I am just wondering what are differences between GT660 and GX660, and what is the latest gaming laptop from MSI so far thanks
The GT663 will be more akin to compete with GX660, since the HD5870 is more powerful than both 460m and 285m overall, but 460m is really on par with DX11 features.
So in the end, choose which GPU you would like, and then go for it. If you go nvidia, I strongly advise to get the 460m, better than 285m in everything with extra features. -
but what i dont get it yet when it will be unveiled!
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
GT X 460m. A hypothetical GT 460m would be weaksauce.
And it looks like there ain't no Optimus, I fear. Oh well. There's netbooks for battery life and mobility, haha. -
The Nvidia card may have more features in DX11, but the ATI cards can play games on higher settings. There the best bang for the buck
Does the GT have GDDR5 RAM like the GX or GDDR3 ram still? -
The thing is with the fermi tech, well i think the 480m uses all the hardware for tesselating etc where as the ati, say 5870 actually runs with individual, dedicated facilities.
how do you compare the speaker for new Asus G73JW to MSI 660??
which one gives a loud authentic sound? -
I don't believe the Jw will have a much improved sound over the Jh, but I may be wrong.
If your a sound lover MSI stomps all over the Asus in that department. Its too bad Best Buy doesn't sell a form of the MSI so you can check it out, but it is a big difference.
Not just the built in speaker system but the sound card allows for true 5.1 via the analog out. So you can truly enjoy sound solo via a nice 5.1 headset or you can hook it up to your 5.1 speaker system at your desk. -
The GX640 has a 7.1 card and it makes really good sound(best with BF:BC2)! Works perfect with the logitech G35 7.1 surround sound headset. -
It does allow a 7.1 option in the config so i would assume it would work however the G35 headset does not use the sound card and is not analog.
With that said the GX640 also has analog output available to multiple channels and would run a analog system great as well. You'll notice you have 4 color coded plugs for your audio. The Asus only has 1 for headset and 1 for Mic. -
They work really well and better than I thought possible(better than my real 5.1 system(not headset))!
Not only can you hear left, right, front, back, in between, but also up and down.
I wish you could hear how good it is or do you have one?(play BF:BC2 with them) -
If the 660 series has 4 ports in total it will/should hopefully feature 7.1 analogue out aswell as tos-link (optical) and coaxial (If thats the right spelling).
I'd still prefer a good set of surround speakers since the headsit can only emulate with different drivers from the left and right side of your head, although granted i've heard some pretty amazing stuff before with emulated surround sound. -
I bought a set of turtle beach HPA2's because it is analog and I wanted to take advantage of the sound card of this machine. It does not emulate with drivers as does the G35. However, I'm not bashing the G35 I have heard it and it does sound great.
The question was comparing the Asus G73jw vs the GX660 however and I think we can all agree the MSI wins in the sound department.
GT660 vs GX660
Discussion in 'MSI' started by JoshTexax, Sep 18, 2010.