Hey folks,
I am trying to understand where I stand at the moment. I got GT70-0NE, which I've upgraded to 970m GPU and i7-3840QM about couple years ago now. It was and is a faithful friend in my gaming adventuresNow, I can't help to start noticing gradual decrease in FPS in new titles - especially in MMORPGs (Black Desert), which are traditionally CPU heavy (but even recent Tomb Raider would mingle at 35 FPS on medium-high settings, with temperatures approaching 80 C if I put it on high).
Trying to understand:
1. How radical/even possible - would be to look into an upgrade to i7-6th generation CPU with GTX 1070/80? Is there a mobo - replacement way to go for GT70-0NE? Or are we in the new world of laptop hardware now and there is basically no way?
2. Is it a common knowledge that 6th gen CPU and 1070 would perform much (and how much?) better than the 3rd gen and 970m? Did the gaming laptops improved much in performance since 970m times? Also in CPU terms?
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
If your going to get a new laptop and hoping to MXM upgrade I suggest staying well clear of MSI.
hA Nvidia 970m to a Nvidia 1070 is a big boost considering its 2x faster then a Nvidia GTX980m.
The i7 6700HQ's are OK but multiplier locked so if your QM ivy wasn't multiplier locked then you'll be looking at minimum i7 6820HK as these are unlocked chips. However all HQ and HK CPU's are BGA soldered to the mainboard.
6th gen CPU's from Intel have always been 4-7% per gain however nvidia gpu's with pascal have improved to near desktop GPU levels in performance whilst having even lower power requirements.
If your looking to keep CPU and GPU upgradeable go with a eurocom system it uses desktop CPU's and mxm slot which thus far has been upgradable to pascal in select laptops using MSI MXM cards.
Sent from my SHIELD Tablet K1 using Tapatalk -
I see - so basically no way to soldier the upgrade onto that old GT70?
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
GT70-0NE with 970m - further GPU/CPU/MOBO upgrade VS re-purchase
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Bailante, Oct 30, 2016.