the MSI Support response to our promised MXM GPU upgrade inquires about the upgrade, showing MSI is telling us to "buy a new laptop instead" (paraphrased - use your actual response from MSI in the complaint).
MSI will feel obligated to respond to the BBB with a more favorable answer, like "the upgrade kits are in progress", and then the BBB can track MSI's progress through to delivery of the upgrades.
(Added to the 1st post)Last edited: Aug 23, 2016 -
As I said previously, I think someone of high standing in the community should start a Go Fund Me to pay for a lawyer with a Technology Background to file a class action Law Suit with MSI Global. I think from this community alone we could garner hundreds of plaintiffs to be listed on the lawsuit regarding the unfulfilled promise of Pascal Upgrade kits. The Real sad thing is, is we have to go this far to even get a response back from MSI. MSI promised us Pascal GPU upgrades for our GT72 and GT80 Laptops and they are now trying to cover up all information that has ever said anything about "Guaranteed 2 Generation Upgrades". This is how far they have been corrupted. In Germany they like to say "The fish starts rotting from the head" some one way up in the food chain knew from the get go that it would not be able to be upgraded easily and that they could milk out more money from customers by saying their laptops were upgrade-able to the next generation of GPU. The flat out lies are disgusting. I am really sick and tired of dealing with this **** on a day to day basis with things and having my only source of enjoyment compromised by such things is just really ****ed up. Ugh.
Sorry for Ranthmscott likes this. -
nightingale Notebook Evangelist
When all is said and done i feel like there may be a time limit to when MSI engineers can do this retrofit. They had "promised" two generations worth of upgrades from the 900m series, meaning that the 1000s and supposedly the 1100s are meant to work in a retrofit. I sure hope MSI is working on something, or in the worst case preparing their lawyers as they are not only subject to one class action, but maybe TWO since if they cant do the 1000s, they likely wont be able to do the 1100s either.
hmscott likes this. -
I do believe they are working on something, but as others have found regarding sager, and as hmscott posted before, it is not only MSI we are going to have to question, seems to be also nvidia we need to raise our voice too. If Pascal is presenting specific issues in the way the GPUs are made to MXM format, what is stopping nvidia from making volta even more difficult, considering HBM, HBM2, HBM3 and GDDR6 are all in development?
The only thing we can do is fight the good fight and see how it pans out.nightingale and hmscott like this. -
what we need to understand is what kind of deal was made between Nvidia and MSI. They made a deal with the GT80S that I know of for sure that they would support 2 gen of upgrades. I saw it on a video of a convention I think it was CES. I'll try to find it on youtube. BRB....
hmscott likes this. -
MSI GT80 Titan Upgradeable SLI Gaming Notebook with Cherry MX Keyboard! CES 2015 YouTube5
Micheal Crutcher
wait for it.........summon his but into court to testify LOLLast edited: Aug 23, 2016 -
Go to 02:30 for the "goods"
CARL JONES likes this. -
I'm going to email him and tell him whats going on...that MSI is making him look like a liar.
hmscott likes this. -
nightingale Notebook Evangelist
I tried to ask on there facebook page it says they will submit my comment to see if they will allow it ot be posted. :/
if ever there will be a legal action ... they may hope even those who do not live in the USA? even if lawyers will be american?
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
Yep i have been a fool, spend almost 2 years saving up for my GT72-6QD which i got January 2016, mainly because of the Official Upgrade MXM Kit which then fitted into my Laptop lasting 5 year rule.
So me thinking of being clever i went and got the laptop with the idea of upgrading the GTX970m 6GB to either the GTX1070 or the GTX1060 as they should be within the same power envelope of the PSU requirements (GT72VR uses the same 230w PSU as my current GT72-6QD).
Yes they use the marketing tattic stating that the GT series with MXM GTX900m series cards would be upgradable to the next generation of GPU's just like they did the GTX800m series however it wasn't set in stone as they used the upto wording.
However i would suspect with the replies to people that have asked where they are going Sorry you can't upgrade or buy a new laptop could mean no one has started the Testing of the GTX10xx series MXM GPU's in the GT72 or GT80 laptops yet so there is hope yet.
If not then its not the end of the world most laptops now have Thunderbolt 3 where we can used a EGPU solution should we need more horse power, it may no be perfect but its better then nothing.
So i think we should give the OEM's time to see if they can do anything, if they can't then don't get into a huff about it. Yes i will be piffed too, but as i said MSI nor any other OEM gave a guarantee that we would get a MXM upgrade path if they did i didn't see the stone they placed it onto. UPTO has always been the get out of it clause when it comes to marketing and broadband is a good example of they. "Get upto 17mb broadband for x amount, subject to a 12-18 month contract" you sign up and only get 1mb internet speeds. Upto is from 0 to what ever they choose.
Besides this is notebookreview users here when have we ever obeyed the OEM the original MXM upgrades were all aftermarket upgrades it just means the OEM's won't get a slice of the cash. -
If I buy another PC it will still be a laptop but I will definatly not go with the high end laptops! I learned a close to $3,000 lesson. From now on I won't spend more than $12 or $1300 if that. I'll buy another in a year or so that way I keep up with the new tech. I thought I was being smart and tech savy. I'll still probably keep mine for 4 or 5 years but my plan was 7 years thinking Skylake CPU and a future Nvidia 11xx GPU and upgrade to 64gig of RAM. Yea I got screwed
HaloGod2012 Notebook Virtuoso
CARL JONES likes this. -
hmscott likes this.
But even if you're a member of a class, and the lawsuit is successful, don't expect to get much money individually. After lawyer's fees and court costs, plaintiffs in complex litigation usually get little money themselves - not enough to compensate entirely for the loss, for sure. Nonetheless, class actions are great tools to force companies to abide by the law because they drain companies of hefty sums of money for their wrongdoing, and a losing company would think twice before messing around again.Last edited: Aug 25, 2016 -
Reminds me of the GTX970 lawsuit which awarded users like 35dlrs.
MSI will provide official respond soon.
steberg, Atma, hmscott and 1 other person like this. -
Seems like there has been some movement on this.
Sent to MSI CS: I am the owner of a GT72 notebook with a GTX 980M video card. When I purchased it, your marketing promised that there would be upgrades to the next generation of cards (which we now know to be the nVidia Pascal / 10-series cards). Now that these cards have been released, when can we expect the promised upgrade kits to be available?
Their Response: CSD 08/25/2016 12:31 PM PST Our marketing team will announce program in the following month so please kindly wait for the announcement.steberg, ole!!!, hmscott and 1 other person like this. -
Well, we are getting somewhere. This is good news, at least they know the issue. They probably were waiting to say something that won't backfire for them. So there will be a program huh? I will gladly hear the details.
GT72/GT72S and GT80/GT80S Owners GPU Upgrade Discussion
Discussion in 'MSI' started by hmscott, Aug 22, 2016.