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    GT72 6QD 970m - MSI site doesn't show driver downloads?

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by s1rrah, Apr 29, 2016.

  1. s1rrah

    s1rrah Notebook Evangelist

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    Hi ...

    I just bought an "open box" GT72 6QD with the 970m GPU from Micro Center and it doesn't come with any driver discs or otherwise. Furthermore, the current Win10 install doesn't include some of the MSI preinstalled software, namely the very important "Burn Recovery" software that allows one to create a USB bootable thumb drive that will restore the machine to MSI's factory defaults.

    I've scoured the support page for this machine at MSI's support/download site and for the life of me cannot find the usual list of drivers for this machine; all the (US) MSI site seems to show are a couple of downloads related to SCM and a Mouse driver. The usual list of other drivers (Realtek, Steel Series, Network stuff, etc.) isn't listed. This is the page I'm referring to: 64

    I have another MSI machine, a GS70 Stealth Pro and its support page shows all the necessary drivers so I was wondering if there is some "trick" to accessing the drivers for my new GT72 6QD?

    Even better, is there a way to get a "Burn Recovery" image from MSI so I can simply create a USB thumbdrive from which to restore the system (including all necessary drivers) to it's factory defaults?

    Thanks in advance for any assistance,
  2. ryzeki

    ryzeki Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    It seems that the page is undergoing something. If you can, send an email to MSI regarding this issue. They sometimes change stuff on their webpage and break some links that allows you to download drivers. It's usually when they are updating the page.

    As for the burn recovery software.... considering you got it open box and without it, I don't think the recovery option will be there. I would instead recommend you to fully install your system with drivers the way you want it, and then perform a backup of your OS so that you have your own recovery software ready.
  3. s1rrah

    s1rrah Notebook Evangelist

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    Thanks for that ...

    Not two seconds ago, I got off the phone with tech support and it turns out I had to go to the "Global" site and use the downloads for the GT72 6QD G machine ...

    A bit convoluted but here's the page should anyone need it:

  4. ryzeki

    ryzeki Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Hahahaha, well done :) and I agree that its quite convoluted at time to reach the page you need. Good work getting a proper response and solution!
  5. zipperi

    zipperi Notebook Deity

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    That has been the situation for years - if you don't find drivers from your country site go to the global site and try to find out your hardware; the type designation details are most probably different.
  6. Support.1@XOTIC PC

    Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative

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    For any MSI model, if you search the web for something like "MSI GT72 dominator xxx" you will usually find the page for the model that doesn't have the drivers.

    But if you look at your serial number on your computer, it should say something like "GT72 xxx" then the rest of the serial number. If you search for GT72 6QD in your case, or whatever the three digits show, then you should find the link for the global site with drivers, utilities, etc. It will be that way for pretty much all their models.

    You found the right page, but that is just for anybody else maybe wondering about that.
  7. Kevin@GenTechPC

    Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative

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    US model names are different than global names.
    But they are the same thing, see below for search results.
    [ Click here]
  8. MitchRapp01

    MitchRapp01 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hey everyone... I used to be on here back when I had an alienware m15x (the plastic, crappy one that fell apart right before dell picked them up but couldn't remember my name) I saw this after being told by msi that I need to pay them $35 for a recovery drive because I mistakenly wiped my recovery partition.... I told them that I have not only a disk with a recovery burn save image on it but also another third party disk image on a bigger drive and they told me the only way I can get my recovery partition back as well as be able to use burn recovery (like its worked SO great until now) is by paying them 35 bucks. Im a first hand owner, I just think its kind of ridiculous that I make a mistake but because I followed the warnings burn recovery kept showing me, (on more than one stick!!!) and it didn't work when it counted, I am the one who needs to cough up the money for this.... Their CS is kind of terrible.... I'm sorry for such a negative initial post by me (on an older thread, no less) but I just feel like after dropping close to $2k, you're going to hit me up for $35 when I'm not blaming anyone, not being anything other than completely polite ....I just don't know...if it were my company and a customer called and wasn't even upset sounding, and they told me this isn't the first time this application hasn't worked for me, just to err on the side of caution I'd send them the cheap little recovery drive or discs just to say look we DO care our product isn't working for you and while it may or may not be the fault of the software we are simply just going to give you the benefit of the doubt and send you the drive because we want to make sure you're up and running and enjoying yourself with your product as you already have repeatedly stated via surveys and on the forums as a regular contributor....

    Anyway... Sorry for venting... Would anyone be willing to share a CLEAN copy with me? I have the EXACT same model computer mentioned by OP? if so, I'd really love you forever. :p
  9. ryzeki

    ryzeki Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    MitchRapp01 welcome to the forums. Sad to hear about your situation and it is understandable to feel that way. Most of the time, when dealing with customer service, you can have either a very good experience or a terrible one. It's hard to hear someone say "their service is ok" haha.

    The whole burn recovery data might be an issue. If you mistakenly wiped your partition, you can always go ahead an do a full clean install yourself, then download all the drivers from the MSI support page. Paying them 35 dlrs is to get the recovery OS as when you first bought it. But you don't loose much by clean installing, if you want to save the money.

    You can most likely search over microsoft's site for a downloadable, bootable or burnable ISO of original windows home version you need. Your CD key is embedded to the BIOS so you won't need to insert one.

    If your current windows works, i'd recommend downloading the drivers for network (Killer network suite), video drivers from nvidia, and essential drivers from MSI support, so you can clean install and readily update drivers.
  10. MitchRapp01

    MitchRapp01 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Thanks for the warm welcome...i sincerely appreciate it =)

    I basically figured I was going to lose the OEM branding and if I couldn't find anyone to help me out with the application (BR)/recovery partition, I was just going to write it off, but while following the list on the driver site where they recommend installing things in a particular order, I am unable to switch from intel to nvidia graphics to install the nvidia driver. I thought the thing that controlled the stuff on the left (hotkeys at left edge of machine) was the radio switch...I tried installing that and still can't switch between them....I now basically have half the machine I bought from them.....*sigh*....anyone have any ideas? Am I doing something wrong other than fuming at myself and msi?
  11. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

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    You need to install SCM to do the Intel to Nvidia switching. Once you have installed SCM reboot the laptop and then press the GPU button when your back in windows.
  12. MitchRapp01

    MitchRapp01 Notebook Enthusiast

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    I literally just thought of this, clicked download for that utility on my product page, and then opened gmail and linked to this're on msi boards too, right? Either way, thank you so much for your time and response.