Hi all.
I recently got my machine, and its actually my first gaming laptop, and I love everything about it. Due to my excitement, I tried to ignore 1 slight issue, but its starting to annoy me more and more, and I'm kind of afraid it might get worse.
Basically, whenever the laptop produces high volume noise, some sort of buzzing, under left side of keyboard, or left side of the laptop (! not the speaker !) occurs. It reminds me of like an electric noise, like electric wires connecting sort of noise, its hard to explain. Sometimes, I can only hear it if I put my ear close to the left side of the keyboard..
It is most noticeable during movies, conversation in games, or Skype startup, where the volume constantly changes, and whenever it goes up, that noise occurs. Note, its not always when its loud, just particular sound, I guess.. :/
Also, if I lower the volume, buzzing decreases, and even hardly noticeable, but then whats a point of loud speakers...
If anyone got any advise, please tell me, as I said I'm a novice in hardware field, dont even know what part it is under the left side of the keyboard, that might be producing the noise..
Thank you.
Okay, I've tried to make an illustration on highest volume. And yes, it probably does seem worst than I want to believe :'(
You could try to follow this youtube video and see if there is something loose under the keyboard. More than that I do not know how can I help you, since I have never opened or owned this system. Here is the link Tutorial: Instructions To Change Keyboard on MSI GT70 Laptop (GT60, GT780, GT783 Similar) - YouTube
Best of luck! -
I noticed that if I put pressure on the left side of the keyboard, like hold A/S keys, buzzing disappears, on about 80% volume. on 100% it still exists.
Must be a hardware problem right? -
It should no be buzzing like that, but as Juliant suggests, try and see if something is not secured down properly. Otherwise RMA that thing. No reason to settle for faulty hardware or build defects.
I have a feeling the keyboard is not secured properly in with the screws and while the sound goes louder it starts vibrating... Could be an easy fix and not much to worry about. Since the buzz sound is not there in a lower volume I doubt there is a broken speaker in your system.
I'm sure its not a speaker, 95% confident, even said that when writing to MSI support, although all I got in reply is to send it for RMA (as I've expected really..)
If I open it myself, that means I have to rip the warranty sticker right? I've heard somewhere on this forum that it doesn't affect warranty, or does it? -
Prostar Computer Company Representative
This seems to be a prevalent issue: http://forum.notebookreview.com/msi/703663-gt70-speaker-rattle.html
GT70-2OD: buzzing under keyboard
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Breyl, Jun 16, 2013.