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    GT70 444 US GPU OverClocking, SSD Installation Questions. and other questions

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by san0321, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. san0321

    san0321 Newbie

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    I am currently using GT70 444US
    CPU : i7-3630qm
    Ram 4GB X3 (DDR3)
    GPU: nvidia GTX 675m 2GB
    Windows 8, x64

    I tried to OC ("Turbo" which there is a button that OC my gpu) through MSI AfterBurner and GPU clocks and Memory Clock went up flawlessly. (620mhz -> 700mhz, 1500mhz -> 1650mhz) (no voltage changes and the following problems occur in lower OC'ed settings)
    But whenever I OC my gpu and run any games, I get random GPU usage drops. (like 99% -> 35%) and obviously the FPS plummets horrendously.
    I saw some people OC'ed GTX 675m on the internet and they say it runs without any problems.
    Is there something wrong that I am not noticing?

    and about SSD installation.
    I am thinking Samsung 840 Pro 256GB for my laptop and is this model runs flawlessly on my laptop? (I saw some discussions about SATA II and SATA III which affects SSD's speed a lot)
    And I heard many good reviews about Samsung 840 Pro series, any other models that has good reviews?

    3. Miscellaneous problems about my laptop.
    I bought this laptop about 2~3 weeks ago and I am loving my laptop.
    But I see some problems that worries me.
    about fan control and temperature, I get 90C on Far Cry 3 (without Turbo Fan mode) and 78C (with Turbo Fan mode). In other games like Saints Row : the third (84C/70C) (on flat desk setting)
    without Turbo Fan mode, I have no problem with the fan noise, but turbo Fan mode really irritates me.
    It is like an aircraft engine. I want to know how other users deal with the temperature and fan noise.

    And the last question. Does this model runs flawlessly when it is downgraded to windows 7?

    When I got this laptop, it was partitioned by GPT drives (UEFI settings) and I just wiped the disk (by deleting all the partitions) because the windows 7 CD that I had only supported MBR disks.
    After managing to install windows 7 on my laptop, I got nvlddmkm.sys BSOD whenever I "successfully" installed graphics driver (it usually happened within 1~2 minutes after I saw the desktop screens)
    I could not find any solutions that helped me, and now I am back to windows 8 which I don't get any nvlddmkm.sys BSOD.
    Plus, I used the disk to other computers and ran perfectly.
    Any suggestions or solutions to this problem?

    If you have a suggestion or a solution that might help any of my problems, Please leave some posts or comments.
    Thank you for your time.
  2. Prostar Computer

    Prostar Computer Company Representative

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    Which driver version are you using? I think the latest is 310.90 is the latest WHQL release, while there is also a BETA: NVIDIA DRIVERS 313.95BETA

    There are fairly big differences in SATA II and SATA III speeds. But as long as you use a SATA III connection (i.e., your primary bay), then there should be no problems! The 840 pro is an excellent drive, and so is the 830. Take a look into the Crucial M4 and Intel drives as well, as they're the top three contenders it seems for right now. The Corsair drives and Plextor drives deserve a degree of research and comparison as well.

    Those temps sound a bit high, even for heavy load... Is it on a flat surface; slightly raised to allow for good heat dissipation? Also, the ambient temperature plays a part in the laptop's thermal readings.

    Haven't really been able to test that first hand, but it very well should. Drivers should still work just fine with 7. The only problem these days is the occasional OA lock, but since you said you managed to get Windows 7 installed once, obviously there's no problem there.

    You might need to install the latest NVidia driver within Safe Mode. I had a problem recently as well with an older card; got a BSOD, and had to uninstall the driver, then reinstall it within Safe Mode. No BSODs afterwards. :)