I recently bought a new GT70 and when it hits certain frequencies at max volume, the speaker on the right will shake harshly. I'm not sure if this is common within the model or not because I'm not sure if I should return this or not (I already returned the last one I got for another issue).
I also think it may be the keyboard shaking from the vibration of the sound and that something may be loose in the laptop.
Classical pieces normally do it the most. Here's the song that has it the worst: Death Note- Taikutsu Extended - YouTube
If any could see if it does it on theirs? If not, I'll be returning this yet again.
EDIT: Yeah it's definitely the keyboard shaking from the volume. I put my hands over the keyboard during the song and the rattling stops.
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Is the the sub woofer causing the rattle? If the keyboard is installed correctly - as are the speakers - then the bass from turning up the volume could be causing the subwoofer to produce enough low end to cause rattling. It's possible the keyboard is not fully/properly secured either.
I turned off the sub and yeah the keyboard still rattled. It would rattle even below 50%. I figured the keyboard wasn't correctly installed so I returned it before I went over the deadline. I'm gonna order another one for the last time. Third times the charm I hope.
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Did support allude to what might be the problem?
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
With the Touchbar removed there's 5 screws revealed that hold down the top of the keyboard.There's also 2 screws on the bottom of the notebook next to the keyboard icons in the plastic that secure the keyboard.
Also while the Touchbar is off check that the speakers are fully snapped into place. -
Conveniently MSI's customer support was under going maintenance.
Taking it apart voids my warranty unfortunately and the laptop was sort of a gift. My mother actually spotted me the extra $450 to get it and if I decided to take it apart.. well I might not be able to post on here again if you get my drift. Hopefully I can get this one back soon. Class has started and working on this ol' beat up Acer is killing me.
Thanks for the support guys. This is a very nice community here. -
Sorry to bring up an old thread but I'm curious if anyone else besides the two of us are experiencing this as I'm having the exact same issue with the GT70 0nc-494us. I'm wondering if it's just the model cause as the OP mentioned the rattling only occurs on specific frequencies but it's pretty bad when it does, particularly the song they posted a link to. Can anyone else with a GT70 verify that the song the op posted does/doesn't cause their laptop to rattle like crazy?
Anybody? I should probably navigate to a msi specific forum but I'm trying my luck here first.
My barebones 1762 had this issue. I found this post and listened to the song from the OP's YouTube link - It was defiantly pretty horrible sounding. I found if i pressed firmly just above the touch bar near the right hinge the vibration pretty much went away. I ended up taking the back cover off and jammed a small piece of plastic under the sub-woofer (I used a piece of zip-tie) to keep tension between the sub-woofer enclosure and case. I still hear some slight rattling from time to time but it is most of the time unnoticeable.
umm.... 1762 owner here, I try that youtube music but seems no any significant rattle at all..... do you have your volume setting that I can redo here in my laptop (both youtube volume and realtek volume)?
sbdjaro, that's a neat little fix you got going there. I too found that pressing below the touch bar between the speaker and keyboard significantly reduced the rattling, although didn't eliminate it entirely. Also as the op mentioned resting your hand against the keys of the keyboard also reduced the rattle a bit as it seems that's where some of its coming from. It just seems odd to me that such a blaring design flaw would plague a high end laptop like this. Or maybe it's just some of them as david doesn't seem to share the same problem. That's ultimately what I'm trying to find out is if its a design flaw or I just happened to get one that's screwed up.
davidkwan, as you might imagine the rattling is at it's most extreme when both the youtube and the laptop volume is maxed out. Did you try it with your volume cranked all the way up? If not give it a go and let me know what you get. -
Prostar Computer Company Representative
We haven't received calls or any forwarded complaints/info from MSI and MSI customers, so I'm hoping it was only a particular production batch and they have since resolved it.
Received my GT70-2OD a week ago, been having this issues as well: http://forum.notebookreview.com/msi/722053-gt70-2od-buzzing-under-keyboard.html
I describe it as buzzing, or sort of electric wire's sound and this song is the worst one for me:
I try to ignore it, because I will not be able to send it for RMA for at least 2 months since im going back to russia, but I wouldn't mind finding a solution to this problem
Also, am I allowed to open the laptop, or would ripping the sticker mean that I will not be able to send it for a repair? -
Prostar Computer Company Representative
GT70 Speaker Rattle
Discussion in 'MSI' started by MidnightTundra, Jan 12, 2013.