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    GT72 2PC Dominator GPU replacement

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by Blanche_, Jul 3, 2021.

  1. Blanche_

    Blanche_ Newbie

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    Hi :hi:

    I bought a GT72 2PC Dominator laptop 6-7 years ago and I used it everyday since. Last night the graphics card burned (a distinct smell of burnt plastic when I removed it later) when I was playing genshin impact, it was a GTX 870M 6Gb.
    It prevented the computer to start altogether so now I'm using it only with the intel HD 4600 but I desperately need a correct GPU for 3D game development. I don't have the finances to buy another laptop and from what I could gather on internet it'd cost me the same amount of money to buy a GTX 870M or a 970M.

    I'm overwhelmed both by the fact that my only viable income source just disappeared at the worst time of the decade and by the sheer amount of knowledge there's to have simply to change the GPU.
    I spent all night and day looking for a solution and I understood the general idea of what I need to do but I couldn't determine if I'd have to flash the vbios of the new GPU if I took a 970M and where I could find an appropriate image of it if it were the case ?

    I already updated the bios to the latest version distributed by MSI and the EC firmware too. I have the required tools and experience needed to replace the card and its thermal thingies myself but I never modified a vbios nor drivers and I feel lost confronted to this situation :(
    I'd really appreciate any help with this part of the procedure, thanks in advance

    EDIT: I think I found a proper source for the vbios but I still don't know if I'd need to flash it or if it'd work right out of the box :vbconfused:

    EDIT 2: I found the proof that the GT72 Dominator series were officially meant to support the 970M and it provides the correct vbios and tools needed too I still need to do something about the heat sink that has the same problem as the GT60/70 series.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2021