I have a question for you guys, i did some benchmarking on my ssd (TS128GSSD25S-M). I know this ssd is not one of the best you can get, however i think mine is extremely slow...
This are the scores from as SSD benchmark (also did ATTO benchmark but no higher then the Seq on AS SSD):
click on image
I already did a secure erase, trim is enabled, achi is enabled in the BIOS. But still the same score as shown as above...
My hdd from hitachi has 125Mb/s Seq write, around 1mb/s 4K write, 4K-64Thrd is jumping from 0,2mb/s to 70-80 mb/s.
Anyone know if this are normal speeds for this SSD?
I'm glad my read speeds seems to be ok , but those write speeds mehhh.
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Well, according to this: TS128GSSD25S-M datasheet(3/38 Pages) TRANSCEND | 2.5â Solid State Disk - you're read exceeds the data sheet specs, while you're write is well below the advertised specs. Faulty firmware, perhaps?
Maybe....Is it possible to download another firmware and install it on the SSD?
P.s. Did some more benchmarking and the write speeds are different every time. Sometimes its around 85Mb/s, then a new benchmark tests gives me around 50mb/s... I really don't get it why its this different every time. -
Well, i'm going to call the store where i bought this computer for sure. Hopefullly i just can send them the SSD without having to send the whole laptop in... by the way, would the warranty been voided when i secure erased my SSD??
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Variance is normal (to a degree). After all, the specifications show what the max speeds are.
I think you're okay, but that's still quite a big variance. It's probably not faulty firmware - just not a high quality/stable drive (I don't mean that it's unstable; just that it's benchmarks aren't congruent or very consistent).
It ships with firmware v1210, so if you have that version (you can check in Device Manager and then select the properties for the drive) then you can try contacting Transcend to ask about a potential firmware update. I was only able to find product sheets on their download page ( Welcome to the Transcend Info Website) -
I think you are right
. The best thing to do is just leave it (because the read speeds are quite good, thats what is it all about
) and just buy a new one in about a month or so. I was looking at some samsung SSD's and they are quite nicely priced for the specs, around 150 Dollar.
I got 2 more questions for you though:
- Is it possible to stick in a SATA 6gb/s SSD? I read on some forums it is possible, however i want to be 100% sure before buying an Sata 6Gb/s SSD.
- Is it normal the computer lags sometimes when i'm installing a game? I think this lag is also caused by the SSD because its running on 100% when
i'm installing a game. When i'm installing a game on my HDD then its all running smooth.
Thanks in advance!! -
Prostar Computer Company Representative
The later standards are backwards compatible with earlier SATA revisions, but I've read that some OEMs intended to upgrade the host connectors. I would double check with MSI just to play it safe (unless someone else here knows for certain). Generally speaking though, SATA III will work with SATA II connections, but connecting a SATA III drive to a SATA II port will cause the drive to run at SATA II speeds.
Not sure what's causing your lag issue. Maybe the jumpy write speed? Or perhaps the CPU can consistently push more data to the SSD since it doesn't have to wait on it for spin up, so the processor is being dedicated more towards throughput/data copy (just throwing out ideas though).
Have fun! And you're welcome. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Get yourself an Intel/Samsung/Crucial SSD, the GT683 does have a couple of SATA III ports, so you will get full speed
Since this machine is pre super raid, both SATA III ports are routed one each to the internal bays so it does not matter which it goes in. -
@Prostar Computer, Thanks for the info, i was going to mail MSI. But then I saw the post from Meaker so i guess i'll be save to put in a ssd sata 6gb/s and get the maximum speed out of it
. About the lag story, it's over... I reinstalled windows and now no more lag, maybe some apps start a little bit slower but i'm ok with that for now.
@Meaker Thanks for the brands you put in your post. Next year I will get one of those SSD's, first I need to get some money and look in some reviews which one has the best performance for the $$$.
Another question thats not SSD related. In the manual from this laptop it says I can wake up the computer from sleep by pressing either the power button, the keyboard or the touchpad. They are right about the power button, though the other 2 doesn't work at all. I checked everything in power options, hardware and sound in the control panel, but all were good (all boxes are checked "Allow this device to wake up the computer). It's not a big deal, because i can wake it up via either the powerbutton or the external mouse, but it would be nice if i can wake it up also with the keyboard (touchpad isnt really needed).
Prostar Computer Company Representative
You might need a chipset update, if you didn't already update it. Could be a firmware problem though.
All my drivers are up to date including the chipset ones. I can wake up the computer by a usb mouse/keyboard, it looks like the computer is not providing any current to the onboard keyboard and touchpad. Maybe anyone else with a msi laptop can check up if their computer will wake up from sleep by pressing a key on the onboard keyboard?
I just cannot believe this would be a firmware issue... -
Waitttt.....Maybe i know why it isn't turning on when pressing the keyboard. The msi guys placed the wrong manual (or just were lazy to make a new one
) on the gt683dxr download page.
I noticed in that the gt680 manual that the battery indicator LED should be turning blue if its on low usage. So i let drain my laptop to low usage, but no blue LED. So i was like what the heck is going on here...
Went through some other manuals with the same motherboard as my gt683dx has (ms16f2), and suprise suprise almost all manuals were the same (all from the gt680). So i decided to take a look at the gx780's manual and i think that one does better fit with the gt683dxr:
I found a good ssd (i think), its the crucial m4 128. I'll hope to buy it soon.
When it arrived i'm going to fresh install windows8. I can get windows 8 free from school so i'll hope this ssd will be better then the stock one.
Prostar Computer Company Representative
AnandTech - Bench - SSD -
Hey, I forgot to place it here but it has become another SSD LOL! I just bought the samsung 830 series (128GB). I think for the 25 dollar more it will be a better SSD
Prostar i send you a private mail btw -
Prostar Computer Company Representative
The 830 is excellent. That same link I provided has a drop down menu where you can compare the 830 to the m4, if you like. It's quite resourceful!
GT683DX with a bad SSD?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by WonderTiger, Dec 19, 2012.