I recently reinstalled my 683 using recovery mode and had started using MSI Live update. Whilst it was downloading and updating drivers ect. the computer froze so I had to power off and restart. Now it won't boot into Windows.
I have tried going back into recovery mode, safe mode and so on but nothing is working it just sits displaying the startup screen and goes nowhere.
I have downloaded a copy of Windows 7 64x and burned that to a dvd, this also fails to do anything.
Any idea what has gone wrong? I can get into the BIOS and I can get into the RAID config etc but that is all.
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
Best bet is to make sure your BIOS is not in RAID mode if it is set it to AHCI and try again. Other then that i have no idea.
Prostar Computer Company Representative
I think your hard drive is defective.
everythingsablur Notebook Evangelist
I downloaded a the Win7 ISO from Microsoft, made a bootable USB, and that also refused to boot. Frustrated and grasping at straws, playing with all kinds of RAID and BIOS configurations, different LiveBoot CDs/USB (including a couple attempts at Linux booters to try to repair things), I thought something had royally pooched itself, so I quite sadly blew away my RAID (which I thankfully had backed up the critical stuff off of prior to an RMA repair last month).
Finally, I got things going again in a RAID0 array by forcibly setting my USB drive to emulate a Hard drive (default is Auto). Once that was set, the installer took off right away, and I was up and running in a clean install of Windows 8 Pro (downloaded off another computer). Hopefully you haven't done anything drastic to your laptop since this has been a few weeks since the OP last updated. Good luck!
Now, if I could take it all back again and not nuke my RAID array, what I had hoped to do was boot into Windows 7 installer and just repair the existing install, and hope that would work. Hardware is fine (now). Drives are still reporting they are fine. It was something that LiveUpdate pushed down that was just cr*p. I'll avoid that from now on and just stick to the tried and true method of updating drivers on my own.
GT683DXR Boot Failure
Discussion in 'MSI' started by robsonalun, Sep 30, 2012.