The Notebook Review forums were hosted by TechTarget, who shut down them down on January 31, 2022. This static read-only archive was pulled by NBR forum users between January 20 and January 31, 2022, in an effort to make sure that the valuable technical information that had been posted on the forums is preserved. For current discussions, many NBR forum users moved over to after the shutdown.
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    GT680R Keyboard problem

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by murphey1965, Sep 20, 2011.

  1. murphey1965

    murphey1965 Notebook Consultant

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    Hi seem to be having a weird problem with my laptop , when i go into browsing the page wont let me scroll up even if i try and hold the page with the mouse and scroll it just flickers and stays where it is , if i then play with the arrow keys or pg up it clears the problem , but then starts again minutes later , the keys do not seem to be sticking , have disabled the tracking mouse as thought that might be the prob but made no difference , is this a common problem or a new one .
    Thanks in advance .