Hi there, i have some question about my laptop screen on GT70 Dragon Edition 2
On the bright background of the screen automatically brightens up ..
On a dark background screen automatically reduces brightness ..
(I don't mean desktop background - saying background, I mean what was display at the screen.)
Is it normal ?
I work on Windows 8 PRO ..
Adaptive brightness functions are disabled.
Of course, on external monitor (HDMI), problem does not occur.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Does the GUI changes too when brightness changes?
There's SCM that indicates the level of brightness when you manually change it. Assuming it should do the same too if the system adjusts brightness on its own. -
GUI ???? What GUI ?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Check your intel driver power settings
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You unchecked the brightness control option in there and it helped?
holliday777 Notebook Evangelist
There's also the "Adaptive Brightness" option in the advanced Windows power settings...under the display tab. On many systems, that's enabled by default and definitely could be causing the problem you're having.
GT70 screen Brightening up automatically
Discussion in 'MSI' started by syngress, Nov 8, 2013.